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john p green Dec 2016
Rest will always greet us.
And at times unprepared.
When those times we know
Are near...
Do we thank the times arrival?
Or simply wallow in despair.
For its not a matter of life.
Or how one has lived,
Suffered or shared.
Once we finally realize.
Then we're there.
Written a few years ago-3/5/2012
john p green Jul 2020
It's neither right nor scorned,
It's finding your light to pour.
john p green Mar 2021
I dare not got about.
For a fright may follow me out.
The deepest door to abhor.
New blights cast net ashore.
john p green May 2016
The more the illusion
I choose.
The more the truth
I lose.
john p green Feb 2021
The dark engines teased me they did.
Knew of past slips and crevacies
Started with taunts, long sorrowful sips.
Showed cemented souls in dank pits.
john p green Oct 2019
Why to belie anxieties cry?
Either way suffers tis said.
Now lay lace atop head.
Turn bout, dare to defie.
Stare underneath and try.
Overreaching may tread.
john p green May 2016
my words
in lower case
they became
john p green Aug 2024
I stared at my own heart today.
Pulled a lost and found.
Only to better the way.
Link me to the ground.
Life's beat crying aloud.
So when I lift forever one day.
Marking the spirit's rebound.
Know I'll wear a lighted crown.
john p green Feb 2016
Good writes
Neither wrong nor right
Seep to seize reaction
john p green Nov 2015
Look into my look and you see Sunyata
Try to govern and you will simply dry up
If I extend my limbs full forward
Will you know they're not your own
For there are no masquerades thrown
Here one simply uncovers over there
Seems all you solicit is to atone
Make me your parallel, I've offered
john p green Oct 2021
Grey naked in sand.
Fears rear up again.
Second glance stand.
Eyes shuffle inside.
Free emotional landslide.
Can in dark be realized.
john p green Oct 2019
Just try perpendicular flips to a worn out trick.
You'll serve out masks with firecracker dip.
Bouncy about stringing blessings to fright.
Our naughty spinster's handled mostly delight.
john p green Sep 2020
Man, don't get me down!
Many a years never around.
Call that showmanship dribble?
Or passing insults to nibble...
In prelude of plowing a frown.
john p green Dec 2016
Just happened to walk away.
Could never forecast an uncertain temper.
Nor another misguided fearful stare.
Days cough aloud, nights warm my grave.
I will laugh with ease.
john p green Jan 2016
There will be too little to begin
I'll just keep stuttering, stuttering, muttering
Hand me a token take them chances
Maybe you'll light up marble glances
Even ignite a doublefold tear release
Watch out as wooden grip splinters ease
All the humdrum, same song bouting out again, again.
No win, no win
There will now be a little to resind
Clattering tokens burn to reclaim
Minds broken needle from its skip
john p green Apr 2016
When do I decide not to?
Is it my choice or merely a ride?
Thou shalt grant thy wishes.
Or merely reside within.
Sometimes too many questions.
Haunting you till the end.
Because just for that reason.
That reason simply put.
Let bygones be bygones.
Or another drag from cigarette.
At this point not quite sure.
Could be nonsense or...
Or... possibly the closure.
Let's not fantasize.
Or even be false in nature.
Simply let yourself realize.
You are you and you and...
john p green Nov 2016
Maybe it's to late
To start.
Surely I haven't
Lost my angle.
Yet here I sit,
I'm in fact escaping.
Using this dumb
*** pen.
To leave my mark.
john p green Nov 2015
Might I describe with a slightly cracked mind that simple act of coping with the tiny fact of how I must not over react knowing I might become blind while waiting for that abstract moment to arise whereas I am entitled to act highly surprised when you finally dial back...
Aye! I lost track.
john p green Apr 2016
Don't wanna go to sleep.
That would mean waking up.
john p green Nov 2015
Never broken
Quick to wake
Nor will I falter
I simply won't shake
Oh! Rustle me such
As much you so please
For I forever stand tall
Rising above dis-ease
Cradling new heights
Do forget and reach me
john p green Mar 2016
Can you tell me your secret?  When can I tell you mine? Who decides?  Which daemon resides when you are that chosen vessel and can not speak.  While it watches you and attempts to play.  Was I there for you or simply that pawn to ******.  Do it and I dare not taunt.
john p green Jan 2016
If one can reach without strain and absorb any words no matter the matter for timing is in losing it altogether sinking into the puddle breaking reflections and with no ease reaching bottom to swallow it all..hmm?
john p green Apr 2016
Can dignity befriend me as I gasp?
Will you forgive knowing my past?
Fearing this gasp will be the last.
Will forever always haunt me?
Or simply grant me trespass.
john p green Aug 2016
A poet's words, so deeply veiled, can be truly awakened by imagination's levels of resuscitation.
john p green Oct 2015
As I look to the sky my fellow
Simply seeing orange and yellow
Yet blue and white and dreams from a height
Those faces you canter and the ever changing dancers
Are you also there now?
Wishing, wishing, wishing
For that perfect cloud
Which a sunrise or set
Shall make you realize
Don't hesitate before one dissapates
For what then shall you do?
If no other comes for you
See my friend it's all fleeting
So shall one grasp in thy mind?
Or simply forgo till another time?
john p green Oct 2015
What will that trigger be? Do you dare ask? Or simply claim and take the walk. Not so easy after all. Learning how to fall let alone crawl. Till you can finally see.
john p green Oct 2015
Can we escape to a place
Where thoughts escape?
And once there...
Will we be free?
Or merely desire
To think once again?
john p green Oct 2015
Whats that mean when those who shadow you
Come and call you?
Doesn't even scrape near.
Those fears, answers or aplogies
I choose, not you, to draw near
So basically ...stay the hell clear.
john p green Oct 2015
Don't whisper to yourself
An echo may occur
Drawing those thoughts
Which can overwhelm
Or merely be bypassed
So do we listen?
Take a chance
What's the problem?
john p green Dec 2015
Hold on there just a sec
Why don't I give it a ponder?
For you seem to understand
Noticing how I do look yonder

Just another chance to go astray
So should I then look your way?
Go on ahead with that gander
Let's just see, what the heck!

Yet there's no way I can solve it
And mainly due to that presence
Still hiding those pieces from me
Gently lying them at your feet

Have a small favor, do I dare?
When all's finished my I peak?
My hands not meant to unravel
Thanks to you tasks complete

All right, so let's get on with it
See if this justifies that wait
Now quite the impact you leave
Finding out that presence is me!
john p green Oct 2015
Dancing blindly tiptoeing through the luminescent moonlight
A star catches your eyes bewilderment ensues
Flutters and shakes awaken your senses
Smells of florals and pine tickle your nose
Your feet crunch upon deadening leaves
And suddenly you feel that sweet calming whisper
Nature calls you beckons you to that tiny stream
And your toes bask in true purity
It's only you and your sublime happiness
What else do you need?
john p green Apr 2016
Dancing blindly tiptoeing through the luminescent moonlight
With Starcatchers eyes your bewilderment ensues
Flutters and skakes awaken your senses
Smells of florals and pine tickle your nose
Your feet crunch upon deadening leaves
And suddenly you feel that sweet calming whisper
Nature beacons you back into that tiny stream
As your toes bask in true purity
It's only you and your sublime happiness
What else do you need
Collaboration with my dear friend Syreeta.
john p green Nov 2015
Don't push away those who you claim you love!
Don't share stories about someone else
Unless you also you also explain
And rat out your own self!
Everyone has faults it's not one sided!
I suppose as soon as we get that truth
We're probably never to old to learn things, right?
john p green Jan 2016
If you make me make believe
Will then my unrealistic life
Harbor an ounce of belief?
john p green May 2020
It took fragile miles drawn from wrong.
To erupt and lay claim.
Alignment painfully gone.
Grinding piled teeth along the way.
Around infected perimeters rim. Contenders bid humanity's stay.
Aloud, each crowd bewildered.
Will announce the lost each day.
john p green Jan 2016
Simply seeking solace in bouncing thoughts
Feeling warmth in that cold rock
Characterizing an uncharacteristic dribble
Watching it flow with no discourse
Or even disguising a movement to share
A leaf finds its mark now one wagers thought
Dogs bark rattles empty can in alleyway
Moonlight disects that churning in passerbys charts
While blowing winds shift around reason
Heavy hearts languish at the next whistle stop
Many will board to simply stare back
At others who dare when not to park
john p green Mar 2016
Empty box
Raised right hand
john p green Oct 2015
Even collapsing channels
Won't prevent our minds funnels
For it seems unclear
Somewhat touching
Our dearest fears
Touching what?
Or do you dare?
Place yourself alone?
Till you crawl back home
Guess what? I'll be there!
john p green Nov 2015
Can't relate!
Simply don't!
Got issues?
Well choke!
All's free.
Free here.
Bygones be.
Really? That?
Don't tease...
How dope!
Go ahead.
Just try.
We'll see.
Any plans?
Hang tight.
True journey.
No ticket.
No sound.
Ask why?
Dare ask?
Not first.
Maybe last.
john p green Oct 2015
Realization has a clammy palm
Does not matter right or wrong
Don't be too decisive
Just follow and gather yourself
For you ARE! And that is all
Realize, Emphasise and do it_
Not much more to say
You can nod, I'll walk your way
Only question...will I do you good?
john p green Nov 2015
I'm mystified by the clothing you wear
With each wrinkle appears another tear
Is this a purposeful way to express
How shattered another day begins?
Can I too learn from those around?
Oh! And what color does resound
You make it seem so light and free
Feel like catching a butterfly
So I can place upon your shoulder
I truly mean you no harm now
Please try not to shy away dear
For simply wait and you'll see!
This magical wonder will heal thee!
john p green Oct 2016
When I cannot
You breath me
out loud.
Cause my soul
to blink.
Pulling free
from the crowd.
john p green Nov 2015
Happened once, just that chance
As we twriled round, simple dance
Can we never let arms let go
A plain and simple matter
All should surely know
That union simply can't compare
Was it my eager imagination
The taste of your essence flows
As that flower blossoms before me
john p green Jan 2016
Place fingers
Against mirror
Drawing out
Who is
And if
Oh yeah
I fail
You die
I die
No more
Is what
Will not

— The End —