Long since being a kid, he dismissed his parent bought toys
The Tonka truck and football, they were just for boys
He rummaged through his mums cupboard, tried on her high heels
Feeling taller and more ladylike, he loved the way they feel
Putting on lipstick once, he was bullied in the school yard
The lads all gathered round, throwing sticks and a plastic bollard
Crying in the boys toilets, not knowing what he'd done wrong
Mrs Miller came in with an arm, humming a lovely song
Gathering strength, momentum and a new face
It's a life I want to live, even if I'm now called Grace
As this is the way I want to be forever,
Diamonds are for Trevor
I was dating a transvestite, and my mother said, "Marry him, you'll double your wardrobe." - Joan Rivers
I just look like a transvestite when I try to dress up. There's no place to hide my *****. - Sarah Silverman
It ***** to be a boy having his period - Anon