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 Jul 2013 Jodie Bee
Jack Piatt
I don’t have the kind of time
It takes to iron out the blanket
Covering the world
Captured inside this tenuous dream
The light slides through too easily
As the sun does to a white summer dress
That’s been weakened
By too many turns in the dryer
Trying to discover you
Is parallel to discovering
The soft side of a rabid bear
That’s lost its taste for honey
The world sighs deeply
From time to time
If you take the time
To lay your ear on its chest
Feel it coughing inside
Like a skeleton water slide
If only you knew
The world has the oldest
(Largest) broken heart
Ever recorded in the measurable universe
It cries backwards
Outside in
Yeah, you guessed it …
The rain
Nothing but liquid pain
Being coughed out as clouds
Then pulled back in
By the gravity of aching
Pulsating at the core
A myopic glare back at the stars
Tip toeing around up there
Trying not to wake the broken one below
If only they had known
There is no sleep
For the truly burdened of heart
Only daydreaming
*(even at night)
(c) July 2013
 Jul 2013 Jodie Bee
 Jul 2013 Jodie Bee
Sometimes I see a little boy,
In a blue and yellow striped shirt,
In the corner of my eye.
He told me he is a lost spirit,
And that I was to adopt him.
The boy did not remember his name,
He only knew that he was four.
So I tried to call him timothy.
He gave me a headache,
He does not like the name Timothy,
He prefers Collin.
Sometimes he is in my dreams,
And he asks me to sing to him.
He cries when I sing church songs.
And he cries when I smoke or light a candle.
I think he died in a church.
I think he died in a fire.
Poor Collin.
Sometimes he just watches me.
And he sings a little song.
"The wind moves the tree.
And I move too.
But what moves me?
That is up to you."
Poor Collin.
Other stories about Collin can be found in the collection "Son", which you can find if you look in the notes down below.
 Jul 2013 Jodie Bee
LD Goodwin
Wake up!
Gotta ride!
Stretch Piriformis
Crawl out of bed
My God my hair!
Cold water in the face!
I can do this, I’ve done it before
One egg fried,
One piece of toast,
One bowl of granola,
One cup of courage w/ cream and brown sugar.
Do something with that hair!
Drink more liquids
I’m awake now,
walk out into the heat
It’s 8am and 75 degrees already
Go back in and fill an extra bottle
Got my Fig Newton’s
Got my Shot Blocks
Got my senses
Air up, 110 in front, 120 in back
Check brakes
Do I freewheel?
I need to clean this ride someday
What time is it?
I gotta **** again
You ready to go Dude?
Helmet on,
Gloves and glasses
Let’s go!
Ride “rollers” for the first 15 miles or so then…
Hit the hill from hell
Drink all your water now, you won’t be able to once you start climbing.
6-8 % grade  
Cat 2-3
Only a few miles long, but seems like forever
It’s like standing still
2-3 miles and hour grind
Gotta stand up now and then, my Piriformis are killing me
So steep you pop little wheelies with every stroke if you sit too far back on the bike
hands sweating through the gloves making it hard to hold on to the hoods
Grip the shifters so tight your hands get just as tired as your legs
Up and out of the saddle now,
rocking the hill, and dancing on the pedals
Glad to see false tops
Catch a breath or two
Hairpin curves so sharp I can see myself coming and going
No “circle back" rule on this hill.
Car passing by asks, “You fixin' to climb 'at dare hill?'”
Cows look at me as if I am crazy
Your mind says no
Your body says no
You say yes…. It’s just one stroke after another
90 degree heat now.
Thank God for the shade
Nothing you do after this will be as hard
But this is harder than anything you've ever done
Your body will remember what happens today
You are in oxygen deprivation the whole hill
You can't talk
You take breaths so big that your you hear your ribs creak and find their place.
You can't take your hands off the handlebar
You can't stop, you'll go down
If you stop you have to go back down to get clipped in to come back up
Your sunglasses are fogging up from the heat
You stop thinking about everything, except how to get up this hill
And then it hits you….. I am going to do this!
I am going to climb this ******* hill!
There is the top!
****, I am going to do this!

And for awhile, just as you come over the summit,
You imagine you're
wearing a polka dotted jersey,
and pretty French girls are handing you flowers,
and a cute stuffed animal,
and are kissing you on the cheek.

Then you ride the other 15 or so miles home,
take a shower, eat a bowl of pasta.
And go to work at the mall selling bicycles
to customers who have no idea
that you just gracefully climbed
a Cat 2-3 hill
in 90 degree heat,
at 61 years old

Harrogat,TN July 2013
 Jul 2013 Jodie Bee
It's just a drink
Batting eyelashes
Stuck in the headlights of your bullheaded vehicle
I should expect road **** but my legs stand trembling
The rev of your engine
Your cigarette smoke threatening me with its twisted claws
Your words are as empty as the fog
That creates our love
That should've been aborted when you first held me in your arms

It's too short for all of this
I watched you lag your dusty luggage across desolate lands
Zion seemed as close as your face the night we decided to look at each other for the very first time
Zion my river
My albatross
Yes I walked atop your river
And found your empty bottles floating around my ankles instead

Ill trade you my legs if
Helps you stand
As proud as the podium I know
Exists for you
And my god
I love you
Please believe me again

If the sky looks too scary
I know honey brown eyes
Glazed hams that remind me of  dinners
And talk that was as fake as the branches on our immortal Christmas tree limbs
The three sharp spokes in my fork seem better fitting for veins and empty palms
Then this plate floating on a table of balled up fists and brittle finger nails

Find your rooftop and yell my name
Ill extend my fingers like vines
Crawl down me
Lay me on the floor
Our shallow breathing will find its way through our lungs again
Don't apologize my darling
My purpose
Zion is this sidewalk we're sprawled across the day I thought you found salvation in the sidewalks menacing cracks
This blood never did me any good until I felt your chest beat life into me
I tell you
I said
I tell you
I cried
We don't have to speak any more
We'll rock to the sway of the mellow breeze and find our balance when our eyes find one another's

I tell you
I cried

My body never had a better purpose
 Jul 2013 Jodie Bee
Let's build a fort out
of pillows and blankets
and holey sheets and stuffed
animals and couch cushions.

Let's go climb some trees
and jump in a strangers
pond with all of our clothes
still on.

Let's go catch the fireflies
in the middle of an open
field on the  hottest
night in July.

Let's dance around campfires
and drink until we fall over
into the grass.

Let's fall asleep in the dewy
green as we look up at the
stars trying to figure out our future.

Let's stay this way forever,
let's never grow old,
let's grow young together.
I live in one of those small
mostly untainted towns
not trendy, just funky and innocent
the kind that’s becoming rara villa en terra.
No Starbucks.

But modern winds bring dust and particles
from larger cities around.
They have infected our fauna
which are morphing before our eyes.

Last week I was at the pond
where the deer come to drink at dusk
and my heart broke.

There was that huge seven-point whitetail buck
the one I so admired
huge, taut and fast
but instead of hooves
he was trod with Goodyear offroad tires.
He saw me see him
and embarrassed turned and sped away into the trees
leaving rubber treadmarks in the loam.
We call ourselves poets
We're not the best
Yet we gather together
Might disagree sometimes
But one poem later
Everything is alright
Welcome to Hello Poetry
Where friends are made
And Enemies are forgotten
Lost somewhere in the echo
Our words tend to **** them in
I was bored. Don't judge me! Lol!
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