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 Jul 2013 Jodie Bee
Anna Young

No, no, please, don’t touch me-
Oh your hands are so
Don’t make me miss you
Make me love you
Make me care for you.
No, no, please, don’t reach for my hand-
Oh your touch is so real.
I would rather stand in front of a
Train and let its wheels
Imprint themselves on my body
Of you on my heart.
We meet at this one point in
Our lives intersecting.
I will continue on straight while you
Curve away with your life in your
Hands as well as my love.
No, no, please, don’t let go-
Oh the air is so cold.
Can you stop time?
No, reverse it.
Make it rewind, let the tape whir and whip
As I pull away and you withdraw
Your steady gaze
And are pushed back
Make it so I never have to know, so I will
Never think about you now.
I really would rather to never
Have loved but
You make it so hard.
No, no, where are you going? Please, don’t walk away-
Oh the silence is so lonely.
No, no, please don’t turn your back, but don’t turn around-
Oh your footsteps break my heart
As life carries you away, clutching you in its
No, no, please, don’t disappear-
Oh the isolation is so painful,
Unlike your touch and your words.
No, no, please, let me hold onto your memory-
Oh the emptiness is so comforting.
 Jul 2013 Jodie Bee
Jeremy Bean
No woes for your misfortune
a lock that has no key
all the lies youve been forcing
no longer affect me
the words you speak are hollow
when your actions contradict
I refuse to follow
your endless line of ****
unwilling to sacrifice
left me to pay the price
done so out of spite
without a way to make it right

but I suppose its my fault
because I chose to care
rubbing the wound with salt
reaching for love that isnt there
 Jul 2013 Jodie Bee
Mike Hauser
Say, can you hear it...the sound of silence
Spoken of by poets before our time
Sung in song to the masses
Given meaning inside the rhyme

I take it in...the sound of silence
And give to it a needed home
Away from the noise of this generation
A place that it can call its own

It whispers thanks...the sound of silence
Then goes and sleeps off in a corner
Where it is the sound of silence
Can't be bothered anymore
 Jul 2013 Jodie Bee
Louise Glück
The great thing
is not having
a mind. Feelings:
oh, I have those; they
govern me. I have
a lord in heaven
called the sun, and open
for him, showing him
the fire of my own heart, fire
like his presence.
What could such glory be
if not a heart? Oh my brothers and sisters,
were you like me once, long ago,
before you were human? Did you
permit yourselves
to open once, who would never
open again? Because in truth
I am speaking now
the way you do. I speak
because I am shattered.
I have not slept in days.
Today marks somewhere
between one to two weeks
Where I have not found rest.

I have seen the sun rise
And seen the sun set
More times than I would like.
I've seen the bright light of
The Luxor from the strip,
Shining into the night sky,
A beam to the stars that I have
Daydreamed of following -
Maybe then I'd find
A nice place to rest.

But I've grown restless
Trapped in this ****** city,
Where sin is encouraged
And fuels the economy,
And I don't want to be here

I have seen the neighbors through my window,
Few pulling into their driveways
At the crack of dawn,
While others leave at the same time.
The same woman across the street,
She steps onto her front steps
Desheveled, hair a mess
Takes a seat and lights a cigarette
Every morning at 6 am.

I have memorized the textured ceiling,
The wood lines of my dresser,
The precise timing of the air conditioning,
And the time that my family wakes up.
They prepare breakfast for themselves,
Knowing that I am asleep,
And leave just a few hours later.

I suppose this shouldn't be
much of an issue -
It's summer, after all.
But I have not found rest.

Even when school was in session,
I never got more than a few hours,
And I survived just fine in the day
But now I get nothing,
Zero, zip.

And nothing makes sense.
And everything moves
In slow motion.
And my thoughts are intrusive.
And nothing makes sense.
And I'm paranoid
Of nothing at all
And nothing makes sense.
And I just want to rest.
Someone teach me how to sleep because I seem to have forgotten how that works.
 Jul 2013 Jodie Bee
 Jul 2013 Jodie Bee
she keeps saying I'm beautiful

I don't believe her.

I believe my proana friends.
they understand.
My dear,  do not fear
The bitter and sweet words you hear.
Do not fear to fall in love with Moet
Yes, Moet the wanderlust poet
For it is best to fall in love with poets
Who are never short of sweet words
Sweet words from the heart
And not from the throat.
Whoever says never fall in love with a poet is a liar
Because a poet is the best comforter and lover like me from Nigeria.

— The End —