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 May 2015 Joanny Sanchez
This Is Life
And I am 30

You may be older or younger

I can tell you human beings share many things
We seek a purpose
Most all of us want to live in peace
And love each other

Most all people love the earth
And respect the earth

We seek a way to make a living
Where we can benefit others in some way

We recognize that material possessions will not last

What does last?
What are the most important qualities the human should have?

I would say to love others
To forgive others

There is too much hate in the world
Let us live with love in our hearts

We are the human race
We live on earth
A planet that orbits the sun
In the milky way galaxy
Isn't that amazing?

But our human race is in trouble
Wars across the globe
Economies on the verge of collapse

Examine yourself
Who you are
And what you stand for

How would you like others to remember you?

The impact we have on others

The people we have inspired or assisted
In their life journey

Will be written into our memories
High pitched, the musical shriek of your voice
causes my ears to
A river forms, an ocean follows.
Fall to the floor and here I lie hollow.

You’ve killed me, don’t you see
the blood was life and now it’s gone.
must be your name you're
what I’ve wanted all along.
Soulful skies
Painful cries
All that surrounds me is your deep brown eyes

Skin to skin
Paper and pen
All i can do is kiss you again

Black hearts
Painted red
All the beautiful things scream in my head

Dandelions and roses
Pulled through your brown hair
All i can do is stare

Dont let go
Im deathly afraid to swim alone
All i want is to hold you close

Heavy breathing
Against my hearts rapid beating
All i need is your love to shelter me

Caring eyes
With promising lies
All i can see is clear blue skies

Sunsets and sunrise
We watch the sun as it dies
All i need is you and your soulful deep brown eyes

— The End —