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Joseph Martinez Jul 2011
simple pleasures
of the night

bound in opaque blur
simple pleasures of company

small talk

portraits of wavering morality
pleasure of thought and silent contemplation
pleasure of the stirring midnight road
wound together in startling harmony
pleasures of touch, scent and fleshy wounds
pleasures in the dual-nature-bound isness & wobbling on it's own axis as memories align to dreams of pure being
transitional pleasure of lifetime excitement
constant pull of inward motion onward through
toppling out into the very stew of existence
lapping up and latching onto stony shoreline basking in radiant glow of the sun
praying for the gentle continuum of moments disengaged

O' Once!

& O' May it go further still!

til' total evaporation of conscious boundaries erected in vain


meandering backward in hollow corridors
with only the waxing yellow glow of the idol,
the specter which stalks the air
& who clutches falsely at ambient essence
& becomes thrown down through the passage
exposed wholly and beautifully delusional before the feet of the undeniable mountains
Joseph Martinez Mar 2011
Once I dreamt in black and white
no subtle shades of gray

Then came the ebb and flow of things
& swept in the chaotic, turning tide
I watched-helplessly involved

My eyes collided in pools of dismal times
& beheld, as gravity changed
my subtle precepts rearranged

With strange significance, I watched
my passing world of dualisms die

& freedom realized in the gray smear of vision
black and white had never been
Joseph Martinez Apr 2016
Don’t you want to
Achieve the vision
He said with eyes
So crystal blue
We can see it
Written on your
Face I sense
No connection
To these people
We can all be
Top performers
If we elevate
One another
Hey your onions
Cut too small
This is me
Elevating you
I smell onions
And tortillas
And vegetables
Oil dishwater
Carbon on the
Grill top scrapings
She has got some
Vague expectation
Written on her smear
Life is like a
Postage stamp
Her makeup is
Too thick crossing
Over leopard print
Tattoo underneath
Her left arm
Message managers
Are wondering what’s
Wrong with you
My gentle restaurateur
You and your wife
Are wondering why
A child this June
Another restaurateur
A new store opens
Every two days
Like a virus spreading
Smiles of cold blue skin
I dreamt last night
My breathless image
Of being caught
Inside an elevator
Of an old casino
I was parked on the
28th floor security
Was out to get me
I want to be
The tired reason
Your brand new magic
The dream you
Don’t wake up from
I want to fall into
Flesh disappearing
From the white spots
Of your eyes
No sounds heard
Settling in your head
Spread out among
The cold far reaches
Of your yesses
Coagulate like
Hot black venom
In your fingers
Be drawn into
The cracked corners
Of your lips like
Raised beds of
Cacti in the sun
Holy stolen
In your boots
I am no sinner
Cast me thru the
Farmlands of the
Black seed
I am going
Home to where
Your eagle’s waiting
Eyes of plenty
Vines that
Creep among
The tangled people
In their fever dream
Announcing lampshade
Shadows holding
Form from in the
Broken molding
Here I watch my
Not-self wonder
At the wretched
Timeline of reactionary
Tired old mothers
Wandering up the stairs
To their misfortunes
Glasses brought back
Full of orange juice and water
I am drawn upon
A silver second
Lost into a fog
She is obvious in
The way that she is leaving
I am almost out of
Oatmeal and songs
Silver for my floors
Time evaporates
This instant
Like a clean and subtle
Memory of everything
You say or do or wake to
All your riches and your fables
Are a lamb sworn
Into custody
Of the same slate asylum
Battered boats near docks
Knocking water
Into snake holes
Wandered under
Painted bridges
Holding no collapse
Spending hours and days
Washed up on drowsy
Shoreline nettles
Chipping flint stone fire
Extinguished under floodlights
Joseph Martinez Nov 2015
You leave the dingy room 333 and walk
Out onto ***** honeycomb patterned carpet stretching
Down the infinite hall towards an open door
Where the housekeeper’s cart is parked
She emerges from behind the stacks of folded towels and ***** blankets
Body younger than it looks somehow she’s smiling in wrinkles of a sunken, toothless mouth
yet underneath the image is an original warmth untouched by a thousand years of junk
You say hello in passing and then onward down the steps covered with plastic
The ***** yellow carpet stains so worn they’ve become part of the design
A window overlooks a courtyard where junkies lay nodding in the sun
The girl at the front desk eyes you half suspicious as you slip out the door and into streets
of Denver where mountains loom in distant vistas obscured by skyscrapers
appearing as solemn watchers uncorrupted, beckoning some strange recognition
You remember your friend saying that the mountains play tricks, cast illusions
Stories of weary travelers confounded by the mountains, lost for days
Weather changing rapidly as buildings rising new construction in the city
You walk past the capital, past the U.S. mint, past the park where bums sleep or stare blankly
Openly with eyes dark as Moroccan hashish looking for a point of entry
A word you missed, a fumbled thought, a dropped coin
This will happen:
You will lock eyes with a man sitting on the cement, his hand gently resting
On an old rusted toolbox
He calls you over, more incantation than command
Says he’s got what you need
He opens up the box and calls you closer
A box of uncut crystals shining in the high altitude
He smiles with a jagged and decayed knowing
You decline yet something insists you need these crystals
These stolen gypsy gems somehow imbued with meaning
Glittering in the sunlight in the park in the old worn out face like chewed leather
Glistening like the clear air rising up above the smell of **** and water seared meat and *****
You walk among the blind alleys where junkies shift and shuffle like shadows rearranging
They themselves part of the scenery, part of the alley backdrop and rattling train track sounds
You’re passing by and one calls out: “Don’t let ‘em tell ya I didn’t say live your life, son”
You look back and see a huddled shadow tying off beside a chain link fence
He’s looking right at you with perfect insect calm, features out of focus, dull and grey
You pass the scene in silence and feel the eyes of hunger casting subliminal fuzz down the alley
At midnight you will drink tequila in your room and hear the endless car noise of the city
While you sit smoking out the window staring at the brick wall and down into the alley below
Where windows of the hostel open up and your friend said once there was a woman
In the opposite room ******* and he took off all his clothes and they stood naked
Looking at one another from opposite windows but he never went across the hall to meet her
You will laugh and be amazed and get drunk
As the driving beat of car stereos, bass and hip-hop incantations rise up through the splintered window frame yellow like decay
You’ll sit out on the street corner smoking
A gigantic hash joint
Passing it back and forth
Denver’s finest
As you listen to the shrill harmony
Of the corner night club filled with glitter and women and alcohol all spilling out into the streets
& you will watch them all go running, howling, yelling, screaming, laughing, *******, and
spreading out like fireworks across a vast empty space
The cars that never end
Choked out exhaust and marijuana smoke twisting in the midnight air rising up untouchable where the mountain breezes cap the city
& penetrates the human circus all around you
You will disappear up the hostel steps returning
Higher than you’ve ever been before
Each step, each movement you are disappearing
Melting into the smoke-tinged plaster
Your pulse is in your footfalls there
Among the honeybees and hexagons
Your breath beat in rhythms of your skull
After an impossible moment
You arrive back at your room, 333
The demon door more unfamiliar
This will happen
You’ll go inside and lock the door
Knowing you have the fear
Raw and powerful
Pure animal chemical reaction
Every tissue and fiber now opposed
To the very situation, the very fact of existence, of
Immediate dislocation in space/time
Alien moments here in Colorado hostel room
Where junkies sit in vegetable stasis
Feeling nothing whatsoever
& there’s a needle hidden in the room somewhere
Your friend says not to worry man
& what did you expect anyway?
“Yeah it’s kind of a flophouse”
“Just throw it out the window”
You take a long deep breath and look
Into a mirror you see your form reflected
As your friend pulls out his friend, the trusty map
And there, emblazoned in ****** letters
The very words looks sinister
Written in ****** words of ******
You try to realize what you came here for
Not this
& breathing deeply you lay upon the bed
The too-thin mattress covered in plastic
& think of home
A lifetime & world of roads away
You seek to abandon all you know
And become attuned to the rhythmic engine of sound
You will become filled with desire and yet completely empty
Cockroach needle empty park wind howling distant peaks sculpted valleys
Self-reliant water smell pity bums like silent watchers in the night
Nature spreads her view of time in silent moments
Stillness in the room
In the spaces between sounds
In the fear of comfort separation
In the freeness of creation
In the wild faith of travel
In the foreign teachings
***** steps and office buildings
In the bars and libraries
In the hostel *******
In the wholly new experience
In the squalor of the uncontrollable
In the corridor passing like a phantom
In the stones and cactus flowers
In the romance of the body
Eager to pass through
Into this new dream
Tomorrow we are heading for the mountains
Joseph Martinez Feb 2016
You leave that dismal room
And walk
Past open doors
And broken clock

Down dingy corridors
You creep
While strangers
In strange rooms find sleep

You walk on carpet
Stained and fading
Designs all ruined
Yet not abating

Out where the housekeeper’s
Cart is parked
Her smile sunken
Her manner dark

She emerges from
Behind a stack
Of ***** blankets
Folded back

With broken teeth
And burdened eyes
Wrinkles worn
In plain disguise

Someone’s daughter
Whittled down
Her hair too thin
Along her crown

Yet harboring
A warmth untouched
Her shattered image
Says too much

Windows open
On a courtyard scene
Junkies nodding
In the sun serene

High altitude
Of Denver streets
Smell ***** smoke
And searing meats

In Civic Park
The men that stare
Sell rough-cut gems
Which slice the air

One calls you over
With his hand
More incantation
Than command

Says that he’s got
Just what you need
With eyes now begging
To be freed

You walk away
And in his strife
He calls to you
“I’ve lived my life!”

With eyes as dark
As afghan hash
He fades away
As you move past

In distant vistas
Where the Rockies lie
You hear that unknown
Ancient cry

You feel the motion
You must move on
The mountains are calling
The city is gone
Joseph Martinez Feb 2011
Where have I been?
sulking 'neath the humming raving flood lights of the den
miserable beneath the beer moon under shoddy starlight of the smoke covered cavern
dismissed my troubles to the functioning of a universe that is not my own
and waving fearlessly as my legs trembled to the functioning of several dancing hopeless ones
smiling as the sounds filled my ears and all at once I saw each and every face searching for the same things
trembling as I reached for one more fix inside of the place that I have not known
and demystifying the secrets of one single forgotten truth
now back to the nest in which I take slowly one branch out each month for the purpose of forging a new home
and sad that there is no more hopeless safety in the net of youth
yet hopeful that once when the sun rises it may grant a song I have heard in dreams
J.M. 2011
Joseph Martinez Jan 2011
All of the living senses
taking in the clear blue
& the final stab of warm autumn
near the dawn of winter
lying in the swirling lawn
recounting beautiful words
Upon my motionless eyes
impossible vision
unfolded in the deep grasses
& overhead - not a single sight beheld
but the glowing skyscreen
feelings entwined - spilling into morning
& great, bouncing catharsis
threatened to be thrown to the sky
Joe Martinez 01/20/11
Joseph Martinez Sep 2016
We are heading for a strange future
Whose contours will remain unknown
But every so often the world pauses
And a rare blossom is shown
Then minds quickly explode

And yet
Maybe It's Just Me

A beautiful image: my dog in the sunlit yard, laying in the grass, eating little purple springtime flowers. My cat searches for aphids and desires to hunt the robins taunting him from telephone wires.

A squirrel is assaulted by sparrows in the humidity

I am annoyed with everything
Manic with caffeine and guilt
Last night I drank four beers and masturbated
Not in that particular order
Smoked three cigarettes
Not much there
Still feel guilty
And so lazy
I can't handle myself
My eyes can't focus
On anything in particular
My mind is a vague enemy
Joseph Martinez Aug 2011
Wild rose

within a windowless, fire-lit night
flickering angels of the holy moment
swarming over top of my bed
swallowing my soulful thoughtless form
suspending my forlorn figure across the staggering skyway & stretching flesh thin as film across cloudless expanses

A riotous, monumental movement in time
known only in it's infinite form, the destructive creator, by the wholly most defeated souls
-those who seek the warm glowing eternal dawn of the unobtainable realm, the spaceless expanse of godly bliss
those who go mad in their thoughts and weep for misery they cannot detect but which looms, omnipresent, as a deranged creature of scavenged bones and pale white memories
Joseph Martinez Jan 2011
Pouring out of the face of the air
the unquestionable certainty of sight

Oscillations of pure terror at every street corner
oblivion's door - opening and shut

&  underlying all-rightness

The new cycle of the new year - one year off
threatening to impose unknown change

& though some who claim to know themselves
may reject nature & the dynamo of the galactic wheel

all will break before the turning planets

& cast no doubt upon the strength of silent gods
all electricity dead - a silent, dark world

Recalling our bare-bone truths
when we were once all born into darkness
& roasting calf thighs as tribute
to the stars who told our stories
Joseph M. 01/20/11
Joseph Martinez Jan 2011
A work left unfinished
no longer do I care
The feeling had diminished
-for I glanced in silent prayer
Sound which awoke me
to new and great sensation
-All the hours of contemplation
left hanging in the air
Joseph Martinez Mar 2011
sitting hungry in the halls
reading holocaust novels with a morbid fascination

two identical scarves knitted by two identical souls;
both hungry for self-love, god-love and the night
one is rewarded by he who weaves the long, black tapestry of his own destruction; the other destined to sit lonely & forgotten

standing idly, lost in the dance of delusion
& moving wildly intoxicated
seeking love, seeking chase
giving flight to the demons of the age
the technological drug-fix of instantaneous communication

the lobotomy of both mental hemispheres
the horse collar choking struggle to escape clinging home and mother's spinning round & round
turning wheels and daisies
kicked up in the dust of the twilit road
retched from the stomachs of a thousand children lulled to sleep
by the sickly glow of orange floodlight
Joseph Martinez Jan 2015
Sit back & watch the butterflies in their perfect insect dance wings fluttering they swirl around one another overhead of the daisies & you think "My God" how tasteful & perfectly arranged all of it is; that god could work such a miracle as all of this right down to the purpose of the butterfly & it's flowers and work in the elegant little dance of the creature without interrupting or spoiling it's purpose merely adding to it's majesty.  & all the crude things are seen plainly to be undesirable but thankful for them so that we may know what we do not want in our worlds.  The world reveals itself in silence.
Joseph Martinez Jan 2015
As I roam the shifting sands
All these images command
something out of me
Everybody wants something
out of someone
But there's nothing but what's given
Are you living lonely?
In an unfurnished room
Where are your flowers?
I long for the touch of dove petals
Joseph Martinez Dec 2016
collapse collapse collapse
both sides prisons
both homes hells
both parents murderous
the molecules of madmen
organized in beauteous forms
jerking off each other
looking into eyeballs
out of time
spiraling out of time
Joseph Martinez Jan 2015
Contrast of the city's hopeless depression & ******* nonsense
overload of dead ends and fear
Serenity and perfection of nature
where a man can truly be free of conditioning

How proud & humbling to climb a mountain and earn it's view
Vision of glacier paths & Arapahoe eagle feathers for battle

Smell of ***** snaking through the *** ****, seared meat and water
Pines and boulders uniquely arrange a path for me
Blisters & stones & cactus flowers

From skid row to luxury & back again
Peasants, princes & kings
worlds of people & things
1500 miles from home

They're building up the city
scouting new territory
Dreams of friendship and romance
as I die many peaceful deaths on the riverbank

cockroaches & needles
mountain rain drizzles on the pines
The wind howls might of god through the valley & sculpted peaks

Someone assures me of the presence of the Combine
An insect sees only what he needs to
A man sees whatever he wants

Something is here
The mountains play mysterious games
Tricks, illusions
One might feel trapped

100 years is not long
10 years is a lifetime

One can learn about nearly everything from looking at a river

I am filled with desire
Now I am completely empty

It is quite obviously unknowable
I am dissolved into it's substance
I am possessed with unconscious fears
I wake up unsure of my mind

The body is strong, god bless it
We are perfect beings

There are infinite realities
We make our own worlds & hells
All is safe in God's hands
Effort is required in the dance
Joseph Martinez Apr 2016
Your festive ululations
fill my mind-halls
with bird chatter
bending from your
broken beak
in ten thousand melodies
hung up in the air
Joseph Martinez Jul 2016
Gonna have to serve somebody
It may be the devil or it may be the Lord
I am running lips over teeth
Serve somebody
He thinks it's a game
This is an attempt at transcription
How many seas of immaculate color?
No memory
This is a page
This is a phase
Blowing In The Wind
How many years?
Absolutely odd angles
Joseph Martinez Sep 2016
I am tired of watching, waiting, wondering
While the world at my door
Threatens to come apart
I am not safe in my own mind
I have no patience
Only eternal frustration
I want to **** something
There is no hope for me
I am tired of struggling
I can not pay
Or keep track
Nobody wants to know me
I do not want to know myself
I want to hurt those that I love
My wrist hurts and I cannot write
My eyes feel hot
They are slowly burning out of their sockets
No need to figure out the sad, beautiful mystery of love and affection
Why not for its own sake?
Joseph Martinez Jan 2015
In whom
I  stare longer

than a moment

futures fold

Animal Man steals his eyes
with freedom hamburgers

call to mind the image
of soft pink winter cough

in the holy path of myself

parting manhole covers

the graveyard spills out before me

overworked & lazy
virtue of necessity

Every single
potential issue, constraint, dilemma
attitude, behavior, situation, meaning
effect, change, policy

something half-remembered

we will awaken to our purpose in time

turn on the writhing masses

knowing is remembering

hands pass over the ominous geometry
drawing toward a moment

everyone cheer
we're here, no fear!
we made it another year

tomorrow's roadshow
today's practice

nothing is far away
Joseph Martinez Mar 2011
Can I reach you now?

from the place where no words echo
outside those four dark walls where all is flux & silent

or in the back of the car
where, out of my mind, I saw you
through my madness I grasped you standing in the shifting light
your face rearranged and opaque
haloed with a pale pure glow like thorned gold

Are you there and living?

even as the threat of distant separation
closes the gates and rends your heart
collapsing narrow vessels till the pulse of life has vanished
& nothing to revive that aching howl you felt
screaming into this new dream - which seemed more real than before

cold & naked as the pure, trickling rationality
begged you to move
staggering off toward the desolate company of warm arms/loving glances

mountains of your newborn confusion
decomposed & spread out on the fields
under the sun
awaiting the face of God
as the world turned to look upon invisible eyes
Joseph Martinez Jan 2014
cold November
looking ******* anonymously

serotonin depleted
hours go as myself -- why not?

pleasing things
used relationship -- wanted ***
supreme union

*** is all
of life
enmeshed forms
penetrate ******

there is nothing
eyes entering one another
nothing more

unable to cut off
so follows the *******
so-called unnatural containers

natural pervert
let it be simple
It's the world
no better

convoluted nonsense
shoulders of an older age
inhibit our natural blossom
there is work I have prepared

creature flesh and circuitry
pleasuring it's lights
like fireworks of ****** intent
vines creep thighs

apes grunt -- ****** into the jungle
tigers mount
stars operate strange new images
life beckons fungus
devouring bombs
skeletons locked in copulation
boys sit
park & touch
condense into infinite arousal
shadow history
confrontation nature

you may not my body
they not your history
I am not yourself

no words express truth

simple realization most difficult

dead myths

wipe *** on brick

bottle of wine
glass of beer
golden halo, dream, hat, shoe
a puddle of ***** on my belly
endless marijuana and diction
handfuls of disappearing money

born into the screaming hospital
in the grass of a carpet
nothing to do with it
a concept, an idea
a drunken slur
misplaced affection
a hand, a breast, a mouth
in a car, a bed, a bathroom

elaborate play
that's all
Joseph Martinez Jan 2015
In twilight imagined
all possibilities
peaceful dreams
In truth, we are slumbering gods
waiting/wishing to be woken
the incantation spoken
We've known it all along
It just came out all wrong
Soon to face it true
and asking: who are you?
It does not matter
Joseph Martinez May 2016
drifting from sea to sea
there exists an unknown
magic nature
the familiar that I've severed
love or what--I don't know
who can say--I am sorry for the pain you carry
not which I've inflicted
guilty of something--I'm sure
on the slow spiral down around where you are
I am envious of the bears--watching them in
perfect isolation
free in streams splashed w/
salmon blood--tied only w/ metabolic impulse
humans are the strange ones
looking out @ nature w/ mirrors and cameras
& grins
I do not understand
this odd voyeurism
slow down and be born already
too much caffeine vibration
sunken shallow to the form
anxiety worries--for god's sake
already burned up
Joseph Martinez Mar 2011
Somewhere I sit beneath a tree
& elsewhere that tree sits beneath me

Somewhere there are people who speak colors
or else they cry for what they see

Somewhere lay a thousand eyes upon us
deep within clouds we do not pierce

& somewhere else the plants have voices
men are silent, they've ceased to be

Somewhere the moonlight tints the morning
& the sun does not set; it refuses

Somewhere all that is will be upon us
in an instant; all insanity
rends the minds of logic
granting bird-calls to the one who's truly free

Somewhere still, the all-at-onceness
strikes in holy totality

& decreeing that the sky must now be parted
to draw distinction between o'er the deepest sea
Joseph Martinez Apr 2015
I have seen the solid (EYE)
I arms who better
now with guns

I know why crying night
went blindly running into woods
alone in fears

Who Else is there but I?
Lone Kingdom of Eyes

No Other But
The howling Empty glass
too beaten w/replies

How empty is the sky
Boiled in flash of flood
no running wings of sound
to call the brothers home
Joseph Martinez Feb 2017
The kettle steaming
The drums beating
The cats racing
The mind moving
The bedroom walls
Losing their color

As the body
Loses itself
In its own rhythms
Til the whole world
Is a steaming kettle

Then nothing else is

If you try it won’t happen
If you don’t
It will
Joseph Martinez Jan 2015
All the warm pleasure shared between us
in moments common
& as you think of me
I wonder of you still
How do you feel now?
What do you wonder of me?
While you must know
or at least intuit
I am lost in my own madness
& worldview
yet still see you as beloved
Perfect in your incompleteness
Aware of the possibilities
of achieving understanding
Easing me through gentle riddles
suffering High School & bad relationships
drunkenness & revelations
Joseph Martinez Jan 2011
The habitual morning nicotine ritual - exercising rites of many bored day runs for marijuana seekers in the combustible wheel-turning mechanisms of search and by no means of excellence - speaking simplistic languages - concerned with being full

full of joy, full of joy, full of joy

Determined to the final goodbye, the doldrums of steam-heat villages

Walking casually - robbed of daydreaming spectacle
twenty years to outer space, inner space - diving up like water bobbing air pockets

Tasting the Big Sky - delighting in just one event - and everyone's correct opinion concerning all as it is and as it used to stand - it changed- watch it change- the ebbing and flowing pinpricks pulse with time & desensitizing imagery

Going home - to the mists of the attic

Father/mother/son - a question of relation

Naming the precise, exact moment when the abstract word becomes idea - thought - turning - mind rebounding off the word - the principles - ideas - underlying reason - implications - emotional offense and nonsense
Joseph M. 01/20/11
Joseph Martinez Apr 2015
I don't really know. The showing  game played finger fiddle on the dry dock. Know no crab heart. Speak no sympathy. Win an award for me. Tremble softly at the temple's mouth. Before the soft southern winds blow fine candle flame flickers on the wall. Stood there all sobriety & soft arms. No death for those unborn, tried again & spent tireless hours gnawing at applications. Wonder why the stack showed signs of sympathy. The *** stands ready at the gates of eternity. a single trembling finger reaches out past the event horizon of infinity. All of the molecules in the ***'s body shudder and come apart. He is a disembodied mass of hovering electrons. Episodes from childhood play out like an old vaudeville show in the cold vacuum. Time Itself stops completely for the pouty-lipped black boy repeating rap lyrics like personal mantras of purpose. A living myth of purpose played out in rhyme. Time cut. Winter just kills me. Everything stops growing. Stops living. Cells cease replication. Hair doesn't grow. Nothing moves but the snowfall. The ******* all freeze.
Joseph Martinez Aug 2016
I am settled in the arugula palace
Everybody in the same scattered image
Seeking reconstruction or construction of the mind
I write this for myself to be unwinded & unrolled
He's a shifting plane of bisecting geometries
Now a thin woman shuttling kids in a minivan
Smoking newport cigarettes & feeling mucous gather in the sore spot in her throat. Her husband who is overworked & penniless--a clown frozen in a shipping container underneath a hi-low. He is fetching up the scraps of industry from inside a concrete bottle. He is messing with the intersecting circles coming off the streetlights. He is stacking up assumptions, wishing to be freed. Wishing he could reach that frightened child-monkey loser in the parking lot. He is clawing @ sensations he will never be able to name. He is secretly wishing for a vision. Secretly wishing to be known. He is tied & tethered to the clean-up crew. They are silent pretenders nodding at the recycling bins--never emptied. There he is formatted. There his eyes go staring out. There a picture--but what's a picture now that it's all beyond control, no longer static, no longer a container or reminder but rather a cloud passing, a moment's pause, a temporary fascination? A posing, a posturing, a big a-Ha!--*******! Stranger. You are not a part of me. The danger is madness. The danger is control. There are no static images. No peaches. No penumbras. No mandalas, maps, organizations or rebuttals. There is only standing water in the basement. There is only diet pepsi car keys hanging on the edge of a golden cloudburst.
Joseph Martinez Jan 2013
Roman numeral thirteen:
How speedy is the process of evolution?
Darwin's diversification is slow

How many believers are there?
Or, are they familiar with the white rat?

No end to the beginning
No beginning to the end

Camouflaged against the mellow bark of the tree trunk
Appearance suddenly allows a moment of escape
Depending on what you're looking at
And then what happens is

on and on
gnosis, nonsense, beautiful

& The Question
is not really a question at all
rather an invitation to an event
to draw it all back

with awe, laughter and fear
Mimicry is not camouflage

All reflections of myth
are visible in the living narrative of experience
punctuated by an absurd humor
infused with timeless moments
in which we glance upon
illumination, ecstasy, madness

very near yet very far
Joseph Martinez Jan 2015
The seat is warm later on in the nightclub.  Fares form the shocking, pleasant surprise. Over the course of leaves today, the seventh Monday, right off the bat.  That librarian is an **** worker, never sitting down but to smirk.  She is more involved through worry and pushed to demand what she has just caught on to.  Actually she seems to get along with everyone warmly glowing.  Sarah Obviously Upset is out in the cold smoking alley & drawn to the howling smile she wishes she can trust.  You'll never see her but to gaze regularly in reserve because she only sort of grasps him who she adores.  Other than that, to speak of it is merely washing hands with the Overwhelmed.  Beauty & color vision is the average breath of the dependent.  The receptionist is driving home cash & what about me?  You're doing papers you depend on; first week documents huddled in drawers.  He turns to face the stage and suddenly I am in the Eternal Theater again, again & always right There.  He's watching the absurdities & I can never look away.  He's now more than a mask, more than a spirit, more than a memory & now we're all passing through the echoing hall itself.  The theater is the amusement park ride is the skyborn dream & Absolute Lie.  Not a demon but a doorway.
Joseph Martinez Aug 2016
This is the story of my daddy's sad rations, his mad reasons he left in the basement there, I found out directly, direct reasons for no other keepsake; no hallmark memories he tossed off left bottles broken in the bottom of a brown box in the bottom of the brown sun-burnt grass in the backyard where green onions grow in a big brown box outweigh the grass--they stand upright, strong & solid like ledgers--solid as baseball diamonds mingling in the summer heat cast shadows over the tired yard where children play--they yell and fall down over each other weakly, strongly, pathetically, unknowingly, hypnotic marvels in their silence, in their stupor, in their bliss imaginings, I am a child too far gone--too far off watching, I regard them as a stone villain, as a requisite somebody made of vinyl pinwheels, as a time-sprung witness to the watching world, the undone mechanisms spiral dignity. I was solid. I was solid. I was venturing a minute's glance at pity. I was lost in an eternity of forgetting. I was hung on lines too high to hold me. I was hauled out of a torn envelope in the fire pit, reassembled, reasoned to be dead forgotten.
Joseph Martinez Jun 2016
This is a hangover
From old days gone by
Old thoughts grown older
Gnarled & tangled
Essence of confusion
Tired and tried
Why can't I sleep?
I deserve to sleep
Earlier I fell into a dream
That was unpleasant
Now on antihistamines
I feel the pull of undiscovered rest
Again at my door
There are lessons in dreams
There are images I fail to recognize
I feel sad & sick & hungry for the world to open up
Hungry for myself to open up
I am trying
I am tired
I am beaten down w/ too many
Sounds that hold no bearing
I am standing in the kitchen alone
Standing at absolute zero
My proteins come apart
My collective memory urges
Some insistence
Which cannot be known
It is a curse--******* it
God bless it
I love it
Earlier I didn't want to
Have ***
Or talk
Or think
Or know
Or see
Or walk
Or Be
Now I am
Wondering what I
Always want
Rats of the same breed
Learn the same tricks
There is evidence for this
For fixed laws
Constants of nature
These are used
To convince us
of what?
Why is there
an interest
in anything above
or below
what is possible of meat?
Old libraries
Hold volumes
Of thoughts
Thrown away
When new replacements
Drop onto the heads
Of failure-minds
Decimal points
Line the walls of thought
With tiny values
Of whatever you want
Whatever sense you make of it
There is no science of this
No way to explain
These years
These images
This nose
Could the speed of light explain it?
If so, what are the implications?
Is it constant?
Is it known?
What is known?
What has slowed and what has grown and what is hiding in the shadowed distance
In the minds of intellectual freak-boys
How can you be sure of present values?
Can there be such things?
In existence?
Can you SOLVE it?
Can you change?
Define a thing
Now you are insane
Now you are an instant thought
Volume pleases
Now unbound
Now just pointing
At a clown
Joseph Martinez Feb 2011
Torn in the breast
over twofold decision
regarding ***,
regarding light,
regarding the salvation of the soul
dismissed any hopeful vision of the holy spirits of the mind
cast down to the deep den of the forgotten, rotting mental tomb of vice
spaced out beyond any homely recognition
no patterns are to be known
no faces are to look upon the one who fades in stark daylight
where once a garden grew bearing ripe the fruits of virtue
now stands in torn remembrance to the sinking of the pale indigo sky
where once there was a hopeful, familiar world
now stands an aching gravestone of paranoia and delusion
carved out of deep obsidian
and jutting from the chasms of a past life
aching for the heavenly bliss of an unmanifest soul
yet spinning with the force to throw one from his own gravity
cast into outer space alone
content in his own silence
J.M. 2011
Joseph Martinez May 2013
Have yet another
waiting to be free'd
another moment passes
& we remain
Joseph Martinez May 2016
I see others friendly, looking well
I'm in Hell, I think

What a sad feeling to stumble into all the old familiar footfalls

The suffering still fresh
And there
I feel the omnipresence
of the bleak shadow of the
world upon me
in malignant faces
at the grocery store
they operate in slow, sedated
methodologies of madness
I am sprung up from the
cool tile floor
like a misplaced statue bound
in frozen forms of observation

I park in a thrift store parking lot and cry
for you and for myself
mostly for myself

Time's ashes are diffuse and ever-present
living history in the living now
a ******* of the sacred cow is laughing
on coasts of crooked filth
and candy wrapper oases where
dead bird bones mingle in the
putrid ferns

No time to be found relaxed
no patience to be born to anything
slow agony of empty wishes called back
reflections, false assumptions
selfishness and neglect

Thank god for this momentary reprieve
from pointless self-analysis in the
broken mirror halls of control

no no no
thank you

I feel saddle-bagged
lost with worry
in some constant vague arrest
plucking at the chicken's feet

the fear itself unreal
broken, beaten, gone
phantoms of this self
all the world is polished chrome
and I am but an image
looking back

amazing how at time minutes
stretch off to infinity showers
& I **** the thicket therein
gone is now but
never ending

I'm sheltered in the maggot crop
Joseph Martinez Nov 2016
you can sleep
you can die
you can beep
you can buy
you can exit
you can run
you can fire
you can sun
you can might
you can try
you can finger
you can cry
you can intentionally
you can holiday
you can house
you can runaway
you can something
you can just the usual

imitations, initiations, Charlie close our eyes and bungalow that boogie

octopus your reasons

tranquil, tranquil, tranquilo

I moved into my new reasons

You can show me those doe eyes
No reason
No surprise
While the octopus flies

Henry, spread your magenta
Fore it flies

Show him
In the past
You struggle
To decide

Most nights
You try
To test the trash

This is a
Stalled carnival
Joseph Martinez Jan 2011

vast, equal ideas that claim to propose the similarity of wave particle to the icecaps!

the relation of a quasar to a trampoline!

the formation of matter resulted solely so that sixty-seven hours of detention could be issued to retain and break the spirit of contradictory efforts!

I heard such fond words about the so-called real world!

a reality measured in it's invisibility!

measured in the lock and chain of binding expressionless touch!

I embrace you as a brother
your words and games fit me so snugly!
drag me into false kingdoms!

I am willing!

your vapor trails, I find intoxicating

your summers, endless

I renounce all desire to move anywhere but up and into your ever-seeing heat gaze!

whose red stare coats the sky and ground
your primitive, machine gun logic

I am pierced by your omnipotence!

you claimed my brothers, now claim me!
J.M. 01/26/11
Joseph Martinez Feb 2016
Home is in
The cramped spaces
Where couch and loveseat
Fill a room
Where the kitchen
Doesn’t fit
More than two people
And the dishes
Cleaned by hands
Of my mother
Smoking menthol cigarettes

Home is in
The cheap plaster
Walls so thin
You hear
A thousand tragedies pass through
At night when you are sleeping
Babies crying
Mothers crying
Everybody crying
No one happy makes a sound

Home is in
This endless wheel
Of poverty sickness
No one asked for
Or wanted
On welfare
Selling loose cigarettes
Forty ounce malt liquor
Six packs
Friday’s hunger

Home is where
Old ladies rent
Single bedroom units
With no air conditioning
Alone with
Endless birdfeeders
And white bread
On the lawn
Out the window

Home is where
Hardwood floors are scarred
With rearrangement
Constant variation
Definitions shifting
Under orange parking lot
Obscuring night’s blessing

Home is where
I see into the lives
Of a thousand strangers
Never talking
Where children play
Identity games
In the park

Home is in
The Christmas lights
Strung on the windows
Carelessly by neighbors
Or in the wreath
My mother hangs
To signal autumn

Home is
Buttered bread and noodles
When there’s nothing else to eat
It’s a movie
You’ve seen a thousand times
And still laugh at

It’s the clothesline
My grandfather strung up
In the basement

It’s the gangs of children
That secretly run the streets

It’s in the identical faces
All spilling light
Out onto the pavement

Home is not a place
It is a collection of universes
All spilling into one another
Mixing in infinity
Blending forms

Home is the embarrassment I felt
When we turned onto my street
And the realization that
I’ve got it better than anyone I know

Home is where the world ends
And where we are all secretly trying
To get back to
Joseph Martinez Jan 2015
The honeybee creeps forward out of necessity to the flower

The *** opens up a box of gemstones

I am looking at the flower

I sit in park and a man walks up to me, instinctively sensing that I need someone, something.  What I want is not what I need.

Nature spreads her view in and of time through perception & stillness
Joseph Martinez Jan 2015
You leave the dingy room, 333, and out into the long old halls with ***** honeybee carpet, the stains so worn in they've become part of the design.  The housekeeper's cart is parked at the end of the long hall.  It is filled with cleaning supplies and ***** blankets.  Her body seems younger than it looks somehow as she comes through the doorway of an empty room and smiles through the wrinkles of her sunken, toothless mouth and underneath the well-worn lines of her face & beaming through her bright eyes is an original warmth and beauty that even a thousand years of junk couldn't touch.
Joseph Martinez Dec 2013
It is time now

I am only with myself

no more talking, no words

to say  what is is or isn't

just a slightly higher moment

to confirm whatever I think

over costly drinks we discussed what is was(n't)

but now I am alone with these thoughts

no confirmation, no glory of assertion

merely speculation remains

now I sit here, and write

as if to tell you something you could not hear yourself

everybody under the thumb of another

that's how it is as we sit here

under the fancy world indoctrination of the conflicted fat man

you can judge *** at a glance

in the all-too-human world

shared brides, cultural matter-of-fact

they fold in on themselves and swing to Wednesday and Saturday nights

the dominant pattern is an item in the diet of thoughts

for as long as we have ritualized; who knows how long?

our theater; a mathematical dance of light, sound and spectacle

a pun reeling from it's own absurdity

endless laughter pours out of every theater

together we cannot help but be

a retreat from the brink
Joseph Martinez Feb 2015
Please forgive me if sometimes I'm not myself

I try to put my troubles on a shelf

But every now and then I fall

When pressed against the wall

I become the darkness in us all

The troubles of this world

Sometimes become unfurled

And lead me to a place that has no name

But I try to keep in mind it's just a game

And focus on the light from whence we came

To which, we will make our returns

When the gentle flame of life no longer burns
Joseph Martinez Apr 2015
In the silence of my words
lay buried
a million dreams
so your style is not at all familiar
I am but a transceiver
fated to mellow the tide
of the coming rush
back into this new dream
Joseph Martinez Feb 2016
Where the tangled images meet
& mercy spells defeat
For a time
Where hurried thoughts are stirring
Rushing out to greet
The open air
Intercepted by a demon
Who hungers for the mouth
That only speaks despair
There is a time for planning
There is a time of rest
The hour of no decision
Is the time that you like best
It is raining in the alleys
All the streetlights
Now are broken
You give to me your beauty
A humble winter token
Joseph Martinez Jan 2011
Not yet healed
fated to permanently fade
and looking down
the cold, sharp, jutting memory
of when steel and flesh met
& your despair made honest
& your pain made my own
arranged in similar thought
yet carried out in separate horror
J.M. 01/26/11
Joseph Martinez Jan 2014
in the silence
spaces clear
everything is reaching for the sun
for warm arms
we are caught up in this longing
though our desires are often misplaced
among distractions
can you hear me breathing?
in my isolation
we are together as one
Joseph Martinez Aug 2016
I've been feelin' like my
about to explode
quiet as a lamb
gentle as the
first day of creation
I say yes to
all that comes my way
yes to
forever & nowhere
everybody, everything & zero
yes to suffering with style
yes to all the holy malice of the day
yes to sun & moon broken up apocalypse

I have seen the human craters
absolving into fear pollution
pointed eyes
fearful w/ known suspicions
eyes full of disorder
far from freedom's glance
it' simple
here is where you strike
here is how you wound
the most easily observable
point of entry
is the way home
end the pointless suffering
take up
arms against arms against
all the
rows of rows of rows of

I got my powers
you got yours too
I am incapacitated
neck broke & delusional
I see all my dreams come true
how about you?

I am unfit
I am always winning
I am sour and taken into
strange abandoned factories
played out trumpet-songs
bring me to the place of no surrender
I am lone-born
son of man
father of none
made to taste the grey and pointed sky

I heard grandma's
endless soliloquy
spoken in the dark
quiet as a lamb
besides, she had a good husband
I am watching light gather
volleyed off the mirrored room
spun into some strange flesh

I am all that's coming
all that was & nothing
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