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Jul 2016 · 698
My Galaxy
Jinx Jul 2016
Your words crash over me like a tidal wave, and its taking me every ounce of willpower to behave. Your Intelligence is what drawed me in, your smile told me you'd be my favorite sin. Your eyes capture the beautiful colors of the stormy sea, and I'm ready for your stormy waters to come and drown me in all of your chaotic beauty

I want to feel your warm embrace as you pierce into my psyche with the intensity of a thousand suns in your gaze,
I want to explore every inch of you from body, soul, to your mysterious ways.
Even with the slight brush of your skin I can feel the stars collide and the cosmos emplode so violently the sky's shudder under its quake,
All these emotions and passion that I lost so long ago pouring in and causing my stomach to Ache.

Your soul is something so tragically and achingly divine that no human shall ever hold a candle to let alone deserve what you are,
Your movement flows like a river, steps quake the earth, and smile shines brighter then any Star.
I wish to hold your heart close to my chest and feel its rhythmic pulse as I set out to learn all of your secrets and fantasies.
I hold you high in my world but it would still bring you no justice, because **** those who choose to make people their worlds for you my dear are my entire Galaxy.
Aug 2015 · 430
Untitled 2
Jinx Aug 2015
I miss the way it was in the beginning,
When my kisses and touch left your head spinning.

When I could look you in the eyes and see how much you care,
Now I feel when you look at me I'm not even there.

You see me but you also see through,
Now I can't talk to you about anything and sometimes I wish you knew.

This unbearable pain pressing on my chest,
this depression I feel that won't let me rest.

I speak my mind and it just makes you mad,
while your anger just leaves me sad.

Nothing I say seems to be good enough for you,
Yet everytime I go to fix it there's nothing I can do.

From the tone of my voice that's always the same,
to the attitude you say I have that's driving me insane.

I speak calmly but I'm just being a *****,
Alot of times I wish our roles would switch.

So I can treat you the way you treat me,
maybe then you'll finally see....

Not everything I say is to cause a fight,
I just want everything to be alright.

I just want things back to the way they were,
Back to when I was always sure.

Back to when you treated me like I was your everything,
and that if you didn't have me you'd have nothing.
Jun 2014 · 333
For you
Jinx Jun 2014
When you peer into my eyes I feel you reach my psyche,
Especially when you trail your fingers on my skin oh so lightly.
I search for the words to descide this feeling,
While I feel my heart slowly healing.
Yet I'm afraid to speak these words so soon,
I think the day I finally speak the world will become attune.

When our lips touch the moment is pure bliss,
One I can remember when I'm sad and it's you I miss.
It's been awhile since I've had this grin dance across my lips,
My eyes locked on you while I'm lost in a transfix.
Oh how I wish you could read my mind,
So you could see the moments when you were so kind.

Oh how I long for your sweet embrace,
The one's that make my heart race.
How I wish we could stay this way evermore,
For you are the reason I can feel my heart soar.
May 2014 · 685
I'm fine
Jinx May 2014
Our lips met again tonight bringing me closer to heaven.
but you were forced to leave before the clock striked eleven.
I had so much fun but still a little torn inside. 
If anything at least I can say we tried..
May 2014 · 483
Jinx May 2014
Yes I'm scared and very insecure,
I make decisions and half the time I'm not sure.
I claim to be confident and happy.
while alone tears spill I don't want anyone to see.
Yet out of everything I say and do.
I really have fallen in love with you.

I know its a term loosely thrown around,
All these years of searching and your what I found.
And I'm afraid to loose the one person I hold so dear,
Your all I have and it causes my tears.
I'm afraid to voice whats on my heart,
Afraid you'll get mad and it will tear us apart.

Then I have whispering in my ear,
Saying all these things I don't want to hear.
Eventually after awhile you just learn to expect the worst,
Thinking their not going to be the last nor deffinatly the First.
Baby I want you to be my always and forever,
Promise to forever love me and leave me never....
Jinx Apr 2014
My heart races with each touch.
I just can't believe that we love each other so much.
I thought I had lost you all those years ago.
Your kiss takes my breath and i hope you never go.

Forever and always is what I say.
Always and forever you promise to stay.
Bodies intertwined I've never smiled so bright.
My life isn't as dark with you in my sight.

I'm your moon always shining and always there.
Your never afraid to show me that you care.
Everyday you work on mending this broken heart.
Your always there to keep it from falling apart.

I love waking up and seeing that smile.
It's worth suffering the rain even for a little while.
"Forever and Always in my heart you'll stay"
"Always and Forever you'll be apart of me" is what you say.

Tattooed on our wrists forever in ink.
I know you'll save me when I sink.
I'll pick you up when you fall.
And we'll be togethet through it all
Apr 2014 · 715
Jinx Apr 2014
When everythings dark and it all seems lost.
You always do that one thing I like the best.
A gesture that dances its way across your lips.
Upside down is where my frown slips.

When I see yours I cant help but do it too.
An it helps me push through.
Talking to you makes everything seem worth while.
Just promise to never ever loose that smile.
Oct 2013 · 698
When 3's a crowd
Jinx Oct 2013
In sleep all I think is your name.
When awake its all the same.
You make it hard for me to close my eyes and sleep.
But its alright babe don't worry because in the end my heart you'll always keep.

So I'll swallow this pain building up in my heart.
I've always loved you even from the start.
A small gasp escapes from me part nervous the other fear,
Don't mind me its just hard to breathe when your near.
I just long for your kiss of love.
Its everything my dreams are made if.

We'll pretend this is the best but I'm hoping you'll pick me.
Yet you didn't and its something I don't want to see.

Did you just say what you mean?
Why can't you just mean when you said No one can love you like me.

These walls and distance won't steal you from me that's for sure.
I just hope you think of me when your next to her...
Jinx Sep 2013
Light runs through her veins,
Life is what she maintains.
Hair of gold and eyes so blue,
She is the beginning of everyone including you.
Her voice is the sound of children laughing,
And her laugh is the sound of music blasting.

Darkness runs in his blood,
He is Death collecting souls as they come in a flood.
Skin so pale and his eyes are black pits,
He is as deadly as it gets.

Total opposites in every way,
Sitting around Death heard Life say.

Why do they love me yet they hate you?

She looked to him for a answer but he didn't want to.

He chuckled a little amused by her youth.

*Because you are A Beautiful Lie, and I am the Painful Truth
Jinx Sep 2013
Nice to know your life is great as you throw me to the side.
Youve taken down all my pictures like I'm something to hide.
Nothing I ever do is good enough for you.
Now I sit here emotionless unsure what to do.
Bad enough I don't have one parent but now your both gone?
What did I do that was so ******* wrong?

Is it because your new husband doesn't like the way I am?
Is that why all of a sudden you don't give a ****?
Am I no longer good enough to be your kid?
Sorry but being me isn't something you can forbid.

Ill keep to my loud music and my dark clothing taste.
Ill pretend everythings fine while behind my back you whisper to everyone I'm a disgrace.
Disgrace of a human.
Dropped out of school so I'm also a disgrace as a student.

Failure to stay locked up in my room wasting away.
Failure to hold my tongue instead I say what I have to say.
Failure to a trophy mother.
All because I wasn't your perfect trophy daughter

These words keep echoing in my head!
Bouncing around for years making me wish I was dead!
I've taken care of myself my entire life.
19 years of pain, greif, and strife.

19 years all alone.
19 years and I'm still not fully grown.
19 years I've fought to survive.
19 years and I'm just starting to grow tired from how much I strive.

I'm sorry I'm not what you wanted me to be.
I'm sorry I didn't listen and just did me.
I'm not sorry for what I'm about to say.
That I'm cutting you out of my life so just go away.
Never had a mother in the first place so why does it matter?
But I won't be there when your world is about to fall around you and simply shatter.....

So don't bother to lie and say I'm wrong and your right like you always do.
Take this as me pretty much saying I Hate You...
Aug 2013 · 680
Brightness To My Day
Jinx Aug 2013
Finally your mind breaks through,
Now you understand the things I've been saying to you.
My words of hope, love and joy,
I give you my heart reminding it's not a toy.

Now you accept me and want me the way I do you,
Now you finally tell me I love you.
Jinx Jul 2013
I don't get you like I really don't,
Why don't you get with me because I love you and know she won't.

She drains you dry then tosses you to the side like it's nothing,
Yet you stay with this like it's true love and not a stupid fling.

Like that song says Don't want to reach for me do you?
I Mean nothing to you

I'd give you my heart if you needed it,
I'd give you the world, I'd give you all of that ****.

I'm the one who will always care!
This isn't fair!

I'll be the one to pick you up when you fall,
I'll be the one to give you my all!

I'll be the one to wipe away those tears!
I'll be the one to comfort your fears!

I'm the one who talked to her for you,
I was even nice just like you told me to!

Now the only reason you want me around is so you won't be alone?
Now your blowing up my stupid phone!

This is ******* ******* and you know it!
I don't care I'm throwing a fit!

I have always been there for you!
Just like you wanted me to

Not her it's always been me,
I've given you my hearts key!

We have matching tattoos that say I love you,
But apparently you don't love me the way I want you too.

So take this to heart because I mean it all,
I'll be the one to catch you when you fall.

I'll wipe away those tears,
Comfort your worst fears,
Fight every single day,
Trying to save you as you waste away,
I'll never leave your side,
I'll protect you when you hide,
I'll be your moon in your darkest of night,
When you can't see I'll be your sight,
When you can't breathe I'll be your air,
When she rips you up I'll fix every tear,
When you have no one else I'll always be there,
Always waiting for you to return the emotion and show you care....
Jul 2013 · 989
Jinx Jul 2013
Let's tell a story as simple as can be,
Of a dim little girl longing to be free.

From the grasp of her dad and chains of the sea,
She meets someone who can help her for a teenie tiny fee.

The price was her voice which she willingly gave,
Now she's off into the sunset giving her daddy a wave.

If only so simple only it's not,
Now it's other girls he eyes so Ursala she sought.

Another tiny fee to chain him to her,
She nods her head not waiting for the price ready and sure.

Stupid little girl should have waited as the water goes cold,
Ursala smiles as Ariel gives up her soul.

Something not even daddy can get even with his power of the sea,
She sits on her throne feeling numb and empty.

No capacity of love she becomes cruel,
Stupid little prince follows like a fool.

Something changes deep in her heart,
An evil seed everyones had from the very start.

Blacking out and hanging the love of her life,
Now she becomes the used-to-be wife.

Arms bound to her chest in her room she stares at the sea,
Giggling away her last shred of sanity.

Lifes not a fairytale with happily ever after,
Just another page in a stupid boring chapter.
Jul 2013 · 790
Sleeping Beauty
Jinx Jul 2013
Asleep with a ***** looking as angelic as can be,
Along comes her prince opening her room with the key.

Just a simple little kiss is all it'll take,
Then she will sit up alert and awake.

Carrying her down the tower and past her dead dragon,
It isn't long before she gives him his son.

Now that he has what he wants she is cast to the side,
Where her room still echos from the nights she cried.

The King now happy with his own rightful Heir,
The Queens anger begins to flare.

So one night while the king is in his peaceful rest,
The Queen takes a knife and stabs him 30 times in the chest.

Thrown into the dungeon for her crime,
She laughs knowing she won this time.

His people will be ruled by her little King,
Sitting there rocking she softly sings.

Hush little one don't make a sound,
I'm always here even if daddy isn't around.

Hust little one don't shed a tear
*Mommy will protect you there's nothing to fear
Jul 2013 · 443
Jinx Jul 2013
What do you expect of me?
Just turn tail run off and flee?
Be the one who's never there?
Act like I'll never care?

Well it's ******* and you know this.
Out of all the people your the only one I miss.
The only one I long to see.
The one I wished you'd say you loved me.

As your irritation starts to peek.
I know I can't help you find what you seek.
I just wish I was there to guide you through.
Every single little thing you do.

Maybe then you'd be on your way.
Maybe then you'd actually stay.
Yet I can't force you to do things you don't want to.
Even though I hope one day my words will cut through.

Into that shell you've built around your soul.
All while you take a hit from another bowl.
I watch you exhale what's left of you through the smoke.
I'm ready to save you when you choke...
Jul 2013 · 3.6k
Snow White
Jinx Jul 2013
Vainity is a terible thing,
It spreads through your body like posin.
Everyone jealous or the rest don't care,
All while from her tower the Queen stares.

Mirror mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all,
Snow White

A plot of death ended with loves true kiss,
A wave goodbye to the seven men she'll always miss.
A new life with everything she could ever want or need,
Distrust setting in just like a ****.

A kingdom now goes to war,
A new queen who sits back wondering if this will go far.
A king on his deathbed sick with lies,
A Queen who's beauty is where it all ties.

Back to square one the story starts all over again,
As Snow White commits the next evil sin.
Jul 2013 · 530
For you my love.
Jinx Jul 2013
How do you do this to me?
With a single word you can bring me to my knees.
A simple glance causes my heart to skip a beat.
Just saying my name causes me to jump to my feet.

I miss how we used to share our secrets without a fear.
And how you used to wipe away every single tear.
Then jus like that you up and leave.
So all alone I just grieved.

Now your back like nothing went wrong.
I just want to be in your arms where I belong.
I want to be the one you smile and say I love you.
Then smile and reply I love you too.

I cant wait to jump into your arms and cry.
Then give you a kiss and feel my heart fly.
I hope you know how much you mean to me.
And I give you my heart completely.
Dec 2012 · 559
In My Shoes
Jinx Dec 2012
I knew you couldn't do it your just like the rest.

Thinking your so great and above the best.

Well guess what little boy.

Your nothing more then a broken toy.

A cruel smile passes over my face.

As I yell and put you in your place.

Don't get up or make a sound.

On the ground is where your found.

Now lets see you finsih that simple task.

walk in my shoes and lets see how long you last :)
Nov 2012 · 698
Jinx Nov 2012
You promised you'd stop,
You promised to let the subject drop.

Yet here you are again,
Ready to start up your lifes bane.

You promised now we're back to square one,
I'm serious this time I'm done.

If you can't keep a promise as simple as this,
I'll just go to return to my ******* abyss.

Full of hatred and full of pain,
The thought of you hurt makes me insane.

Why can't you bother to see?
How much you truely mean to me!

I don't know what I'd do if I lost you!
Especially all that we've been through.

So watch as your pant's catch on fire.
Cause sweetie lets face it your nothing but a liar....
I don't know I was really mad when I wrote this
Nov 2012 · 556
Your Moon
Jinx Nov 2012
I'll be there for you through it all,
I'll be the one to catch you when you fall.

I'll be the one through the tears,
I'll be the one to fight your fears.

I'll be your moon in your darkest hour,
The one you go to when you don't know anymore.

The one to give you peace in this time of pain,
The one to keep you completely sane.

Yet when all is said and done,
Most out there would rather be your sun.

To make your day just a tad bit brighter,
An make the mood so much lighter.

Yet I'll be the one to be your moon,
I'll always appear in the afternoon.

To shine down on you in your darkest of nights,
Always full and always in your sights.
Nov 2012 · 421
How I feel
Jinx Nov 2012
Here I sit putting my heart togeather again.

Holding it out to you with tears on my chin.

There you stand not making a sound.

Staring at me while I'm on the ground.

I wish you knew how much this hurts.

To hear about how she flirts.

You stare at my heart in my hand and a look crosses your face.

It screams an emotion I can not place.

I just want you to know I love you so.

No matter if I feel so low.

I just want you here by my side.

So when I was scared I had somewhere to hide.

I sometimes picture me replacing her.

The dream goes by to fast and its all a blur.

Just make this all a dream.

Just so I can wake up with a scream.

Let me look to my side where you lay.

Whispering everything's going to be ok.

Let me be the your one and only.

Then I know I'll never be lonely.

Let these tears I'm crying now disappear.

Don't leave me with my own worst fear.

Somehow you always find a way to keep me waiting.

And every second your with her I'm hating.

In the shadows is where I'll wait.

And just pray I'm not to late
Nov 2012 · 1.2k
Cinderellas gone
Jinx Nov 2012
Lyrics racing through my mind,

the meaning hidden from sight causing me to become blind.

Cinderellas gone I guess it's time she grew,

especially after everything she's been through.

No more ruffled dresses and careless fears,

under her eyes is where the makeup smears.

Time to say goodbye to the Illusions of the king,

time for her to make the saddest song to sing.

Time to move on from 'Prince Charming',

time to let go of her feeling of yearning.

Standing up with her head held high,

she doesnt look back and wonder why.

Now she's moved on to her real prince,

though the saddness built up tastes so quince.

Knowing she'll have time for her heart to mend,

she still knows whats going to impend.

With every single breath she takes,

and every single time she shakes.

For every single time she falls.

She knows he'll be there for her through it all.....

After she sat there and cried,

on the inside she died.

Once white she's now a black Swan,

For now Cinderella's gone.

Looking to her muse her face remains blank,

the man's heart sank.

Her lips parted with a voice so strong,

she said 'Sing me another song, Cinderella's gone and shes not coming back so long.

Let her go back she's gone.

Bring me another day,

then send me on my merry way.

Illusions for the king don't work on me at all'

— The End —