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Oct 2015 · 397
Jimmy Herrighty Oct 2015
sometimes, life moves faster than i can,
and i get left behind.
i become a spectator to my own life,
watching and waiting.
wondering and hoping,
that maybe it will slow down.
But it begins to move faster,
i get left farther behind.
Suddenly, my life is out of my hands.
and into YOURS.
Dec 2014 · 359
Jimmy Herrighty Dec 2014
I'm afraid..
Something I don't usually admit.
But you mean the world to me.
And.. if you were to, not be mine..
Although, you were never actually mine..
I would be lost, like Amelia, never to be found.
Even though, with him, you would be even closer in my life.
Yet farther from my heart.
Nov 2014 · 559
Jimmy Herrighty Nov 2014
I'm not very emotional.
My words seem to never work.
but when I'm with you.
it all makes sense.

emotions are meant to be shared
and words are meant to be heard.
and you are there..
Feeling and listening.
they way, no one else ever has.

so now my words have meaning.
and my emotions have meaning.
because of you.

So lift your chin up babe.
because you complete me
Oct 2014 · 4.1k
Jimmy Herrighty Oct 2014
you were just one man.
jailed for infinity.
you never bent.
stronger than steel.

oppressed from day one.
segregated by your skin.
you were never broken.
stronger than steel.

the odds were against you.
against your entire race.
your faith never wavered.
stronger than steel.

i walked where you laid.
where you eat, where you ran.
your land gave me strength.
stronger than steel.

your love was so unending.
your hate, no where to be found.
you saved a who nation.
stronger than steel.

Madiba. Madiba.
Nelson Mandela
the original superman.
Stronger then Steel.
Oct 2014 · 332
Jimmy Herrighty Oct 2014
They always say, people come into our lives for a reason.
Yet, we usually do not realize why..
So if nothing happens on accident?
are you simply just a guy?
Or are you meant to be something more..?
for i cannot grasp why?
someone like you would be in my life..
if not to be my sun in the sky.
for your smile is as bright as the milky way.

— The End —