Reigning king,
Raining blood;
End of times,
Returning floods.
Electric noose,
Diviner's code;
Out with the in and out with the old.
Go back to the start of anything new;
A cycle of dreams that never come true.
I'm stuck with the mess that you've made for me.
I'm stuck with this wreck of filth and greed.
I've tried my best to fix this tired and broken bed,
But as it is, I'll be freer when I'm dead.
Inspiring art,
Inspiring fraud.
Long live the pirates, and death to your god.
The cycle of life spins again,
But where will you be when they open-up your head?
I'm stuck in this nest that you've made for me.
I'm stuck with this wreck of filth and greed.
I've tried my best to fix this tired and broken bed,
But as it is, I'll be freer when I'm dead.
Designing dreams,
Designer drugs;
An illusive freedom plagued with bugs.
What will be left when you die?
Only the carnage; no memories left behind.
I'm stuck in this noose that you've tied for me.
I'm stuck with this wreck of filth and greed.
I've tried my best to fix this tired and broken bed,
But as it is, I'll be freer when I'm dead.