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  May 2019 Jon G M
I gave you my heart
My trust, my love
And you took it
And more.

You took it for granted
You took it for a given
You took it for a ride
And when it suited you,
You left it behind,
Thinking you could double back
And pick it up later.

This time when you came looking for it
It was too far gone.
Jon G M Apr 2019
His heartbeat whispered
Gentle rhythms in her ear
His drumming heartbeat
Showered her soul
A glimpse of rolling waves
His heart Drumming on her breast
As he becomes part of her
Just a simple song
The past present and future
Sent her soul spiraling
Tugging at her limbs
Drowning out her senses
Gentle rhythm
exhausted with the passion
The night lingering on there skin
Jon G M Apr 2019
She was the sun
Relaxed and free
Flowing towards the horizon over the sea

In darkness sliding back like a morning sunrise
Beautiful as a blossoming rose with its morning dew

Full of wild life
For the pleasure
She gives life
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