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 Jun 2014 Jess Rojas
Jonah Scott
I'm lonely are you
I'm lost and sad
my love unrequited but true
I stare I pray
I hope for the day
You'll be mine
And the troubles slip away
But for now all I can do
Looking up at the sky whether dark or blue
thinking and wishing
If only you were lonely too
 Jun 2014 Jess Rojas
Jonah Scott
It hurts this pain in my chest
Is this what they call loneliness
I sit I watch I see
all of these couples merry
Im so alone I want to cry
or better yet maybe die
no one would care
no one would look
I'd just be a missing page
in a forgotten book
 Jun 2014 Jess Rojas
Jonah Scott
Eyes of emerald
heart of stone
she face the darkness all alone
there she grew knowing no light
there was no hope just plight
he saw her sorrow
he knew it too
the horrible feeling of forever blue
he went to her offered a hand
she slapped it away crying
youll never understand
he pulled her close
and then they part
2 beats one heart
 Jun 2014 Jess Rojas
Jonah Scott
The heart wants
what the heart wants
but what if youre not good enough
do you betray what you feel inside
by running away and trying to hide
what do you do who do you see
when what your heart desires
doesnt desire thee
 Jun 2014 Jess Rojas
Jonah Scott
Surrounded but alone
longing for a place
that feels like home
by your side I saw him
as you walked on by
then it hit where it hurt most
I'm nothing more than
just another ghost
 Jun 2014 Jess Rojas
Jonah Scott
As I stand here before you
my mind is somewhere else
I'm here but I'm not
like a missing book from a shelf
you see the past haunts me
waking hours and in my sleep
mistakes long past
still scar so deep
one would say
to let go just forget
but on the inside
I'm just a mess
if all of life is but a dream
it'd be great to wake up
and go back to sleep
Love like the sun
Loves the earth
Ever since they met
They dance every day

The sun makes the earth
Look on the brighter side
The earth gives the sun
A reason to wake up

Love like the earth
Loves the sun
Because the earth isn’t distracted
By the stars and the moon
 Jun 2014 Jess Rojas
Jonny Angel
I traced your quivering lips
with my shaky fingers
& we stood
teary eye to teary eye,
& realizing it was ending,
we parted
for the last time,
& walked away
on our love.
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