She People-watches Lipstick-blotches Kissing her coffee cup Daydream-drinker Over-thinker Brewing in her mind. Bold-with cream Cool-with steam Latte lifting up Always stirring Wond'ring, worry'ing Of love she left behind. |b.g.|
I lost yet found a piece of myself there with you in the moonlight I lost my heart it is no longer mine but now lies inside yours My soul was found that night between the trees and water of the steam I found it in a place I never thought to look in another... in your heart.
I found it in your words ...I love you Tentatively I felt them twist their way inside me sinking further than any other They reach through me waking a desire I didn't know existed A helpless passion
I found it in your touch softly like feathers yet it was capable of breaking down these walls I built up high around me You touched me like no other timidly yet possessively you stole my heart