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Oct 2015 · 441
woods(very mature)
lost thoughts Oct 2015
this is a very mature if ur not 18 please don't read it.

once you got to school  you set your stuff down,
we start to walk to the trail that we’ve been going to for days now. when we get there we head so far back on it no one can see us.
once we get that far we stop at our spot
and i start kissing you.
as i’m kissing you i start to undo your pants
and put my hands down your pants,
and into you little sweet spot.
then i started to stroke your little tickle spot
till i had you wiggling on my finger,
and begging me to fill you..
then as i was kissing you
i felt you starting to undo my belt
so i undid my belt and pants
and let myself free.
then i put myself at the entrance to your heaven
and slowly pushed my way inside of you.
i slowly pull myself out and
take the slow ride back in
till i have you begging
me to go faster and as deep as i can.
Oct 2015 · 338
soul mates
lost thoughts Oct 2015
I’ve always loved you
even had not i met you
love you i would still
not ever to forget you
desired i have to be real
to quench mine hearts fire
love for you always still
Sep 2015 · 419
love poem
lost thoughts Sep 2015
Your kiss heals my soul, Your smile heals my pain, your presence is the best, my kiss heals your soul, my soul is yours, my smile heals your pain, I suffer and want without you, there is nothing around when you are around me. You make me feel better you make me smile and you make me whole again!! Your the healer of my pain. I am yours and you are mine. I love you no matter what happens. You make my world like a teenage dream when I am around you. You are my light for everything. You are my strength when I am weak. When I am down you make it better.When I see you I smile and when I don't see you I'm sad. I tell you what’s wrong and you make it better. The bond the we have can't be broken! You make my life better at school than home life. You make me happy again when I see you.
me and my gf came up with this one.!
May 2015 · 533
i'm not perfect
lost thoughts May 2015
I'm not perfect.
I'll annoy you,
tick you off,
say stupid thuings,
and then take them back.
But put that all aside,
you;ll never find  a person that
cares and loves you
more than me.
Apr 2015 · 367
lost thoughts Apr 2015
It's so much.
not to have you by my side.
not to be around you.
not to be with you.

Apr 2015 · 299
The Little Moments
lost thoughts Apr 2015
The Little Moments
That I Spend With
You, Make My Life
Beautiful, Day By
Day..    Silently, In My
Heart, I Wanna
Thank God,   For
Bringing Such A
Wonderful Person Into My Life!!!
Mar 2015 · 974
The truth
lost thoughts Mar 2015
the truth? i like you.
A lot. You make me
happy. You make me
laugh. you're smart.
     You're different.
You're a little crazy,
and  awkwared, and
your smile alone can
make my day.
Mar 2015 · 383
lost thoughts Mar 2015
tell her she's your only one  when she
is upset, hold her tight.  play with her hair.
pick her up, tickle her, and wrestle
with her. just talk to her. bring her flowers just
because. just make her happy, tell her  she is butiful
make her smile, lauph and love.
Feb 2015 · 384
lost thoughts Feb 2015
Roses are red.
My ***** are Blue.
So *** on over
and **** them true.
Feb 2015 · 362
The answer
lost thoughts Feb 2015
If you're aasking if I need you,
the answer is forever.
If you're asking if I'll leave you,
the answer is never.
If you're asking what I value,
the answer is you.
If you're asking if i love you,
the answer is I do.
Feb 2015 · 647
lost thoughts Feb 2015
You are the prettiest

You are the cutest

If I had to invent a new word

I would call you beautifulest

You are the most charming

You are most intelligent

I have never seen someone

Who is so elegant

You are the girl

That every guy desires

Baby, I love you a lot

For you, my heart is on fire
Feb 2015 · 808
with or without her
lost thoughts Feb 2015
When I am without her, the sun doesn't shine as brightly.
When I am without her, the clouds are dark and foreboding.
When I am without her, the birds don't sing as sweetly.
When I am without her, the walls close in on me.
When I am without her, in the depths of my hell, whispering her name sustains me.
But, when I am with her, she lifts me up.
When I am with her, I have the strength to move mountains.
When I am with her, I can withstand anything.
When I am with her, her smile warms my very soul.
When I am with her, the angels sing her name.
When I am with her, I fall in love all over again.
Jan 2015 · 394
love you
lost thoughts Jan 2015
I will Hold you
up when you
can't stand
I will wipe
away the
cry, I will Fight for
you when you give up and I
will LOVE you forever and
Jan 2015 · 781
lost thoughts Jan 2015
when i say i love you,
please belive it's true.
when i say forever,
i mean i'll never leave.
when i say good bye,
please don't cry
cause the day,
i do is the day i die.
Jan 2015 · 272
lost thoughts Jan 2015
i love it when
you smile.
but i love
it more when
i'm the reason
that you smile.
to my girl friend.
Jan 2015 · 382
lost thoughts Jan 2015
i'm the nicest
person you'll
ever meet until
you **** with me
or the people i love.
to all the people that think they rule the world.
Jan 2015 · 974
lost thoughts Jan 2015
I can't
to fix
all of your
but i can
you won't face
them alone!!
Jan 2015 · 1.3k
you're my everthing
lost thoughts Jan 2015
you're not just my friend
you're my LOVER
you're not just my lover
you're my HEART
you're not just my heart
you're my LIFE
you're not just my life
you're my EVERYTHING
for some one named Liebe ist großartig
Dec 2014 · 358
lost thoughts Dec 2014
it's nice
to have
someone in
your life
who can
make you
smile even
not around

love you.
Dec 2014 · 281
lost thoughts Dec 2014
Your happyness
is all that matters,
your joy is in her
then follow it
don't look back,
follow it forward.  
Do something that,
scares you,
makes you feel alive,
that thrills you.
mine is you.
Dec 2014 · 505
lost thoughts Dec 2014
Die Wahrheit? Ich mag dich.
eine Menge. Du machst mich
glücklich. Du machst mich
laugh.You're smart.
Du bist anders.
Sie sind ein wenig verrückt,
und awkard und
Ihr Lächeln allein kann
mein Tag!
Dec 2014 · 572
a little sip
lost thoughts Dec 2014
sitzt neben
für dich
ist wie
ein kleiner schluck
Ewigkeit, die Sonne,
die Sterne,
der Himmel,
nie probiert
so gut.
sitting next to
to you
is like
a sip
Eternity, the sun,
the stars,
the sky,
never tried
so good.

this is what the poem says.
Dec 2014 · 376
every step
lost thoughts Dec 2014
Selbst der
längste Weg
beginnt mit
dem ersten
Dec 2014 · 366
roses are red.
lost thoughts Dec 2014
Rosen sind rot
Veilchen sind blau,
egal was ich werde dich immer lieben.
this is in german too, but there is google translate.
Dec 2014 · 500
german love
lost thoughts Dec 2014
Ich liebe dich sehr, du bist mein Leben niemals möchte ich dich verlïeren, für immer meine ewige liebe.
sorry guys but this one is in german
Dec 2014 · 237
love less
lost thoughts Dec 2014
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen nor even touched, but just felt in the heart.
Dec 2014 · 321
lost thoughts Dec 2014
I'm lying here alone in bed,
with so much going through my head,
When i look into those eyes,
I'm lost in the eyes of an angle.
Dec 2014 · 261
my lovely
lost thoughts Dec 2014
You say you love me
you say you care
But when you look into my eyes
I see and feel something more
I see your soul and you see mine
I feel your love, love words can't describe
You are the one, the one I'll always love
and the one that might not always care.
don't forget about me.
Dec 2014 · 337
lost thoughts Dec 2014
You are my love, you are my life;
you controll me with a smile,
you destroy me with a good bye.
I'll never forget your love.

— The End —