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Jelly belly Mar 2015
Life starts as a clean slate.
A child, a babe,
When you are born, you have done no wrong.
But every single day after that,
Every extra day you breath, you do something wrong.
But today, You begin anew.
I grant you a fresh start,
A second chance,
Call it what you will.
Don't dwell on the past,
Focus on the life you want. Work for it.
Begin anew.
Ah Spring, the time of new life.
God, I haven't written in forever! I'm a little rusty :/
Let me know if you like this, and if you'd like, I'd love to hear what things you want to do with your systemic reboot :)
Jelly belly Nov 2014
You hate me
I hate me
Everybody hates me
I just can't believe how stupid I am
It was such a simple **** up Just a double check.
Know you know and I ****** up
Any chance I had is gone
I just wish I were dead.
Jelly belly Oct 2014
Once upon a time I died a little, and I have not lived since then.
I feel ******.
Jelly belly Sep 2014
Once, I was strong. So I stretched it.
Then, it was fine, so I let keep going.
Something happened, so back I pulled.
for a while, it stopped and I grew stronger again,
But the pressure came on and now-- I've snapped.
Relapsed after 10 months clean. So disappointed in myself.
Jelly belly Jul 2014
So very scared....
  Jul 2014 Jelly belly
Sam Oliver
Don't cut,
my dear.
Without blood,
how will you blush
when I hold you?

Don't hate
You've nothing
to loathe.
Especially with
me beside you
every step of the way.

Don't pierce,
my dear.
Your heart
has taken
the arrow
too much for
the skin to
take the needle.

Don't drink,
my dear.
I'm sure
your lips
are intoxicating
without it.

Don't cry,
my dear.
I would prefer
that your eyes
were clear,
so I could give
the gazing
they are overdue.

Don't laugh,
my dear.
I may live
because of you.
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