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Jaya Das Jan 2017
Draped inside the golden skin
                She carries a mutilated heart within
                    With every new soliciting hold
                Her old being gets crippled and sold
             Confronting those eyes, giving a lewd leer
              Creeps through her infected blood
                    Mingled spirit of fury and fear
         The fright of surrender pounds her heart
     For someone’s pleasure, stings her every part
             Bound in the hands of nasty pimps
          In the ocean, unfathomable, all her hopes sink
            In the bleak corners of the brothel, die
        For escape, unceasing yowl, the never ending cry
       Inside the four walls, for help no answer she finds
               ‘This is your fate’ the echo reminds
               No one can empathize her pain
          She is just a part of stigma and disdain
             Behind the veil, comes out a wail
              Who should have the real shame?
            For a work, she is been coerced into
    Why whole life her ‘name’ has to carry the blame?
Jaya Das Nov 2016
The chords of her heart
               Resting in a long covet
                  For those fingers to touch them
                    And press hard against
              To let her body possess the music of love
               Which no else can hear
         And like a boat sailing on the sea
                She may float on it for rest of her life
              Recklessly without any fear
                And then the day came.....
                 When she fell in love
    The cords of her heart remain untouched
                But her soul was lifted......
             By the music originating from an unknown source
        She told none, but everyone could hear
                  How? She knows not
           Cause it was not the boat which was sailing
            It was the sea holding the boat
           Through its buoyancy
        Cause She thought it was she who possessed love
        But it was love that possessed her.
Jaya Das Nov 2016
Sometimes, a deep seated thought ,
Paves it's way, lingering inside my heart
Shouting aloud in silence to me, it yearns
To escape from the net, I am entrapped in
Knitted by the threads of love, despair and attachment
And set out on an endless journey, walking till the end of earth
Adoring the beauty of nature and it's bounties
And rest in her lap, diving into a sleep..
In order to lost my being in it.
And, yeah! While passing by on my  way
I am not gonna ask the trees, why they are so tall?
I would just sit under their balmy shade,
Enjoying the serene bower in my weariness
I am not gonna ask those birds,
Perching on the branches of trees,How do they sing ?
I would just listen to their melodious notes
And let my heart get elated through it
I am not gonna question the river, how do you flow?
I would just stand at it's bank and
See it flowing, realising the pace of my life passing by
I don't want to discover myself, all I want is to
Get lost in every small element of nature.......
This deep seated thought of mine
keeps on pounding my heart again and again
But , when I open my eyes ,
I find the frame of net , a complex one!
And untangling the knots, a difficult task,
Restraining my unfulfilled growing desire
I resolve to move ahead....
Hoping one day, what I crave for I would surely get.
Jaya Das Nov 2016
The chords of her heart
               Resting in a long covet
           For those fingers to touch them
                    And press hard against
    To let her body possess the music of love
               Which no else can hear
         And like a boat sailing on the sea
      She may float on it for rest of her life
              Recklessly without any fear
                And then the day came.....
                 When she fell in love
    The cords of her heart remain untouched
                But her soul was lifted......
By the music originating from an unknown source
        She told none, but everyone could hear
                  How? She knows not
       Cause it was not the boat which was sailing
            It was the sea holding the boat
                Through its buoyancy
  Cause  She thought it was she who possessed love
        But it was love that possessed her.
Jaya Das Oct 2016
My treading feet towards your abode
Couldn't trace my footprints back
Soul left my body so far.......
Couldn't hear yearnings of shadow marred!
I searched
the deepest depths
of the vastest oceans,
I searched way up high,
past the clouds,
in the bluest of blue skies,

I searched
deep in the hearts
of nature's greenest forests...
It turns out,
that I was carrying it within me
all along - only now, do I realise.

By Lady R.F ©2016
Such a lovely surprise to receive the daily
for my first poem upon returning to HP.
Two dailys in total in my time here...I'm blown away! Thank you all soooooo much!
Such an honor and a privilege

I'm so glad to be back home, here at HP!
I missed this site and everyone soooo much!
I'm sorry I left unexpectedly,
I really missed you guys!
Rosalie ***
Jaya Das Oct 2016
Sitting beside my window pane,
I was gazing at all that was happening outside,
clouds of her thoughts were treading ahead,
gradually engulfing the tranquil gleam,
brightening my soul and my mind...,
and then with a sudden lightening and thunder,
I could hear the outburst of cloud, it couldn’t bear anymore,
a plethora of drops, down my eyes, rolled,
wetting every corner of my if..,
on the thirsty earth, the mercy of clouds was poured....
her memories constantly pounded my heart.....,
I sat numb and still beneath the curtains of oblivion,
drowned in the reminiscences, flooding every part of my mind,
the rain continued...., for an hour or two prolonged the tide,
again a sudden thunder and back i came to my senses,
few minutes tears dried up,
not a single bead was left to shed.......
I looked outside and found the beautiful prismatic sky,
Rays of sun reaching far to cover everything with its golden blanket,
The birds calling me out to start a new journey ahead,
All my thoughts drained, gone was all my pain,
If she couldn’t understand my love,
i would indulge in something else, to show my love a way........,
I left myself in the hands of creativity....,
The rains of past have fallen......
I took my brush to paint the present scene.
There is always a hope....comment how u feel after reading it

— The End —