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6.0k · Jun 2013
Jay Bryant Jun 2013
The sweetest joy
Maniacal ploy
The plot thickens
I start grinning
As the goosebumps
Crawl up my spine
Its time to get even
Even if that means
Leaving my current
Mental state of sanity
Death to humanity
I guess its the imperfect
Man in me
My morals hide
My smile is wide
Now is the time
That vengance is mine
4.4k · Feb 2014
Jay Bryant Feb 2014
She inspires me to write,
When I think of her words bubble to the surface of my mind.
Literary comprehension this is what she brings to me.
Balancing thoughts and emotions of love happiness.
She has become the scale to my brain.
The sight of her face is what moves the blood through my veins.
My eyes were made for her so without the sigh of her I'll go blind.
I'm grateful she allows me to see.
Poem from 2010
4.0k · Jun 2013
A Real Man
Jay Bryant Jun 2013
I say I'm a man
They say I'm underage
Does that make me a boy?
What is it that make them men?
So often I see greatness in expression
They say its real but I say its talk without action
I've learned to learn these things harder then others
My life is filled with compassion for others
I only fear that the reaction of others
Will smother me and the things that I mother
All the things these people have love for
Not loving there own mothers or fathers
So many fathers without children rather
Most of these children are without fathers
These men don't take care of they're flesh
Only using the 24 hours God gave them for themselves
So let my childhood pass me so I can show these men
That I've found in the few real men around me
They think of only my age and not of my brain
Trying to relate their lives to that of my own
Making my life out of experiences they've experienced
This is the mistake they've made not knowing
The things I know so many mistakes
Tho, I've learned from the ones I've made
These men aren't men through actions
That's the fact that I know
3.9k · Jul 2013
Tough Love
Jay Bryant Jul 2013
I can see
The jealousy in there eyes,
And hear the envy
Of there tone.
I can only grieve,
and hope that they learn.

They need to know
that life comes with pain,
and the way we live
Isn't always great.

Don't tell them the ups
Tell them the downs.
They need to think.
Before they drown.
Teach them a lesson
Don't bail them out
Love them tough
Hate the crowd.
3.6k · Dec 2012
Material Things
Jay Bryant Dec 2012
Its sad to see
People of my generation
Looking for material things
Leaving love abaft
And not looking back.
Eyes dead forward
Never in the past
Not looking for their mistakes
While they dead in they face
Minds are to abstracted
Steady distracted
Envying material things.
The pain that it brings
When these things
Are lost in a fire.
It burns my heart to know
They think they bought
Their soul, but never
2.9k · Jun 2014
Welding Hearts
Jay Bryant Jun 2014
The hearts and minds of our  future selves weld,
And Melt into the ***,
It seems hopeless to try,
But I can't seem to stop.
Until  Father time says; "My clock will tic but not tock,"
Sorry Doc you can' cure my ailments,
I'm killing myself for you,
But I still feel selfish.
Only if I can hide within myself like a shellfish,
Maybe I wouldn't be so hellbent on understanding this Paradox.
I saw our future before  I knew your name.
It pains  me to say its presently driving me insane
I try to fight the feeling
Though I can't seem to tame it
Steady holding the gun to your heart
But I can't seem to aim it
Praying for  something different
Though I can't  seem to change it
I can't seem to change us
Like Love is the game,
And Someone is playing us
Framing us,
For murdering "What could be"
I don't know
If its what should be
Though I have no problem seeing
If what would be perfect.
Could really be perfect.
I may be delusional
Tho, I don't care  because I know your worth it
Hallucinations of spending my time
With only you on this Earth.
I can't say if its a blessing or a curse.
At times its the best but,
Most of the time its the worst.
Trying my best to appease you
Until I leave this Earth.
2.6k · Nov 2013
I Have No Regrets In Life
Jay Bryant Nov 2013
I live life with no true regrets,
So I remain distant from the stress that lies in the distance.
Those heartaches you’d swear on your name
Felt like gut wrenching pain,
And all the agony that comes with reminiscing.
The memories so vivid and descriptive
So realistic, that I can taste the sweat on her lips,
And feel the hesitation that sets in before the kiss
How my hands gripped her hips
How her skin felt like temptation
How the moment lasted forever
How I realized it wouldn’t last forever
When I snap back in to reality
I feel like I witnessed a tragedy
Because this is not what I want
But it is what I once had
And the memory brings
Back the chemistry
That was once so great it seemed like symmetry
As time fades away these thoughts seem to stay
Permanently embedded in my brain
Sweet yet vicious like lye laced kisses
Or the exquisite meal that’s prepared
For the man that’s about to face his fears
And find out what awaits him in the next dimension.
I use to spend my days in darkness and mischief.
Though I changed my ways when I saw her face.
I saw faith in sway of hips,
So my breath she takes away as I kiss her lips
That past she takes away I feel that I missed
What it could have been
If she would have been with me back then
If I could have caressed her skin
If love could have begun with her
If the past could have been spun with her
Instead of the web that’s weaved of mistrust, lust, and hurt
If she could have claimed her turf
Before the others came to work
The ones that made it more work for her
So at times my love may seem like a curse to her
Though she knows our future is bright
Like a distant star in the sunlight.

I’m certain that I live with no true regrets
Though it seems that the only purpose of the past
Is to remind me of what I had
To take the truth and twist it
To change me from sane to demented
This misery is worse than a child sitting in detention
When the teacher failed to mention
He could attend recess.
If only my life I could reset
If only I could Ctrl, Alt, Del
The recesses of my mind
And let the monster loose
I’m forced to trap in the basement
All the built up anger I’d hate to displace it
And all this love has yet to replace it.
Happiness is here I can taste it
Her presence is far from basic
Every minute treasured none wasted
Every hour helps build this tower
That’s meant to reach heavens
This power of peace
This peace of power
She has over me
Makes me feel complete
So I’ll Ctrl, Alt, Delete
Any memories that aren’t as sweet, as She.
That aren’t as deep as me
Inside of Her
Making love with her,
My only wish is to share this love with her
Maybe have a son with her
My life is like white doves with her
So I live with no true regrets
Because my past brought me to her
So I don’t mind the heartache and the hurt I once felt,
Even if my heart is Ice she’ll make it melt
2.6k · Jun 2013
Jay Bryant Jun 2013
The space that is holding us back.
The thing keeping my hand from caressing your back.
These roadways, highways, and freeways
Blocking my way to you
I need to make my way to you.

This is the problem
Love I believe it to be the answer.
Tho, the solution to the problem
Raises a question
That needs to be answered.
How far does love go?

What is love in distance?
Would I measure it in miles or inches?
How much love does it take to get to you?
Does love matter if the distance is to great to get to you?

I don't like this distance
Tho, I'll travel the farthest distance.
Just to give you a give a kiss
Can you feel the love don't resist it.

Love knows no distance
If I were on Venus
You were on Saturn
We'd meet on Mars
The distance wouldn't matter

It takes time to travel
Tho, I think we could go the distance.
When I said I love you I meant it.
I know you felt the love
Just try not to feel the distance.
2.6k · Feb 2014
Born In Music
Jay Bryant Feb 2014
The smooth sounds of rnb,
Vibe from my speakers
Deep into my mind.
While the sweet melodies
And lyrics flow in my ears,
My brain reacts to words
And sends signals
through most of body.
Music control my state of mind.
It brings violence or peace,
depending on the lyrics.
The beat controls my tempo
Mellow or Uptight
Music controls my life,
And emotions
It will always make my day.
Poem from 2010
Jay Bryant Jul 2013
Close your eyes and feel the presence of yourself,
Abolish the world from your thoughts and let reality melt
We live within our senses, We Are Nothing, but we’re here can you admit this
I amend it, a way of thinking that allows time to become absent.
Rather you’re at your pinnacle or in your casket
No life form can match it, imagine the end as anticlimactic
Imagine your life without scare tactics, without fear schematics
Our lives are mapped out,
Until we look within
This is where spirituality begins.
The things our brains can’t yet comprehend
Though once we must have been
Society road blocked our creativity in
Stressed simplicity until we believed it again
The ancients are more modern yet we call them cavemen.
We’re told to read books and agree with the men
When our opinions start to differ we’re told to read it again
Well now I take a stand as firm as the genetics of man,
Strong as God’s right hand.
This is where my life begins.
This is where my struggle ends.
I used to strive to survive thinking life could end.
This can’t be God’s intent,
The unseen started this trend,
Why must we fight when we don’t have to fight to win?
We’re all unified by love, but also by sin.
God is love, so love has always been
Though sin was started with man
Since sin has a start it’s possible for it to end
God’s love is strong it won’t waiver or bend
It won’t imprison us within our sin
However there’s doubt in the voices of influential men
I won’t be manipulated by their sounds,
Their actions I won’t recommend
Reprehensible are the things I’ve seen
Irresponsible are human beings
Confined by time their lifetime is all they see
Motivated by greed and material things broadcasted on T.V.
Seems like they’re following the map to me
The trail left by the previous which is devious
There is more to life than what we see in it
Outside of time we’re fine, but we grieve within it
We’re told we’re destined to meet death
So we place that fear deep in our chest
Look at the map and find some points to connect
School 8 hours a day for 13 years,
After that you’d think we’d be considered equal by our peers
But they subtract our success until we add tears.
So we have to go to college for a few more years
Then work 8 hour days to gain acceptance.
With all we learned throughout our years
How could we miss life’s biggest lessons?
We remain blind to the fact that God is near
God is hear; his voice is like my heartbeat
I lay beneath the dark sheets,
And listen for hours to my love’s heart beat
Our women are a blessing, but they don’t teach that lesson
What could the cardiac spark be?
It’s said even the earth has a heartbeat
How smart should I be after 20,000 hours of learning?
A long journey, but we all must attend.
To be taught the theories of men,
To be misled again and again
Time remains, but not man
Look at the time we’ve gained vs. the time we spent
We didn’t pay God to live so after our first day of life
We have a 24 hour deficit.
1440 minutes of our heart beating and,
Our lungs breathing for no apparent reason
Besides that fact that God believes in us
It’s not like God needs us; but we need him.
He created the seed from which we began.
Though our arrogance created disbelief of him.
How ignorant are we not to believe in him.
We help conceive our sons, but don’t breathe life in them
The Breath of Life is in them, The Breath of Life is in us.
So God’s a must, or our lungs would combust
Our dollars read “In God We Trust.”
Though where do we place our trust if money rules us?
Currencies was created by society, to establish a variety and levels of man.
The poor are weak and the rich are prominent men.
We’re taught to chase money, but in the bible it’s taught as sin.
After that first dollar a quest for power begins,
Where did it all begin more money more power let us start over again?
No money, no power just our spirituality within.
God will forgive again if we put our trust in him.
Though we remain to put our trust in men.
They continue to lie over and over again
About the preexistence of man
We’re man’s existence began.
This is why I take a stand.
This conventional way of life I don’t understand
So I’ll close my eyes, look deep within, and listen to love that god sends.
We need to understand the love that God is
The love God gives, he gives us life, and the chance to make it right.
Despite our numerous infidelities, various misdeeds to bring out his jealousy.
It inspires anger in me to think, to be the creator of all things,
And see your created beings giving worship to inanimate deity.
This isn’t radical thinking, rather rational thinking.
We let our arrogance and addiction to power turn us into irrational beings.
Trapped by fear of what society thinks,
Society reeks in its intoxication; drunken with power.
Sobriety is considered insanity in this nation.
Though those made out to be sane lack brains, and the knowledge of the true God.
I find it odd that Christianity was made adjacent with this nation.
Now God is thought of as a façade and they attempt to replace him.
“In God We Trust.” How many of you can find truth in that statement as a Nation?
Do you see the truth in what I’m saying or do you remain blinded by hatred.
Look deep in yourself find your lust for power and replace it.
Instill love in your heart come out of the dark.
2.4k · Dec 2012
Brown Skin
Jay Bryant Dec 2012
Staring in her eyes,
I'm more then hypnotized
I feel that I'm drowning.....
Not in any ocean of water
But a sea of sand.
Deep down in the brown
For the blue is cold
And her eyes are warm.
Mocha is her color
From her eyes to her hips.
In love with her brew
And her aroma.
A coffee that needs no cream
All I need is a sip
And maybe a lick of her cup
Bcuz she taste like hazelnut
Tho I think I've said enough
Bcuz I love it too much.
1.8k · Dec 2012
If I Ruled The World
Jay Bryant Dec 2012
If I ruled the world
The air would be gray
So each day
We could sit and watch
The colors blow away
If I ruled the world
The whole globe would be gay
Happiness abundant
In a joyous
Kind of way
If I ruled the world
Races would be gateways
To walk into the life
Of another culture each day.
If I ruled the world
Boundaries would be no more
I'd step on racism
And knock down hatreds door
1.8k · Feb 2014
Jay Bryant Feb 2014
Your body is shaped like the earth itself.
Unique at every curve,
and you move at my slightest touch.
My fingers slowly caress your back as your breath grows stronger.
My hand slides between your legs and your body begins to move.
When my fingers plunge inside you release an angelic tone.
My fingers moved inside of you while your body twist and turns.
I descend deeper inside of you as my tongue moves up your neck.
Slowly move my tongue down between your breast.
Your body twitches when I hit the tip of your *****.
You moan lightly when my tongue spreads the lips of your ******,
Screaming as my mouth engulfs it, and your juices flow within it.*
**When my lips pinch your **** you lose every thought
In your mind except for pleasure.
I plunge my **** inside of you until you can...
Feel the pressure against your walls,  
I feel your warm wet ***** around it.
1.7k · Oct 2013
Am I Dreaming?
Jay Bryant Oct 2013
Wake up some days like I must be dreanin
Feinnin for a state a mind
That gives life meaning,
Submerged in reasoning,
Drowned by thinking
I see the white light
Or am I dreaming
Am I feeling this way for no reason?
Subconsciously bleeding
Sharing my thoughts like I’m seeding  
An open book who’s reading
A case against life I’m pleading
In the game I’m seasoned
But if it’s the truth I’m speaking
Tell me if I’m dreaming,
Tell me if you see them
The haters the fakers the tyrants
Promoting convictions and violence
My people on the Earth are dying
Because these demons in disguise stay lying
I’m trying **** right trying to cease the pain and the crying
Mothers tears who fear their children’s death is near
I’m clear in what saying so don’t get my words twisted
Like I be having distorted visions
, Never That,
My dreams are vivid my lyrics descriptive
I’m not saying I’m gifted
But this truth will make you question religion
Will make aggressive from timid
God said we are all made in his image
Minus mutations from Chemist
Our genes don’t flex like gymnast  
This world’s stress is our limit
Without artificial stress we can live it
Live life like back in the Garden of Eden
Like children at play hope hasn't gone away
Conscience fleeting today,
Emotions peeling away
Drinking whiskey straight
I guess this is the way
I guess this is the place
Life just whisking away
Who’ll miss me anyways?
1.7k · Jul 2013
Material Things
Jay Bryant Jul 2013
Its sad to see
People of my generation
Looking for material things
Leaving love abaft
And not looking back.
Eyes dead forward
Never in the past
Not looking for their mistakes
While they dead in they face
Minds are to abstracted
Steady distracted
Envying material things.
The pain that it brings
When these things
Are lost in a fire.
It burns my heart to know
They think they bought
Their soul, but never
1.6k · Dec 2012
New Age Philosophy
Jay Bryant Dec 2012
Philosophers have out grown philosophy
So they set down their motions of peace
And pick up the mixtapes and cds
Of the artist that speak the truth
Tho, truthfully I believe,
Real artist can never become mainstream
Ideals of the underground
Shake the balance of the things
We watch on tv, Subliminal messages
and suggestive themes
I confess that I once was meshed
With the things they wanted me to be
Silent to world I had a voice but could not speak
Nothing special just a ***** from the streets
Had a lot of brains but lacked hope
So I became I refuge of anger and violence
A menace to society,
My hands seemed to find everything I need
My hope was stolen, So I stole whatever could fit in my jeans.
Misguided by the bad influence
As I grew I broke hold of the influence
Tho, still lived my life under the influence Sleepless nights, emotionless days
So I concocted a formula To make the pain go away
Let go of my anger Locked up my rage
Educated myself On matters of the new age
I found that’s nothing’s new
Besides the technology We’ve grown accustom to
People sale their souls
To get their face on the news
The media grabs their tongues Insolent fools,
Voices are silenced Or set to hide
When what they say Is what’s on their mind
The truth, Whispered to blind eyes
Now mentally I’m the Voltaire of this century
Learn your history I shall enlighten the
1.5k · Jan 2013
The Inner Truth
Jay Bryant Jan 2013
The things Ive seen have brought about the things I aspire to be. Yes she inspires me to be all I can be. Tho, my actions are unpleasant today. I hope she understands tomorrow. I hope she comprehends my actions and statements like the lady that's long left this nation. She knew me better than me now no one can see this pain that afflicts me. The voices that drive my mental, insanity, is the answer to the question they haven't asked. Long ago in past I meditated on my sanity in hopes the facued of being normal would last. Self medication takes place when the ice hits the glass and the taste of ***** and codiene numbs me face. Tho now when I see her face feelings of love take place. I love this girl tho it hurts me. I see the anguish in her face sadly I have placed it deep inside of her heart. Though one day like alchemy I'll make love from the pain. I wish to extend my days with her, because I can't explain the extent of my happiness when I'm with her. Tho she's yet to truly know me the different personalities within me. The dreadful things I've seen, the caged beast that lives in my words, the worries of life, the twist and turns of my brain, the differences in each name. Mentally my brain is split in three, tho, physically there's only me. So she cannot see; that the poet brings peace to me, Jay is a few pieces of me the good the bad and the ugly that's what most people see, Jaykhuan is at the root of me the grimey, the dreams of people shooting at me, worse than the ***** I'm expected to be, and still smarter than the ****** trying to flex on me. So you see Jpoetry mends these words of pain sewing them on a string to stitch beauty in my brain. Jay always escapes but I hate for Jaykhuan to get out his cage. The criminal who hides the pain. Tho at night she soothes me happily. I've finally found what happiness can be her life and family bring happiness to me. So motions of devotion grow strong in my heart, but my heart hurts because I've caused pain to her. Tho willingly I'll endure to ensure that our lives will be drawn out successfully. I'll endure her pain the silent tears in her name, and hope the grand scheme of things won't turn her away. The drugs in my vains take away my pain, but can't numb the disappointment in her face. So I hope, pray, and believe that she'll learn me so she can see, can understand the actions that overtake me are not just for me but for us. It breaks me when her anger makes her cuss. Tho for us I'll remain tough so down the line this love will bring love to both of us
1.4k · Jul 2013
Forbidden Pleasure
Jay Bryant Jul 2013
I begin to feel the tingling
Sensation we call temptation
While the air is saturated with lust.
Her tongue is yearning for my skin.
And she is thinking of thing
deep within my pants..
Her hands only desire,
Is to rip off my attire,
and let this forbidden love begin.

I can feel the tenderness
Of her thighs,
But only with my eyes
Because I shall not touch.
This pleasure is forbidden,
But I can't help but mention
Her curves and her figure
And how bad I want to taste.
My mind is starting scream
And my body is already weak.
This forbidden pleasure
Is mines to have and to own.
1.4k · Dec 2012
No Gravity
Jay Bryant Dec 2012
I feel so high when I'm with you.
Happier than a fien with his fix.
Feeling like I took my first hit.
An everlasting high you give me.
Nothing can bring me down.
No gravity I'll never come down.
Your voice boosts me like a
Black n Mild Way past cloud 9 I lost count.
They all look alike yet feel different.
When I saw you I felt different.
Not lust but love that's different.
Our thoughts are similar.
Your body is never unfamiliar.
My kiss brings you close,
And my touch makes you moan.
My body makes you hot,
But my love keeps you warm.
1.4k · Dec 2012
Let My Words Touch You
Jay Bryant Dec 2012
Words slide down my tongue,
and flow together to paint a picture.
Let my words find your ears and your heart
so you can not only hear them but feel them.
Let my words depict a vivid picture of love in your mind.
A picture of you and me.
Let my words touch your heart and places you don't know.
Filling your body with my warmth and your mind with my soul.
The thought brings chill bumps to your arms like a light breeze on a winter day,
and a chilling sensation across your body like me lightly blowing in your ear.
An urge to let me in the place of no return.
Only love will return and I love you so let me return.
1.3k · Aug 2013
Night Owl
Jay Bryant Aug 2013
The night owl performs even deep within the storm
The weight of the world on its wings
Though in its heart it sings
It sees the truth that eludes the day
The stabbing of pride that leads them astray
Wholesome is the mind,
But the eyes constantly betray
Causing turmoil and dismay
A freight train is the truth
And it’s coming this way
To be frank the worlds sleeping
Only the Night Owl is awake
So wake up and start to train
To see the dried blood in the stain
Train your brain to be alert
Or be found dead in the dirt
For what it’s worth
It’s not curse it’s a blessing
So let this be a lesson
A testimony to the proof
A quest of harmony in a zoo
To silence all of the hullabaloo
Let the Night Owl Be proof to you
1.2k · Jul 2013
Jay Bryant Jul 2013











1.2k · Feb 2013
Jay Bryant Feb 2013
If I spoke the truth
It would be no concern to you
Maybe my rhymes hold no reason
Then whats the reason they seem untrue
I'm going to get high and reflect the sky
Look at the wings of the dove as it passes by
Project colors of blue love, not blues love
You see I got the blues but its no concern to you
What will your lack of concern prove
I'm not concerned with whispers of yesterdays winds: for its a new day
Tho today I might pay, Because those winds might have been trying to say
There's a storm headed my way, You may say this is an evil place
Tho each day you live, Have you given thanks?
1.2k · Dec 2012
Late Night Thoughts At 5am
Jay Bryant Dec 2012
When I write late in the night or early in the day,
I like dimmed lights,
pressing random thoughts into these keys,
As she lays next to me trying to sleep,
Novocaine plays and describes my day,
My words slur in this hypogongic state.
Lets take a trip somewhere far away.
A voyage to Atlantis or maybe just to another state.
Let my paradise be more then I dream.
Let it be a place where I can enjoy the birds sings.
With painted on scenery, Yeah, thats the way.
Let me groove with you,
let us dance on rose petals I feel so smooth with you.
My eyes are to heavy to carry
But the burden of sleep has already been buried.
Suddenly life's not so bad the struggle is still there but
The Struggles not so bad.
I've revised my ways without any kind of Rehab.
Eyes fall real slow lets hope I don't relapse.
Perhaps this is the quiet before the storm
Or maybe I'm sitting in the eye of the storm.
Tho, I do adore her for more than just her form,
I take whats inside the machine thats inside.
Mechanisms that hide from the naked eye but
I know them well so I can see them without even trying.
How dry is this life without the rain that pours from inside.
A drought thats good if you truly understands whats inside.
Late night missions in place of late night cries.
Stand up for what you feel is right,
I'll play the Stick up kid and rob the rich of their joy and pride.
I'll play Robin Hood in the storm tonight.
1.2k · Jul 2013
Carpe Diem
Jay Bryant Jul 2013
As I sit in deep thought
The only thought
on my mind is You.
When I'm with you
I know that I'm alive
I'm alive with you.

My emotions say its love,
But is it more then love?
I get a chill at your touch
I'm soaring with the doves.

Take my time with you
Live these days with you.
Seize the day with you.

Take advantage of the time
Or maybe fight with time.
My stomach starts to clench
Because  we may be out of time.
My heart will leave with you,
I'll find you both with time.
Tho, I'll take this time with you
To say I loved my time with you.

Take my day with you
Live these days with you.
Seize the days with you.
1.2k · Dec 2012
Look Deep Into My Eyes
Jay Bryant Dec 2012
Look deep into my eyes,
And feel my pain....

You think that's a smile,
But my teeth grinding
Its not the same
These scars on my body
Helped prove my name.
I'm a tree that's cut
But I'll grow again.
Don't dandle my ego
So when they oppugn
My character.
I can reconcile my name.
Display the calluses
On my hands,
Bcuz I can't show
The blisters on my brain.
Thoughts so deep
Ideas bleed out my vain.

Look deep into my eyes,
And feel my pain....
1.1k · Aug 2013
Smoking On A Cloud
Jay Bryant Aug 2013
Clouds go through my flesh,
As I feel my mind elevate high into the atmosphere
Steering clear of rain clouds
All the negative energy gets me down,
This smoke is thick and its loud
Inspires laughs like a clown
I can feel the vibration of life
When I’m on the ground.
In the air there’s not a care in a world for me
No untimely emergences impeding on my life
Like a burglary, stealing my time and my essence
At times my presence is a blessing
When I get with Mary Jane the game changes
She’s no regular Dame she invades my body
And promotes changes
Can even make me forget my name
Insignificant is my pain in her eyes
When she blows my mind
My problems whisk away in the wind
She heals my mental and physical ill’s
Without me popping a pill filled with poison
She is part of the Earth so for what it worth
I try to preserve the dirt, that’s where I will go
And that’s where she will be
So one day in her seeds I’ll be
And maybe someone will get high off me.
1.1k · Jun 2013
Life's Flow
Jay Bryant Jun 2013
My heart skips like a rock across the river filled in my sorrows
I'm down today, but there's hope for tomorrow
This hope lets me cope like its dope and I'm a fiend
Each ripple of a wave shows me the way
Taking me, making my mental depression raise
And in the breeze that kisses my tear streaked face
I find a glimmer of a smile the dawning of a new day
A day that dissolves anguish and brings an abundance of happiness
Like hot chocolate deep in winters mist
I find that I'm deep within these myths
Buried in lies beyond lies, I've tried and I've tried
Floundering time after time
Sinking deep until the bottom was my place to hide
Struggling for air, lungs unable to rise
Weight of burdened waters and tides
Until in the darkness I chose to swim and rise
The time is now determination fills my eyes
Thru pain comes happiness I have come to realize
Press to the top this Ian my life and my sunrise
I am the drive train in the machine that motivates me
The I in the team that solely consist of me
Like a beam of light it strikes me
Profusely enlightens me ,
Adjust my contrast and brightens me
No longer will I huddle in the dark acquiescly
Eloquence bubbles up inside of me
Hope serenades from within
As an illuminating light in my eyes begins
I can see now the fantastical future depends
On where I lay my burdens and my sins
I chose to be free, live my life, plant seeds
And allow destiny to drive and fulfill my needs
As I cry out the pain Heaven has heard my pleads
The anguish washed away, my soul no longer bleeds
My Utopia awaits, this cages bird is freed
Its times flee and gambol
No longer gambling on the shadows
Luminaries of the sky let me spread my wings and fly
Nature lifts me high, the birds chirp hi, as they gracefully fly by
I can't fathom the fugacious elegance so prevalent
With great relevance to my contentment with life
No longer with I struggle or strife
I'll dehydrate my eyes no longer will I cry
Time is ineffable so I'll pay no mind,
To the hands that control the lie
By Jay Bryant and Cole Jackson
1.1k · Feb 2014
Jay Bryant Feb 2014
A sunflower you are.
Brightening anyone's day who glances at you.
A seed of joy you came from a seed of happiness you instill in those you love. Uniquely colored with an inspiring personality you've become.
Your curves have befriended you from slim to round in all the right places.
Your body has intoxicated me.
It is beauty in the eye of any beholder.
To touch is the dream of every man, but to love is mines alone.
Your seeds of love are many in number yet all I needed is one.
Poem from 2010
1.1k · Jul 2013
Jay Bryant Jul 2013
Incense burn in a scene so peaceful
Frankly my heart is hesitant just to greet you
Brain thinking its possible for me to complete you
These mixed emotions seem deceitful
Tho, I start thinking clearer when I see you
Mind so filthy like a mirror,
But I still see you
Had my girl wishing she could be you,
Because I start singing "She Got Papers"
When  I think of You.
I gave my all just to get a piece of you
Signed on the dotted line
So Uncle Sam can see it too.
I remember back in class we would get in to it
Arguing for the top spot,
Who knew this love would pop up
All these years ain't really stopped nothing
Stayed solid to be honest you really haven't changed nothing .

Singing Pretty Ricky lyrics,
You was steady fronting
I like you when you mad,
Even tho you be steady cussing
Impatient but, you'll wait for me like you ain't even rushing

Now just calm down a bit,
Let me rub your back as you sit,
And tell me bout you day to day
Those moments will never fade away
Love to reduce your stress even on my lazy days

I know life gets rough,
But you was raised tough, and I know that's enough
You been got me through them hard times
Been writing this poem for a long time
Emotions, I never show mine

Ice Chest where my heart was at
So I make the wrong moves like I have Parkinson's

But let me get deep
I gotta sweep you off your feet
and put you in your seat.

That Blood Moon really got me thinking,
Listening to Erykah Badu
Like its Soul Searching Season
You stole me soul, maybe that's the reason
I'm writing this poem
Like my Soul crying
And I just want to appease him
Feel like each word I write is committing treason

My heart is steady speaking
But My brain is trying to cease him
Asked God to seize my life
If you ever go away

Been through to much
So I refuse to stay,
On a Earth that only causes dismay
Though, you bring warmth
Like the sun rises each day
Praise your involvement
In my life each day
Grew up around gangs
On the streets of La
Lost so many love ones
I don't even like to play
God doesn't guarantee each day

That's what that Rock music would say
I remember back when I was depressed
Listening to rock music all day
Then  I found out
You wasn't scared to say
You listened to Rock music all day
Blasting Pain by Three Days Grace
Don't feel home Until I see your face.

I know this poem is long,
But this is a special case
Been over three thousand days
Since I first seen your face
Saved my life more than 300 ways
That's once every ten days
Since I first seen your first

I love you
With more than my heart
Girl, that's all I have to say
Ain't talked to you all day
But I still can see your face
It's burned into memory
Every encounter with you
I swear I remember it vividly '
Ten years from now bet I remember
When I wrote this vividly
Sentimental as ****
Ain't even smoked a blunt
Can you picture me.
1.0k · Sep 2013
Just Hold On
Jay Bryant Sep 2013
Trouble on my mind, as my pen cries.
The Sun has gone home, so I sit trapped in the night alone
Listening to sad songs, wishing I can go home, but my home is long gone.
It’s not to my convenience actually its rather inconvenient, and in it I can’t find meaning.
A betrayal of emotions you may deem it treason.
My pen cries blood on the paper and love is the reason, love is the issue.
Well among my issues, the negative in my life is not only mental but physical.
Not only financial but spiritual, so these words I’m giving to you,
Is all I have to give to you, the weight of the world is fine.
Its breaks my back so I cry, but I’m a Man so these invisible tears I hide.
Hope that my shoulders become stronger so I can walk a little bolder.
If only they knew the world weighs me down like a boulder.
Attempting to anchor my life for a little longer.
Though I pray for strength so by the morning I’m little stronger.
In the night she only wants me to hold her.
To soothe her pain, so I take her load on all the same.
The pressure of this stress is getting insane.
Like a potato is in my exhaust, and it’s getting ready to blow my brain.
So I grit my teeth; until I chipped my tooth.
A portrayal of me in truth is a bird that flew the coupe
But the others can’t fly and there’s no rug or magic carpet ride.
So they fly aboard the wings of me, until I fly low, Hold On.
It’s been this way for so long, and I need an outlet.
So I imagine flying on the imaginary rug alone.
My mind plugs into my heart, and finds love, but I’m still alone.
Late night visions of my home it ***** that it’s gone.
Though these memories, hold on,
Like a leech or a parasite gnawing at my dreams in the night.
So I don’t sleep I just think and I write
Continue to fight even though my will was broken long ago.
My hope was taken long ago, but
My faith remains strong so I still pursue on.
Hold on, can you hear it?
My spirit trying to escape and getting no where
Life’s not fair but this enchantment called love keeps me there.
It keeps me here, but my mind wonders.
Thinking what’s up yonder or will I be a father,
When will I be home again?
However I sit here alone again. Wishing for the impossible
Though I was taught everything is possible
So I’m going to hold the world on my shoulders until I’m in the hospital.
Or six feet beneath the Earth in a casket
This isn’t a fear of mine so I find no reason to mask it.
Life is short, but this can’t be too much that I’m asking
My dreams are usually of me getting blasted
Head on the ground face down bleeding out letting life out as it ends.
But what if the world’s on my shoulders and my life ends?
A sad soul to the end even though I’ve grown into a man.
Life is what you make it no matter your beginning or end.
Most wish to do it again, I only wish I knew when it ends.
1.0k · Jun 2013
Concrete Walls
Jay Bryant Jun 2013
Concrete walls, floors, and ceilings solo like solitaire is how I'm feeling my mind locked up solitude so they can
so they can't hear me. Tho they feel my heart beat deep beneath the fears that scare me
How dare me? How dare I live life long and true hoping for paradise.
I live my life watched my sacred eyes, they say they've lived through pain but care they bare mines.
Trial after trial, files document mines, Minds pill under the facts after the fact the truth are lies, they live under my light dim lights never shine, that’s fine a light is bright, but that too will die, closed in cloths, wrapped in shame, eyes are crazed but mine are sane ... The past haunts us all but this my battle, scars build on top of scars, pain of the past building a plethora of burdens.... This isn’t just a shame, this game... The game we all play, called life
This game called life but there are no resets or retries, if it gets real and you down to ride, then you down to die, because bullets have no name, and your clock is what they're trying to strike. Your time is the biggest lie, because all you know is a fraction growth human beings are starting to show. All you know is the space where your mind lies, but don’t forget you mind lies. Deceived by your own perception, relieved by hoes affection this deception runs deeper than a touchdown pass, and no matter how many Hail Mary’s you say. You may drop the ball and throw it away. Regress to a place you've already been take a step back and try it again
So listen my faired friend , in life we can hold hands but walking by side to side , not living through others eyes, my life is so magnetized , try not to be compromised , you see the struggle from far , don’t make it seem like your blind,
Take a breath .. Let us all relieve stress... Don't Call it a big step.. For us all ; we need help... Life is just a war... For war begets war... But understand my man, this is all a plan to cost more... If I’m struggling and I’m tumbling, just reach out or scream and shout but life is crazy no one can play me, I’m no console, put the games way please...
This is my; fraction of classlessness; or my small ghetto passion for bashfulness... Look out your tunnel vision and see the world, not all are rich not all have girls not all have the smarts not all seem to shine cause in this crazy world MANY PEOPLE ARE BLIND.
By Jay Bryant and Rodrelle DeAndrade
1.0k · Jun 2013
Jay Bryant Jun 2013
The sun is setting
While she is sitting beside me
Lonely, wishing I was with her
"I'm with you" I reassure her
Tho, these doubts never leave her
She screams at me but doesn’t speak
So clear I hear the things she saying

Naive to this game she's playing
My heart listens with no delaying
She bills her pain to my heart
Giving me the agony left behind
It hurts, but i grunt and set it aside.
I constantly sallow my pride
Trying to be the man i have to be
To keep her beside me
Tho, in reality she's left me
Not buying back her love from me
Merely, keeping my heart
I can still feel it on the ground

I'm no longer looking, to play these games
So I'm searching to find a way
To keep your name out of my brain.
Hoping to inculcate freedom or immunity
From this disease, this virus, this infection
Tho, the cure is far from perfection
So I make supplication for protection
From this thing that is pure deception
Because I am not with her nor she with me
The reassurance I assured her with was a myth
Suppression claws at my back, I suppress that fact
Only to cope and avoid the depression that is you
You left me, So in succession I should leave you
Tho, you have my heart so I find that hard to do
958 · Aug 2013
Zero, One, One Two, Three
Jay Bryant Aug 2013
My words come fast so I stutter
Not out of hesitation, but pure elation.
The joy in my heart wishes to latch on to the masses
To replenish the spirit in those locked in the caskets.
To give birth to the Phoenix out of the ashes.
Life is a lesson, but there are no classes;
Only the beginning and the end.
Though, once we evolve we can begin again
Free of sin……, yes free of time….., true peace of mind.
Listen closely these words have more meaning than rhyme.
We started with nothing and God gave us hope
So we began to dream and continued to hope to please him
Built faith from our hope, because we know we need him.
Somewhere down the line in the process of time
Our hope and faith combined and embedded love into our minds.
Mathematically speaking this equation deepens
When broken down into the language God speaks in.
From Nothing (0) Hope (1) arisen, and we Hoped (1)
Until Faith (2) was given from Hope (1) and Faith (2)
We received Love (3) I've seen the equation above it was meant to be,
Because it was God given, God written, the spiral in a rose
Composes the same sentence, like 0,1,1,2,3
Don’t take these numbers loosely
They are a ratio of the first kind,
Do research with Fibonacci in mind.
Keep God, Hope, Faith, and Love in mind.
These build our foundation no possible way to replace them.
Even time stops but God does not,
So with utter destruction he can still construct them.
Sometimes I stutter,
Because my words are like spontaneous combustion
From nothing to something with no known reduction
By themselves you won’t trust them
But once they’re together there’s no question.
This is not a message from God,
It’s more like directions,
Love each other and put faith in him
I hope my words don’t flutter
Like my lights gone dim,
My life is somewhat Grimm
Though through love I rejoice
Happiness is a choice that only you can choose
Some situations can appear to be a lose lose,
But since the choice is yours you can choose to win too.
We may be tied down in sin, tied down by time,
Though with the ties found were love lies,
We can break the binds that bind us to time.
Love is in us no need to look, it can’t be explained so it’s not in a book.
However, if you consistently look for love
You’ll wonder where the time went
Time is only spent not earned
So why not concern your time
With the one who gives it in mind?
Sixty seconds in the past minute,
Sixty minutes in the past hour.
If you look at time as a tower
How many of your floors would be built upon dishonor?
953 · Feb 2015
Living In The System
Jay Bryant Feb 2015
Should I comminate my enemies,
Or simply,
Educate those who are kin to me
Its sad to say
most of my elders aren't men to me
Don't take offense,
It's not directed towards anyone individually
But I'm Ashamed to say
most of my people aren't strong mentally
We remain in our chains even tho we appear free.
Enslaved since birth my rights were stripped from me.
Tho, I came up chasing knowledge,
I knew the truth was the key
Way before college
I learned the universe went from
zero to infinity
About zero point energy
And the truth they shroud
Surrounding this melanin
Multiplying my energy
Never dare to hide  
I don't wish for invisibility
So I see  the countenance of  
These racist faces filled with envy
Strong Black Man,
Convict even if I'm proven innocent
You can't say that makes me Militant
Just wondering why I was born here
and have less rights than immigrants.
In a sense,
I can't make it in Amerikkka,
Regardless of my diligence.
Just have to go where my destiny sends me
I know my soul is immortal
so these cowards could never end me
All my life I had to fight
Its the Will of Fire within me.
Tongue sharp as a knife  
I can feel the spirit shield me.
So I keep my boots on Mother Earth
I'll forever war for her.
I try to keep my chakras in sync,
But may disrespect you
If you accept the lies they wrote in ink.
We are the original people,
Our ancestors were Kings & Queens
Yes you I,
Even though as blacks we're only expected to die
Royalty is in our DNA,
not just in our dreams.
We've been empowered longer than enslaved
things are never what they seem.
Wait I forgot,
You were distracted by the love of green.
No not Anahata, I'm unstruck
I don't know if I'm living,
Due to dumb luck,
Or this Old Soul effecting my conduct.
Let me induct you into enlightenment
Active your pineal gland like lightning
Teach you about the astral
its oh so exciting
Tho this all begins with you my child
Please don't be frightened.
938 · Dec 2016
The Night We Met
Jay Bryant Dec 2016
Just let me rub yo feet while you listen,
Fresh out the shower, body glistening
Chocolate skin melted, drippen

Got high off your aroma when.. I smelt ya
I tell ya,

At night I travel in the dark... with no light.
Fighting to see the path to.. make it right.

Until you come and  Shine...
Like the... moon you are to me.
Auset my goddess, and lets be honest
That's......who you are to me

A set makes two, I accept that boo.
Just let me know what I should do.

The steps to.... move in to yo heart,
If its room.
I just don't know where I should start.

I got this love, ....but I can't place it.
Still looking, but there's no empty spaces
A jigsaw piece ...that's lost its shape
No angles adjacent.

Just trying to find my place.
Even if I have to... die at the stake.
Be your Christ, thats a savior.

Don't make no mistakes,
Do me this one favor
Think twice.... bout my behavior.

That's... good advice, and it might just be. ...
Bad for me...for you to see ....who I really am.
The things that I could be
May act strange,
I be trippen,
tryimg to make it out this system
I know wrong from right
So I just write my wrongs
And try to make em rhyme
We can... argue, fuss, and fight.
As long as I can ....
Spend the night, and **** your right,
Make you cuss, see hues in rays of light


Trapped in this prison ...its like a prism
Now girl you've illuminated me.
Turned.. Dark to Light.
Its not black or white

Escaping black holes to be with you Girl
I'm trying to see it through.
And sleep with you.

Lets be transparent,
How we gone repair it
Can't be.. shy or embarrassed
We got the best of each other.
So lets not be jealous,

No need to.. stress one another.
Just connect, and speak.
I admire your ...zeal, and feel.
You can do
What others only... dream to think.

I know your at the brink of breaking.
Though we're almost at the peak.
Sweetheart we can make it.

Shhh.... I hear what yo body saying.
Your eyes locked in mine.
Stopping time, lets rewind.
Just be mine,

Cuhs girl I got yearning
I see your fire burning.
A rain of hurt,
You heart scorching.
That steam keeps you angry.
Make you seem crazy.

I'm just trying to keep you cool
Baby can you blame me.

I'm a Lion of Judah
No one can't shame me
Chakras aligned like Buddha
You know a gazelle can't tame me

Truth will prevail, and this love is the truth
Can"t you tell?
The time is now, and we've been here before
Can't you tell?

Smoke Mary and listen to Teena
Our skin caress one anothers
Aura mesh as I penetrate your fortress
Even when your eyes rolled back,
I think your gorgeous

Let's explore this feeling
Rushing through us like a whirlwind
You said you getting wet
Just let it pour then.
You want some more
Imma give you more then

I swear we in.. another world.
Girl lets take a trip, can you drive stick

This Yoni feel so good.
Baby your the earth,
Let me plant my wood.
Put my seed in your dirt.

Got me thinking like.....
I really would, I know I could,
I just don't know If I should.

The room spinning with us in iit
Baby it's so good
I may just have to bust in it

Let's elevate, let me vibrate in you
To raise your waves.

I'm speaking frequencies
I'm lost at sea
Poke your spirit
Make it talk to me
Rock my boat  
As I traverse your waters please
937 · Dec 2012
Jay Bryant Dec 2012
I cannot say where you are,
Only how you make me feel.
Your slightest touch arouses me,
And voice evokes strong emotions
Your heart beating next to mines
Is an owl to a mockingbird.
When you smile my day begins,
Comparing your love only to the sun
A warm sensation felt within my body.
So beautiful it is to my eyes,
And so powerful that it warms me,
Even in the night when I can not see it.
930 · Mar 2013
Vexation Humbles Me
Jay Bryant Mar 2013
With every utterance that leaves my lips
Exist a thousand more my tongue have missed
Frustration causes problems compiling my statements
I try to recapitulate my day, but failure hides in my shadow
My mind leads me and I follow
Complex formulas and conundrums are riddle across my brain
Monday through Sunday overthinking regulates my plane
I soar through the sky in thought,
Though in reality I haven’t left yet
Though I consciously monitor my next step
Because I’m on plan E and I think F’s next
Entrapped by the scent of,
The woman that lies beside me
My soul watches her as she sleep
I lay awake thinking of the rising sun
The things to come with the next day
I’ve learned a lot mainly that patience pays
That vexation puts me in my place, kicks sand in my face
Obscures my way, to humble my spirit
Arrogance ravages my actions
But frustration deflates my ego
With every utterance that leaves my lips
Exist a thousand more my tongue have missed
930 · Jul 2013
Jay Bryant Jul 2013
I'm delighted to see
That my generation
is different.
They're devotion to the arts
Astounds me,
And directs me to joy.

They do not dilute or water down
The words that leave them.
They know what I did not.

I was once devilish.
My words were slanderous,
With intent to destroy.
Now I direct my knowledge
To downsize the dismay
Of my friends and family.

The distraught way
Of thinking
That once devoured
My life and,
Set me on a path
of destruction
Has vanished,
And I have found
930 · Jun 2013
Jay Bryant Jun 2013
This song hits my ears
I can feel it in my brain
I fabricate these words
Because the song doesn't say
" Come closer
Lead me on no longer
Follow my steps
As I follow My heart
These words aren't my own
They belong to my heart"
This melody moves me
The lyrics are gone
So I've added my words
To this love song
The lyrics are strong
They push out of my Soul
" Let my love find you
When your lost
In the games they play
When these boys
Play with your heart
And cause you pain
When your tears
Are far from dry
And you cant see
The joy in your eyes"
The lyrics left the melody
The melody
Found my words
He left your heart
So let your heart
Find My Love
Listen to the Instrumental
920 · Jul 2013
Me & You Against The World
Jay Bryant Jul 2013
When the world
Takes you from me
Just remember my name.
Remember all of the love,
And try to forget the pain.
Promise you'll do this and,
I'll promise to do the same.

I apologize for this love
Because it caused this pain.
Tho, give me the chance,
The chance to do it all again,
I'd do it in the begin but,
I'd need to change the end.
This tragedy made me learn life
This love made me learn pain.

Remember my name
When this world takes you.
I will always love you
Even when the world rapes you.
It has ***** my heart and,
Molested my brain.
I apologize for the hurt.
Please forget the pain.
913 · Aug 2013
Smoking On A Cloud
Jay Bryant Aug 2013
Clouds go through my flesh,
As I feel my mind elevate high into the atmosphere
Steering clear of rain clouds
All the negative energy gets me down,
This smoke is thick and its loud
Inspires laughs like a clown
I can feel the vibration of life
When I’m on the ground.
In the air there’s not a care in a world for me
No untimely emergences impeding on my life
Like a burglary, stealing my time and my essence
At times my presence is a blessing
When I get with Mary Jane the game changes
She’s no regular Dame she invades my body
And promotes changes
Can even make me forget my name
Insignificant is my pain in her eyes
When she blows my mind
My problems whisk away in the wind
She heals my mental and physical ill’s
Without me popping a pill filled with poison
She is part of the Earth so for what it worth
I try to preserve the dirt, that’s where I will go
And that’s where she will be
So one day in her seeds I’ll be
And maybe someone will get high off me.
Jay Bryant Oct 2013
Black and Grey waters
Fathers the hope of its followers
As this Wave of inspiration
Crashes into the page, Sights of past shadows
Morph in to words, so cold and shallow
You reap what you sow, so I know my hope is shallow
So I sit and I pray with this page in front of me
Arranging these words hoping they expand the days in front of me
Live life on the dangerous side, Under the influence and down to ride
Mask on his face like a sad black clown, life’s rain seems to make him frown
Pour up drink to calm him down, Roll up smoke just to make him smile
To escape the torment
Thoughts run deep
From my head to my feet
Everything starts to sink
Thoughts run deep
Tho, I'd rather suffer
Than suffer defeat
My life is my choices
I can conquer my instinct
An animal I was born
A man I have become
I've grown in stature
Most importantly in wisdom
The truth leaves me numb
I must suffer to overcome
A wise man's affliction
Is knowing the world's dumb
Thoughts run deep
From my head to my feet

That silent moment when you can hear your heart hit your chest
Your mind is empty, your thoughts are to complex
You hesitate to speak, not assured your words are meek
So you lay there and think as chills roll up your feet
What if the blind could not see, the illiterate could not read
How does that effect you, would that effect me
Tho, at the end of the day we sleep peacefully
My hair stands ***** as the injustice creeps on me
We live in a vast nation filled with *******
So we ******* ourselves, by locking it in the basement
The beast lives on just caged and chained
Tho, we still have amnesia when it comes to his name
The ignorance of this world gives me great pain
Yes, vexation is abundant in my brain
Because I know that if these words were in a song it would not get played
That knowledge is power, but money makes the world go round
That the truth hurts so we'd rather take it dumbed down
That in each town there's a good side and a bad side
That the grass is always greener on the other side
Or is that just the lie we are deceived into believing
Stimulate your mind
See beyond the clouds
Vibrations of sounds
Sing the song of the
Sad Black Clown
891 · Dec 2012
Jay Bryant Dec 2012
I exhale...
Trying to relieve my vexation
Confusion builds below in the basement
The door is breaking, bulging
Will all my secrets divulge
Will the truth of my heart be shown
Once more I exhale
My thoughts are a mystery
So my breath brings truth
Bcuz my words are unheard of.
Let time tell the truth
Bcuz my feelings are in the past
So feel my breath
Feel my thoughts
Feel me as I exhale
888 · Dec 2012
Ride Or Die
Jay Bryant Dec 2012
Ride or die
I try  to survive 
And remian  vibrant
 But they smear the lines 
Blurring my life with things 
Set against me
Making negetive things
Represent me
So ride with me
On this voyage 
To the netherworld
Die with me in this world
So we can live happy in the next world
Be my right hand when there's nothing left
When my time is next
When our way of life is two complexed 
Stay with me when my morale is exhuasted 
My pain is extensive,
Visions of my death are vivid 
Ride with me, Die with me
Let the two coinside 
Our bond be tight
Twisted and intertwinded
Until our minds combine
Bring your heartbreak
I'll bring my pain 
We can ride with eachother
Until the end of our days
875 · Feb 2014
Sugar Rush
Jay Bryant Feb 2014
Fueled by arizona tea and a sugar rush that enables me to work to a higher standard. Enabling me to live my life with a smooth taste of chocolate in my mouth and only thoughts of you in my mind. Comparing our relationship to a twix I am the chocolate and you are the caramel mixing together perfectly creating something so unique it can will not be compared. Thinking of the beauty of it all the beauty of you and me
870 · Dec 2012
Forbidden Pleasure
Jay Bryant Dec 2012
I begin to feel the tingling
Sensation we call temptation
While the air is saturated with lust.
Her tongue is yearning for my skin.
And she is thinking of thing
deep within my pants..
Her hands only desire,
Is to rip off my attire,
and let this forbidden love begin.

I can feel the tenderness
Of her thighs,
But only with my eyes
Because I shall not touch.
This pleasure is forbidden,
But I can't help but mention
Her curves and her figure
And how bad I want to taste.
My mind is starting scream
And my body is already weak.
This forbidden pleasure
Is mines to have and to own.
854 · Apr 2013
Finish Line
Jay Bryant Apr 2013
I'm running, but the Government is on my heels, and my shoes are untied.
If you don't see the truth you’re bound to die.
Mass Media Hypnotist if you know the truth I know you feelings this.
These lines are the best years of my life,
But they’re after my hope so I hope I finish it tonight.
Finish lines bombed before the feet crossed the line,
Before the hand crossed the time
My intelligence slips,
I dread that I’m about to lose my mind
Great uproars of silence,
The hullabaloo is mental this time.
I remember last time,
I saw the beginning before the end
But now I see the end and its only beginning
Now I beg that you make supplication in pray
So that you may live to the end
Tragedy may cause your life to end
But you’ll begin to live again.
Will you cross the finish line in the end?
Jay Bryant Oct 2013
Every day it seems I try, but I can't get my mind off this
The silent cries of the victims who appear to be invisible
The ones who'll never reach their pinnacle,
Their names and faces I'll never know
I shed a tear for them, but they'll never know
My actions never seem cynical
Though these conditions on Earth are critical
I said a prayer for you, but you'll never know
Love is in the air, but the pollution is strong
And hate continues to grow
It seems like the hope of finding a solution is gone
They dilute the truth, bomb the innocent,
Then tell you to salute the troops
They’re just doing what they’re told like you
By these groups of men focused on money and sin
Trying to prolong the life they live,
Because they sense the end
Though I sense my life is yet to begin
Since this knowledge in my head is telling me
I need to be spiritually and mentally fed
Like there’s a divine bread I’ve yet to taste
I’ve yet to face an obstacle
That remains an obstacle
My mind is sick
Though there’s no need for a Dr. or Hospital
That can give a prescription for this
The truth is an addiction
In the eyes of those who can’t observe the twist
So I guess I’m addicted
Long ago all of these tragedies were predicted
Though we humans don’t try to prevent them
We only pray for the sins we've already committed
As for the criminals who’ll never be convicted
The one’s in high places  
For their achievements you commend them
At the end of their time and the beginning of mine
God will give them a sentence
I’m starting to ramble let me end it
Let’s see if you can take your mind off this
Hundreds of children died from hunger
While you were reading this.
Jay Bryant Jul 2013
My mind is going in circles,
But not at the thought of a woman.
For LIFE has chosen to bewilder me.
A hamster on a wheel
Running without moving forward.
My life goes on with no progress
Just time spent looking for happiness.
A puzzle that no person can solve,
Broken glass that cannot be fixed.
Life is juss for the living,
Yet, I find myself looking for meaning.
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