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Mariam Paracha
Pakistan    I have been writing since I was twelve, writing is one of my greatest passions while also dabbling in photography and I am heavily inspired …
Lyndal Doherty
I found a love for poetry back in middle school, but didn't really dig my roots in until 4 years ago when I realized all …
Andrew Quilles
Massachusetts    I'm strange. My little sister is Adreishka Liz. She is the best poet I know on here. I like the color blue. I never judge …
Skye Applebome
Stokesdale, North Carolin    Prometheus was punished by the gods for giving the gift of knowledge to man. He was sent to the bowels of the earth and pecked …
River Raras
Wolves and Lilies
Yellow Brick Road    A grenade wrapped in love letters.
New York, New York    Doctoral candidate at Columbia University
forests    a lady friend pretty much everything i write is explicit, if you worry about that sort of thing
Christa Casper
Idaho    I write, I draw and paint and sculpt and photograph and just about live and breathe everything that has to do with art, I dream, …
Amber S
hello, my name is amber.
Anderson M
Dakota Brown
Washington, Us   
Reece AJ Chambers
31/M/Northamptonshire, England    Reece A.J. Chambers is a 31-year old published writer and poet. All works - © Reece A.J. Chambers
Jaycee Lynn
Not really the best, but hey, I can get better.
Paul James Valhalla Clear
Austin, TX    Paul James Valhalla Clear is a peon of a bitter, cold feudal system once escaped and now infinitely stumbling aural landscapes and sonic machine shops. …
Jackie Havens
I'm a college student and an English major. I'm new to this, however. I hope you enjoy.
louis rams
florida    born and raised in n.y.c. and moved to florida in 1992 to be with our daughter, and now a grandson who will be turning 9 …
Daniel James
Hello! I'm a poetry reader and writer from London, UK. Find my latest book, "The Artist's Guide to NOT growing up" at
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