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Mariam Paracha
Pakistan    I have been writing since I was twelve, writing is one of my greatest passions while also dabbling in photography and I am heavily inspired ...
Lyndal Doherty
I found a love for poetry back in middle school, but didn't really dig my roots in until 4 years ago when I realized all ...
Andrew Quilles
Massachusetts    I'm strange. My little sister is Adreishka Liz. She is the best poet I know on here. I like the color blue. I never judge ...
Skye Applebome
Stokesdale, North Carolin    Prometheus was punished by the gods for giving the gift of knowledge to man. He was sent to the bowels of the earth and pecked ...
River Raras
Wolves and Lilies
Yellow Brick Road    A grenade wrapped in love letters.
New York, New York    Doctoral candidate at Columbia University
forests    a lady friend pretty much everything i write is explicit, if you worry about that sort of thing
Christa Casper
Idaho    I write, I draw and paint and sculpt and photograph and just about live and breathe everything that has to do with art, I dream, ...
Amber S
hello, my name is amber.
Anderson M
Dakota Brown
Washington, Us   
Reece AJ Chambers
30/M/Northamptonshire, England    Reece A.J. Chambers is a 30-year old published writer and poet. All works - © Reece A.J. Chambers
Jaycee Lynn
Not really the best, but hey, I can get better.
Paul James Valhalla Clear
Austin, TX    Paul James Valhalla Clear is a peon of a bitter, cold feudal system once escaped and now infinitely stumbling aural landscapes and sonic machine shops. ...
Jackie Havens
I'm a college student and an English major. I'm new to this, however. I hope you enjoy.
louis rams
florida    born and raised in n.y.c. and moved to florida in 1992 to be with our daughter, and now a grandson who will be turning 9 ...
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