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jalc Apr 2016
i'm wanting more of your attention
every glance and waking thought
every dream you've ever sought
the nightmare your mind's wrought
i want to be your obsession

i'm wanting more of your touch
every enthralling kiss and warm hug
every gentle nudge and rough tug
the feel of your bare skin that's like a drug
i want to be the one that's too much

i'm wanting more of you
all your memories past and yet to form
all your youth and wrinkles yet to fold
all your goings on and time yet to fill
all your wants and hungers yet to feed
all your dreams and wishes yet fulfilled
i want to be all your due

*you've got me greedy for you
jalc Apr 2016
Never needed company
Until I found you
And you, me.
And another 10 words attempt. It's so strange how I've always fiercely tried to be independent, yet suddenly I want to have all my meals together, and run my errands together, and do everything together.
jalc Apr 2016
It's in the act of
Unlocking the front door
Leaving the chill of the outside
For the warmth of home

It's in the dog that comes
Snuffling happily at your feet
The cat that pads up quietly
Reluctantly curling around your ankles

It's in the bowl that sits
Still warm in the microwave
And the accompanying note
Wrapped around the spoon

It's in the moment
Of stepping into the shower
And letting the hot spray
Wash the day's grime and cares off

It's coming home to you
Snoring under the covers
Smelling like soap and sleep
As you wake up a little
To tug me closer and kiss me goodnight
jalc Apr 2016
wanted too much
flew too close to the sun
First attempt at a 10 word poem.
jalc Apr 2016
We met in the winter of our lives
Drawn together by the warmth
And promise of kinship
That helped us brave the season
To usher in the spring
When poisonous fruits sprouted
Hiding behind showy blossoms
Their once sweet fragrance now cloying
As they fought for a last hurrah
In the unforgiving heat of summer
And now autumn is upon us
Who have glutted ourselves on a Judas feast
Filled us full up with the mettle necessary
To take on winter once again.
Nothing gold can stay. It's hard to believe so much has happened in a mere matter of months.
jalc Apr 2016
The wind pushes you into me
The musk of your sweat
And fresh laundry
The indelible smoke on your fingers
And petrichor from roads still watery
The smell of green from the passing trees
And that scent that is you, uniquely
If time could come to a standstill now
I would be complete
I really like sniffing people. Particularly those I like.
jalc Mar 2016
the days are getting longer or shorter
the distinction is no longer clear
not when my time ticks on moments of you
as though i were an untried schoolgirl
on the cusp of adventure
a precipice of folly and recklessness
or the tattered bridge of my vows
and yet i forge on downwards
chasing a light only i can see
flickering in the bowels of my longlost dreams
perhaps there is a road at the end
wide enough to carry us
until then it's only my tail i'm chasing
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