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 Aug 2013 Jaimee Michelle
I try to write a poem
To let go all of my emotions
But, I felt so empty
So lifeless
No inspiration in my head

I put the pen on the paper
A blank paper
That should be filled
By beautiful words that can't be forgotten

I just can't imagine
One single words
That fit in my feelings
That will bring that poem to perfection

My brains felt so empty
My ears can't hear anything from this frustation
All the voices suddenly gone
Filled my soul

I just can't let it go
I wish I can change the past
But I'm afraid to the future

Yes, a broken heart mess me up
I can't let the pandemonium in my head calmed down
Burried by the anger, the frustation
Locked deep inside my heart
All my inspiration

Thought it was dellusion
All the nightmares haunted my life
All my beautiful thought turns to dust

I wish.....
We could get back together
I promise
I will find you, I will safe you
From the eternal loss
I know ii wasn't good at all, it's true. I felt so lifeless and miserable, I guess I can't write a good poem in this moment
 Aug 2013 Jaimee Michelle
I realized it while I was high
and my mind was wandering around.
It completely blew my mind,
how I always want you in my life.

I am crazy in love with you
because I realized how much you love me
because you accept me the way I am
with my craziness and peculiarities
with my impulses and eccentricities.

I realized how I had never been in love
because nothing felt the way
it now feels with you.
How I yearn your touch
and long your kiss.

Because I find so hard to say
the way I love you.
How I can't write
how you make me feel
(all) the love I feel within.

I realized how much I love you
wishing you would feel the same
finding that you feel the same
deeply in love, quenched by love.
there's something about
listening to angry music    
the way the artist expresses it    
and the fact that they had the amount
of passion to express such an angry song
makes me feel as though, everyone gets angry
so it's okay if i like their angry music
to express my anger by singing it
She built a wall
What's behind it, only she knows
Through a hole you can see
The roses that grow
Locked inside and guarded by thorns
The secrets she holds
it broke my heart
that he died
he's gone
my love
is gone
but please                    
i'm trying to cope                  
and that means                  
although people might
dissagree with my methods
but i'm trying really hard
not to think                          
about the emptiness
that was filled by him
it's cold
and i find myself shaking
but please                
let me try and forget
it's not that i don't like people
saying this                                    
if they really are sorry      
about my loss        
it just hurts
more every time
 Aug 2013 Jaimee Michelle
Of the
 Aug 2013 Jaimee Michelle
Emma S
It's getting

I will miss it
Just like always
I will miss you

No more

There wont be
Drunk kisses with you by the sea
No more days that never turns to nights

That is what I will miss most
That never ends
If I could, write down
One perfect word...

I would write down your name
Script cursive
The meaning would all be the same

We just met, but I feel like
you and I have met before

Our chemistry, immediate bond
Keeps me waiting for a little more

I see your heart and honest smile
Are you an angel in disguise?

Your the best I never had
Your the greatest unopened surprise

I sit back, wonder...
What it be like to hold your hand

I sleep and dream about
the idea of being your man

Your everything I hope for
And everything I see

To this girl I just met
I believe in you
I want you too believe in me.

Two strangers, One moment
I wish this night would never end

Maybe we can fall in love?
Give me your heart
Let your love become my plan.
10 years inspired
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