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I can't make it
these pictures of you get my mind faded
And when I see you out, I recall our first date, that suddenly seems...outdated.
But  Am I the reason?
Why you changed from your self control?optimistic believing?
Why you meet men now and your first thoughts are ways of leaving...
I formed your demons
I created this monster
Of a woman who wants men to feel the pain that they so generously offer...
And feel the hits of lies that strike quick and leaves a golden heart somber
Yet, I  wonder,
If you think from time to time of the breathless kiss?
You see that was the action while the scene started in a bedroom of unconditional love, wild fire bliss

I hate that I missed!
Why am I still stuck? Why won't this stop!?
To all my people who endure hopeless love
Sit with me...lets take another unforgiven shot....lets take another unforgiven shot...

Take a shot for Me
I love her but moved on...
 Aug 2013 Jaimee Michelle
Sir B
Anything with love hurts
My friends talk
And say.
You do like me
I refuse
Thinking I understand you

I know that's false
No one wants to
Show their real selves
They don't believe me
I always have my true self
When talking to nearly anyone

But again
I know
You don't like me
And I suppose
Its fine
Because the sadness
Of one person
Is nothing
Considered to the
Happiness of someone else
Especially your loved ones
I guess I need to move
And get out of your way
So someone you
Believe to be worthy
Finds you.
Midnight poem... Hope you looks it. Sad like my other ones
Nothing new there... also I am not someone you'd like
On sight like a few other people
Like my friend "Jack" (He wrote the other poem)
I guess... Time for me to leave.
Gnite and sweet dreams.

Also could use a title suggestion!!!
i hope you know
that i've finally realized
how much of a liar you are
and i feel sorry
for all the girls
who fall for you
like i did
you liar
i don't know you at all
yeah i've read your poetry
but i don't really know you
pretty girl, stay, please
death is harsh
i know it is
it kills others around you
not just the suicider
please pretty girl
pretty girl i'll talk to you
but please stay
it's your choice pretty girl
but it'd be nice if you stayed
pretty girl please stay x
i'm sick of being the girl
who's invisible behind glass walls
                 you saw something in me
- or maybe you lied about that too -
               but the look
that i was something
that i had a worth to you
             - though that was a lie also -
made me feel like i did have something
that might be desirable
made me feel like it was okay
maybe someone could love me
even if i don't love myself
but then again
                                         it was all lies
                                         so i really am nothing
i had a dream
that you were here
holding me safe
in this dream
i wanted to talk to you
so i was simply going to open
my eyes, and talk to you
i woke                                                             ­                         
i opened my eyes                                                             ­      
and instead of you holding me                                            
the reality of your absence                                                     
weig­hed down                                                             ­           
because i was awake                                                            ­  
and you slept                                                            ­              
six feet down                                                             ­             
never to wake again                                                            ­  
this is why i don't sleep
because i'll wake up alone
the nightmares of your death
used to keep me awake
now the dreams of your life
makes me not want to sleep
because i want to sleep forever
six feet down
held safe in your arms
never to wake again
thunder encompasses my body
lightning shows my deformed being
                          broken and cold
the storm holds me
cold as it may be
                   it continues to hold me safe
                                                                                   while some people are frightened
                                                                               the power of the storm
                                                                                                has no meaning to me
                                                                                        it can't lie to anything
                                                                                        it can't break me more than i am
                                                                       so i let it overwhelm me
                                                                                                           and i finally feel okay
tell me it's                    
all going          
to be
even though
we both                
know it                            
wont be,                
tell me
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maybe this symbol means
nothing to you now
but it meant enough
for you to carve it
into your skin
with my initials
without my knowing
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