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 Nov 2013 Jaimee Michelle
Growing up seems harmless
But it causes so much damage
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Nov 2013 Jaimee Michelle
I knew things would change
Didn't really realize how much
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Nov 2013 Jaimee Michelle
Time is ticking on by
But you are miles away
© Natali Veronica 2013.

 Nov 2013 Jaimee Michelle
You feel so alone
Your broken heart moans
But you don't need him
Just to be loved

You were happy once before
You'll be fine again
Just take my hand and
Let go.

You can still be you
I love what you do
Please try to see
You're lovely to me

Shake it off dear
Just tell me I'll hear
Your heart will mend
Forgiveness you'll send

And this friend
Will always be waiting
Not my words, but I came across this in an unexpected place and it moved me. Maybe it'll move you, too.
 Oct 2013 Jaimee Michelle
sometimes I want discipline
sometimes I want affection
sometimes I crave structure
sometimes I crave pleasure
sometimes I need isolation
sometimes I need protection


I want to be yours
sometimes I don't

terrible at making decisions
making choices
is something I can
but cannot do
I really can't

I sound like a player
but I'm really not
I just love too much

I love multiple people
which causes trouble
and creates chaos
my feelings run havoc
as I'm busy
trying to deny it
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Oct 2013 Jaimee Michelle
 Oct 2013 Jaimee Michelle
Yesterday, I was sad.
Today, I am sad.
Tomorrow, I'll be sad again.
And that's really kind of sad,
dont you think?

I'm tired of always feeling this way. It's always a constant battle between convincing myself that I can survive and convincing myself that I can't. I don't want to burden people with my sickness and all I can say is that I'm sorry for everything.
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