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those words don't break my heart;
they destory it,
crushing it into a million peices
456 days ago,
I would've smiled at those words thinking of great memories;
now, I think of death
where is my Dad now?
is my Daddy somewhere beautiful?
is my Father laughing with other angels?
why isn't he with me?
why isn't he laughing with me?
I ask people these questions
they reply with "It was his time, it will get better."
they lied
it doesn't get better, you just learn to live with it
It's been 457 days or 658,876 minutes
and I still find myself counting back to when I was with him
your little girl is down here wishing she was with you
hoping that wherever you are in heaven,
you're wishing you were with her too.
 Apr 2014 Jaide Lynne
Alex Hedly
A word poisoned with stereotypes
A noun sprinkled with hate
A collection of letters looked at as a curse

We are taught at a very young age how society works
Where men and women stand
Men are meant to climb the social ladder to the highest point
While women 'stay in the kitchen'

A sentence thrown around like an old baseball
A constellation of words that has been whipped at women since the beginning of time
Have you ever been hit by a ball?
It stings
Guess what
So do those words

Susan B. Anthony fought long and hard to get women equal rights
Susan B. Anthony did not fight long and hard for women to be accused for wearing a skirt that is too short

Elizabeth Blackwell became a doctor to prove that women can  do any job a man can do
Elizabeth Blackwell did not become a doctor to get paid less than a man for doing the same job

Judy Chicago wrote a book on feminism to create a movement
Judy Chicago did not write a book on feminism to have feminists looked at like criminals

We do not belong in the kitchen
We belong exactly where men belong
Right next to them
Wherever they may be

We are not creatures
We are not servants
We are not your cat so please stop calling at us like we are one on the street

We are women
We are strong
We are brave
We feel
We hurt
Have you noticed that men are all those things too?
We are equals
 Apr 2014 Jaide Lynne
I sit in my little box
So dark and empty
twiddling my life away
sharpened my blade plenty
On my death bed I lay
My heart beats gently
As my mind slowly decays
Alone I am contently
Happy to say
You resented me
So be without me for the rest of your days

Now I'm laying in my little box
So dark and empty
While people cry and people talk
But don't shed a tear
No, cry three cheers
Because for once I am happy
In my little black box
Built just for me
When you were old enough to walk, you were either given a Barbie doll or a Tea Set. Because you were a little girl, and apparently, since you are a girl who has just been given life herself, you should be in charge of a life. From the time we were able to run, you were given tutus and ballet shoes. Because a girl should be graceful and quiet, poised and elegant. "Look at this pretty doll, Suzie!" and "Why are you always getting into such messes!" are things that should never coexist in a little girl's life.

What happened to being who you want to be? I want to mosh to Green Day, not learn how to play Clair de Lune on a piano. What happened to those days when you could run around and not care who saw you?

Because now your life revolves around: "Does this shirt match these jeans?" and "I wonder if he'll look at me if I wear more make-up?" I long for a life where I was never raised to believe that being a little girl meant looking beautiful for someone else. I want to live a life where I can look stunning in a band tee and skinnys, and not give a **** what anyone thinks.

Because what happened? You grew up and met the world. And the world ate you and spit you back out.
* I really don't like this one, but think what you will*
 Apr 2014 Jaide Lynne
I remember the first time I said your name,
and I wondered how sounds can roll off tongues like raindrops can roll down windshields and spell out the things I can't say but I can feel, like how kids roll around in fields because it makes them feel good, and how dogs roll around with kids in fields because it makes them feel good, or how cats roll around wherever they want because they're cats and they feel like it,
or how I write really long pointless metaphors because they make me feel good. And the point is, I really like the feeling of your name on my lips.
And I remember the first time I heard your voice,
and how it was sweeter than any symphony I'd ever heard, and how it sometimes reminded me of birds and how they don't always fly in a straight line, because your symphony never played in a straight line unless you were singing. And even then I loved how it felt on my ears, especially when you said you would always be here.
I remember the first time I looked into your eyes,
and I wondered how oceans could fit into such a small space,
and I wondered how oceans didn't always have to be blue,
and I wondered if oceans would always make me think of you.
And even when your oceans were stormy, I knew that the waves would die down and the skies above the oceans in your eyes would hold the most beautiful sunsets I'd ever seen,
and I wondered if sunset would always be my favourite time of day.
I remember the first time you held me in your arms
because I was missing home, and your arms felt like the warmest home I'd ever known. And even now I sometimes miss that home and the way your arms would tell me everything is alright, and the way your oceans would surround me, and I wouldn't feel like I was drowning anymore.
I remember the night you were worlds away when you called me and said that you were afraid.
You didn't have to say it for me to know that you were afraid of yourself.
I remember how I could hear the oceans in your eyes running over, and I could hear your sunset skies getting cloudy.  
I remember how your symphony had off notes because one of the violins was broken and your oceans running over got everyone's music wet.
I remember letting your name roll off my tongue, and how it felt like a tank was rolling over my heart when your broken symphony rolled off
"I'm sorry, I just can't live like this anymore. I love you. Goodbye."
And I remember the oceans in my eyes spilling over until they ran dry, and screaming to a dial tone symphony that you can't leave me like this, because you promised you would always be here.
You promised.
I remember how there wasn't a sunset that night.
How, a year later, I still wish that you were only sleeping the last time I saw you.
A year later, when I pick up the phone I still wish it would be your symphony playing on the other end, because that sound was sweeter than any words I could ever write for you, but I'll write them anyways so maybe you'll know that a year later, when I see oceans I still think of you.
When I'm missing home I still think of you.
When I hear symphonies, I still think of you.
And I hope you know that a year later, sunset is still my favourite time of day.
Slammity slam slam slammy slam. Poem.
 Mar 2014 Jaide Lynne
Alex Hedly
Did you even want to see me this morning?
Or should I have disappeared?
Like the moon
Making way for the sun and all his shining glory

But the moon and sun were once in love
But then the sun would leave at night
And come back in the morning smelling of cheap perfume and liquor
And the moon would escape into the dark
To dry her tears

And I will do the same
I will dry my tears as you burn a new victim
And late at night I will cry alone
I will cry shooting stars and wish upon them that you will come back
But you won't
We will simply orbit without ever catching a glimpse of each other
And you will be content
I will not
Because you are left with light
And I am forced to face the dark
 Mar 2014 Jaide Lynne
I am afraid that everyday I am becoming increasingly better at impersonating myself
the ticks of another hum in my bones
and I am standing on a balcony
watching myself walk by
I hear my laugh coming from other peoples mouths
and I see my sad eyes
when I look into the faces of the crowd
I am afraid that everyone around me will know me too well
or not well enough
the wind will blow my hair on this balcony just as it has
to the people below
I have no idea what I'm doing
neither do they
I wonder if they see themselves in me
I mean whoever I am
we all use each other
to build ourselves
recycling feelings
combinations of words
until we find something that we can live with

I am afraid that I will find myself if I jump off this balcony
I am afraid that I will lose myself if I jump off this balcony

I am not sure which is worse

I am afraid.
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