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Wake up. You need to get up and do something. All you have done is slept. Get up. Wake up. You're wasting time. You're wasting yourself. You're useless. Get up. Wake up.

How many sleeping pills does it take to end this? Where can you purchase a gun, illegally?

Wake up! Get up!

Remember that time you were a child. The phase you had with melting pen caps on lightbulbs? I'd walk in your bedroom and hear a sizzle. You standing in front of the source. Black-handed. Sometimes red-handed. Really depending on which pen you tore apart.
My poor peculiar, special little boy.
It's time to wake up.
You must get up now.

A shot of Jack and a lager.
Ravenous gulps.
Scribbling on napkins.
Little one box ideas.
Multiple pens. Different ink.
Couple notebooks.
Exacto blade, one that looks like a carpenter's knife.
Some masking tape.
Never deny the importance of masking tape.
Keep drinking. Keep producing.
Try sleeping in the morning.
No need to wake up from this high. Walk home. Keep procuring ideas.
Take a nap on a desk.
Buy a bus ticket.
Wake up six hours away from home.
No bag.
Some money.
Look for a terminal.
Look terminal.

A heart is most likely a bed.
It stays asleep.

Home, in a bedroom.
Curtains drawn. Shoulders carrying the weight of the world. I'm tired and I can't move and my body hurts and my eyes keep tearing. And I'm curled up and I don't want to feel like this. And the incessant ringing of the phone is unbearable. And I'm being told to wake up, but I think I'm dreaming. And this reality is absurd. Any reality is absurd.
And maybe I'm not sleeping.
Who's to say I'm even laying here.
My eyes can't be open.
Both eyes are ******* closed.

Why can't I get up?
Why are we chained
so tightly to the bed
of our insecurities?

Don't go through the motions
another night.

Pick the lock.
Struggle as hard as you can
until you break free
and escape the lair of
your own personal insecurity.
 Apr 2014 Jaide Lynne
I'd rather write poems than do math
I'd rather exercise my soul than my body
I'd rather learn about Plato than the Industrial Revolution
is it too much to ask for an education system that
actually lets me pursue
my own dreams?
 Apr 2014 Jaide Lynne
 Apr 2014 Jaide Lynne
I told her to map her problems
because i would travel the world to fix them
It was true
I couldn't stand the pain she was facing

I found her on an Island
the silence was deafening
she was alone an frightened,

I found her in the city
the bright lights blurred everything
She was clutching her chest
she was all alone an frightened,

I found her on the shores
the sea was screaming for help
she was  shaking
she was clutching her chest
she was all alone an frightened,

I bundled her up. I held her tight. I told her to close her eyes.
Everything will be alright

So, I took her home.
Sometimes you don't need to travel the world to fix your problem. Sometimes you just need to go home.
Why life are you so cruel?
Find a girl you like?
Nope, she's probably moving.
Or find a boy you like?
He's probably moving too.
Study hard for a test?
Nope, you'll get a B.
Learning a new language?
You'll never be fluent.
Got a lot of homework to do?
You'll procrastinate till 12.
Practice hard for something?
You'll do average.
Going some place amazing?
You'll forget the camera.
Why life, must you be so cruel to me?
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