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288 · Feb 2016
Helplessness into Strength
Jaee Derbéssy Feb 2016
There's a moment
people look into
your eyes
before they cry.
It's as if
they now know
that it is too late
to go back.
That you cannot
help them.

All they can do
is cry.
287 · May 2015
Una Noche Lluviosa.
Jaee Derbéssy May 2015
As I lied next to her,
tracing the perfect lining
of her lips
with my fingertips.
Admiring its beautiful
texture, as times is frozen,
and profoundly lost
in her gaze.
Mesmerized by her being.
Flaws and all.
285 · Aug 2014
Diamond Rose
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
The flow of her hair
is the same
as a river flowin' gently,
and as I close
my eyes
every time,
all I see is her image;
she's the sun,
my sun,
whenever the day
is rainy.
The texture of her lips
are formed
from rare rubies.
We fell in love in a way
that most people
would say
it only
happens in the movies.
Her eyes
are two white diamonds
that can
your soul with one look,
she didn't
have to talk,
not even one word,
but with one look,
she spoke so many words.
And yes,
our love will be eternal,
a never-ending
just as a crystallized
it'll never age,
nor will it ever die.
And you would never
have to ask
me if my
for you would still
exist for you,
you would be my why.
Why I breathe,
why I live,
why I write poetry,
my love,
you would be my why.
And I know
for a fact that you
will always
be there
for me.
In my highs,
and in
my lows,
and because of all that,
I want you to know
I love you,
Diamond Rose.
285 · Feb 2016
Jaee Derbéssy Feb 2016
Love her
                                               enough to
                                              keep her fire
285 · Apr 2015
Una Tormenta
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2015
While most people were
even terrified,
by storms, I smiled.
I realized
that even the grand
majestic sky needed
to scream
at times.
283 · Apr 2016
Runnin' from Dust
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2016
And with each line that I write,
my imagination blooms
with stories engraved
in my mind of the many lives
I have ever lived.
Words become memories
that I vaguely
can recall;
but somehow I am sure
that's how it happened.
281 · Feb 2016
Jaee Derbéssy Feb 2016
All this anger, what is it for?
You used to carry the fire
of your youth,
but now you lie alone,
numb to everything
that surrounds you.
When you wake up tomorrow,
where will you be?
Will the sun soak your skin
or will curtains keep you
tucked away for another year?

Does the uncertainty scare you?

It better.
281 · Aug 2014
Sinful Beauty
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
And as solitude embraces
my ghostly soul,
your memory soothes,
yet destroys,
me to the very core of every bone.
Many moon cycles
have passed
since those
beautifully words that
you spoke so mindlessly
faded away to the stars
and never were to be seen,
nor heard of,
but left an entire world shattered
into a million,
if not billion,
tiny little pieces.
All that you really did leave
were words that will forever
be engraved
in this sinful heart of mine,
that not even
the bread of your Lord
could ever make me forget,
nor His holy wine.
Believing once that your love
was different,
that it was a pure blessing
but ended up realizing that it was
the same treachery
God's most trusted angel
committed against Him.

You were my sinful beauty.
I wrote this when the "situationship" that I had with this beautiful woman came to an end.
Jaee Derbéssy Dec 2014
I honestly dislike when people
say "Oh no, here comes all the 'New Year, New Me' crap.
I mean, wow. Really?
It's all good, you have all the right
to say anything that you would like to say,
but why rain down on someone else
who has the vision that they want to change their life.
That they want to better themselves.
Life isn't easy, and I do hope that all of you do know that,
but why rain down on someone
who is trying to want to change their life?
I'm pretty sure that there was once upon a time
in your life,
that you said
"New Year, New Me! This year
I want to do this and this, and that,"
and maybe you did start with the attitude
in wanting to better your life
in whatever form that you wanted,
but somewhere around the road
life kept building itself in frustration,
because that's what life does.
Build you up, and randomly takes you down,
but life is waiting for you to build yourself up
all over again
to make you stronger,
and it kept smacking you in the face
over and over again
and you kept smiling because
you were afraid
that you could have snapped real quick
and just quit and getting back
to your old-not so good-ways,
and I know that your intentions were good,
but you eventually gave up
and, if I may say, quit.
When you say
"Oh no, her comes the 'New Year, New Me' crap,"
you're in a way saying
that it never gets better.
That your life never changes.
Reflect and list your mistakes.
All of them that you committed this year.
And when you're done listing them,
read them over and ask yourself
what did you learn because of that situation?
We should all be learning something
everyday and when the year is about to end
and you're getting ready to flip over to a new chapter
in your life,
you know that you learned many things
that you didn't know when the year
was barely starting.
So maybe next time you say that,
how about just setting realistic goals for you
that would improve you to be a better version of yourself.
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2015
"Maybe, and only maybe,
I am much more stronger
than what I think,"
she thought to herself
as she removed
her mascara off,
staring at her cracked mirror
that dearly resembled
her heart for the betrayal
her beloved one
committed earlier
that day.
277 · Nov 2014
Condemned in the Dark.
Jaee Derbéssy Nov 2014
It is only at night
that all in me
that I despise
come alive.
272 · Oct 2014
Gata en la Noche.
Jaee Derbéssy Oct 2014
Danger excited her,
gave her the fix
that she craved
during the day
that only night
could provide.
She embodied
that she controlled
her destiny
and nobody else did.
272 · Aug 2014
La Sirena y Su Amor.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
She came from
the unknown:
nobody knew
exactly where
she had come from,
but she always
looked out onto the sea,
as though
it were the only place
she felt safe.
The only place she only
Her love for the sea
was deep,
but misunderstood.
the sea was her home;
but in his arms,
rested her
heart and soul.
Two worlds
becoming one.
How their love
knew no bounds,
just that they both
what they had was nothing,
but true love.
She belonged
to the sea;
her existence
belonged to the sea,
but her heart-

Her heart belonged to him.

She was
La Sirena and he was Su Amor.

The mermaid and her love.
272 · Dec 2014
Everlasting Love.
Jaee Derbéssy Dec 2014
Even if my stars refuse to shine
I will find ways to make
my beloved ones to genuinely smile.
Even if my skies are dark
I will find a source
of light
and relinquish
271 · Mar 2016
Jaee Derbéssy Mar 2016
She was a love letter woman
               in a text message world.
271 · Nov 2015
Jaee Derbéssy Nov 2015
Have you ever dealt with
such pain
that all you could ever
think of doing
take your own life?

271 · Jan 2016
Edith, and the Stars.
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2016
In her eyes,
and only
in her eyes,
could I ever
everything much
It is as if
in her eyes
an entire different universe
was kept undiscovered.
And somehow
I knew-
I just knew-
my destiny was
in her hollow stars.
269 · Apr 2015
Alma de Muelle
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2015
She belonged to the sea;
her existence belonged
to the sea,
but her heart-
her heart belonged to him.
The sea was her home,
but in his arms,
there rested
her heart and soul.
269 · Nov 2014
Night Thoughts
Jaee Derbéssy Nov 2014
I am too
my own grass
if yours is
268 · Jan 2016
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2016
weak-minded men
wifey material
solely by her
physical appearance.
266 · Sep 2014
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
Many folk tales
of beings
being able to
into magnificant beasts:

the best of men,
the best of beasts.
266 · Jun 2015
Jaee Derbéssy Jun 2015
I understand that it gets
quite old
after awhile.
But please,
I beg of you,
to always smile.
You may think
that it is merely a curve
of the lips,
but I assure you
that those like me,
it is one of the reasons
to live.
264 · Aug 2014
Simplemente Ella
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
Her hands
are quite so lovely;
and sweet.

With just her touch,
my demons
their existence,
to torment me.

With just her touch.
262 · Sep 2015
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2015
Yes, like every other girl,
she smiled
when being called
but the one compliment
that truly
flattered her most
was the simple appreciation
of her excellent taste
in music.
262 · Jun 2015
Amor a la Pasionada
Jaee Derbéssy Jun 2015
It is when I tasted
her lips
for the very first time
that I knew
I did not wanted to
kiss lips
that weren't,
but hers.
262 · Sep 2014
Dreamin' from Solitude.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
I am a man.
I lust for many women,
my heart
craves for just one.
I don't know
what she looks like,
what her name is,
where she's from?
All I know
is that
my heart craves for her.
My words
dreams of her body,
my lips
lusts for her presence,
but my body
yearns for her voice.
262 · Aug 2015
Simple, but Beautiful.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2015
to make
living itself
an art,
that is the goal.
261 · Jan 2015
Other Side of the Coin.
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2015
When I had nothing
and was completely broke,
she was the only one
who was there.
But when I finally had everything
that I had ever wanted-
The money, the cars, the houses,
but not her,
I realized that when I didn't
have any material object,
not a **** dime with my name on it,
I was the wealthiest man alive
because I had her by my side.
259 · Aug 2014
Les Larmes de la Lune
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
I can't help but to ask,
"Have you forgotten
all of those memories
that we both once had?
All of those dreams
that we both made up?
When everything,
including us,
was based
on forever?"

And now every night
I cry to the moon,
saying to Her,
"Do you remember us?
Do you remember how
I loved her tremendously?
Moon, you witnessed it all",
but all that the moon
is look the other way,
hiding Her tears.

Even the moon knew
you loved me . .
258 · Oct 2014
Jaee Derbéssy Oct 2014
So as I was at work today,
this old man
asked for my assistance
and as I got closer
he squinted his eyes
and asked me,
"Are you someone important,"
and as soon as he asked that
I was more than puzzled
by his question.
Then he said something
"One day you'll be a Billionaire".
As soon as he said that,
I blushed like I have never blushed
ever in my life.
I asked him why?
He responded,
"Your name. You have an stupendous name.
Make sure you make the world remember it"!

Now that made my night and life!
257 · Sep 2014
I am that, I am.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
is your capacity
to be of
Service to love,
to peace,
to the beauty of simplicity,
but most
service to
256 · Apr 2015
The Light in Her
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2015
She was clothed in strength
and took on the world
with a smile entirely
that every shadow
that mumbled
hatred towards her
255 · Sep 2014
Un Deseo.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
I just want
to be
so I could buy everything
my mother
252 · Sep 2014
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
kiss me,
not because you have to,
your heart asks
you to.
252 · Oct 2014
Jaee Derbéssy Oct 2014
One night
I told her
we'd never die,
in that moment
we lived
252 · Sep 2014
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
As Autumn's wind
erase all the leaves
from that
Oak tree outside,
all those memories
that Summer
brought with her.
All those laughters,
all those tears,
all those whispers,
Not forever,
but gone.
Now every morning
that I awake,
Autumn will embrace
my tender skin
and cover it with its kiss
to the point that
my entire body will be covered
Yeah, Autumn
is now my present..
250 · Apr 2015
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2015
As her elderly eyes
her broken,
she said:
"Child, even the
greatest treasures
are hard to find,
start from dirt,
stars shine brightest
at night.
Be patient.
It will find you
someway, somehow.
Trust and never
its power.
248 · May 2015
Short, but lived.
Jaee Derbéssy May 2015
A simple day
with romance in the air,
two souls
who loved each other
in every thinkable way.
Lost in a beautiful
but their feet rooted
into reality.
A lovely story
of two star-crossed lovers-
knowing each other
pretty well,
yet everyday learning
new things
about one another.
248 · Sep 2014
Lover's Angle.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
When she stares
at herself
in the mirror,
she swears up to the heavens
that she was
cursed with all those
but when I look at her,
I swear up to the heavens
that she-
that she is the most
perfect human being
I've ever met
in my ******' life!

In my eyes,
she's flawless.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
As I am trapped here
in this class,
I see birds making
their free-will
a reality.
Only following
its instinct,
of where the wind
could push him
higher and higher.
Not ever looking back,
not once,
but only living his
Only wanting to feel
the wind
caress his wings,
but also
hoping to find love.

Freedom and love.
I'm really sitting down in class and seeing birds fly.
244 · Sep 2014
Lost Profoundly in Fear.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
Although she has
broken my heart
in the past,
this woman
is the only woman
that ever knew,
and to this day
knows all of my Demons,
and how horrifying
the bloodbath looks
every night
of the previous battle
that my Demons and I
She is the only woman
that ever witnessed it all;
and honestly,
that terrifies me to Death..
243 · Nov 2014
Ses Yeux.
Jaee Derbéssy Nov 2014
What I loved most
about her
was that
she lived by the sun;
but loved by the moon;
so deep,
so real,
241 · Aug 2014
Tragedy's Reflection
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
Is my mind
playing tricks on me?
It must be
this broken heart.
I live in a world
paper speaks,
if you don't have
green card,
families get torn apart.
A world
there's too many
and not many
Where someone
can easily walk in an
elementary school
and ****
twenty small children,
walk in
into a movie theater
open fire
killing many innocent
whose purpose
was to enjoy themselves
their loved ones.
Is anybody even
tryin' to prevent things
like these
from happening again?
How can we ****
Adam's and Eve's
Our own
brothers and sisters.

*Time forgives,
people don't forget.
239 · Apr 2015
Un Amor Querido.
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2015
You don't believe
in love,
but I will do
I can
so you may believe
in me.
238 · Aug 2014
Jenny's Story.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
As the rain is falling
from the cloudy sky,
my tears
remember that horrendous night
when you laid
your hands on me for the last time.
Did I do anything wrong?
I always loved you,
tried my best to be the perfect woman
you wanted me to be,
but yet,
you couldn't see.
How could you harm someone
that you say
you love someone so much?
The one who carries
your seed.
You've seen me shed
You were the only one that
I loved
the years.
But I can still picture
that ****** night,
always led to fist fights.
When you used to come home
late drunk,
like women's perfume.
Knowing that I was always home,
cooking you meals,
washing your clothes,
and carrying your child inside my womb.
But everything
was never like this;
At the beginning you were
so kind and sweet.
So sweet
that I used to sneak out of my house
so we could always meet;
with you, I lost my virginity.
You were my one and only.
While you went out
to strip clubs
with your friends,
I was home.
Always home,
always feeling lonely.
All the abuse,
all the bruises,
and all the name calling,
I still stayed with you
you would always
you always swore,
that you were gonna change
all smiling.

All my friends
used to tell me to get away from you,
to leave you,
you were never going
to change.
That you were still going
to do
what you always do.
But when I finally decided
to leave you,
I packed all of my
and tried to leave.
Trying to leave in a hurry
'cause I knew
that if you came home,
things would get
very ugly.
But that day
you came home early,
exactly at 7:30.
That's when everything
got worse:
you pulled my hair,
starting hitting me,
punching me,
even when you knew I was pregnant,
then you kicked me
in the stomach.
Blood started coming out.
You had no remorse.
You said that if I were
to leave you,
you were going to **** me.
That I was never going to be free
I was your property.
You ran to get your gun,
but as you left,
I ran to the kitchen and grabbed
a ***,
hid beside the door
and when you started looking for me,
yelling my name,
you walked in the kitchen
and I hit you
as hard as I could.
You fell to the ground
and dropped
your gun.
I grabbed the gun
as fast as I could
and tried to run,
but you got up fast and grabbed me
from the hair
and pushed me to the ground.
You tried
getting the gun back,
but then . .


(The sirens crying)

There was blood everywhere..
That night
was the end of that

You were dead.
This is a true story,
it happened to my cousin Jennifer.
It took her a year
for the verdict to say
that she acted upon self-defense.

If you know anyone that's being
physically or verbally,
or you, yourself,
is being abused,
there's a hotline called
**The National Domestic Violence Hotline**
that you can call at anytime.

237 · Apr 2015
One life, now enjoy.
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2015
I crave enlightenment,
spiritually, mentally,
and emotionally.
I desire to grow
go on more adventures
as possible,
meet unforgettable
and simply live.
236 · Jun 2015
Jaee Derbéssy Jun 2015
I journeyed
the deepest
parts of my soul
in a
but found you,
235 · Apr 2015
The [possible] One.
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2015
She was what I wanted in a woman:
sensible, good-humored, and lively.
235 · Sep 2014
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
When the heart
makes up
one has the risk
of seeing
that aren't so.
of a huge let down
So please,
do not
let your heart
make up
235 · Jun 2015
Sarut Este
Jaee Derbéssy Jun 2015
"I could kiss the Hell
out of you,"
he told her.
And all she could
think to
reply was:
"Well.. I'm not stopping you."
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