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234 · Jun 2015
Jaee Derbéssy Jun 2015
Wasn't that the rainbows
were too far away, it was
that you were always close
and I never had a reason
to venture any further.
234 · Apr 2015
Father to Daughter.
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2015
"Baby, you're beautiful-
but do not always lead with that-
also be kind towards
everyone and everything,
be intelligent and inspirational
so that no matter how much
they try not to, thet cannot help
but to love you,"
he said to his daughter.
234 · Aug 2014
Tantita Pena
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
I cry on starless night,
I lose myself
in an empty sky,
for a love
that was just
an illusion.

You say that
I'm nothing,
that there's better
than me

I gave you
my life,
but you leave
me dying.

You have no heart,
no feelings,
just that beautiful
porcelain skin,
that face
that goddesses

Your love
was my poison.
231 · Jan 2015
Her, and I.
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2015
As she lied on his chest,
time stopped as he hummed
Spanish lullabies to ease her.
Caressed her flesh with the warmth
that only his body could provide
her with,
and in that moment their love
was lived and relived
over again till the end of existence.
230 · Sep 2014
Trapped in Books.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
Being in this class
reminds me
of how unhappy
I am.
It reminds me
of all the dreams
and goals that
I want to accomplish.
The freedom
that I linger for
in my life.
The people that
I want to meet
and all the knowledge
that I want to
acquire before
I reach weakening
bones and white hair.

I want to live.
I dread being here.
229 · Jun 2015
Jaee Derbéssy Jun 2015
**** those who say
that love makes you fearless,
for they do not know
that you've been afraid,
if not terrified,
ever since you laid
your eyes on her.
Afraid of her,
not noticing you.
And now that you have her,
even more afraid
that she might just leave you.
228 · Dec 2014
She then, and after.
Jaee Derbéssy Dec 2014
As we both were
seemingly lost
in each other's gaze,
I asked,
"Describe the love
of your life,"
and with a simple grin,
she then responded with:
"Someone who makes me laugh,
first and foremost.
Someone who is honest
and real with me.
Someone who challenges me
and helps me grow
as a person.
Someone who treats me
the way I treat them.
Someone who sees me
as their equal
and nothing less.
Someone who treats me
like a Queen because
I would treat them
as a King.
Someone who is supportive
and always has my back
no matter what.
Just someone who loves me
unconditionally.. for me"
and as she finished,
my heart had melted
onto my organs
which gave me this
indescribably warm feeling
that I had never felt
and in that precise moment
I knew she was
the reason why I was made
and put on this Earth.
To love this woman
with all my might.
To love this woman
like no human
had ever loved another
human being.
Old conversation.
227 · Aug 2014
Un Maldito Amor
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
Sometimes you're a photograph
faded deep in my mind.
Suddenly strong feelings
are rushing through
my existence,
that no matter how hard
I try,
I just cannot hide.

Sometimes when I close my eyes,
I can feel your presence
on my skin.

Once believing
that you were Heaven's blessing
poured into my well,
but then after all the shattering
you caused,
I still torment myself
by telling me that no matter
you were still my most
precious and beautiful sin.

Though I know I deserve
someone whom
wants to share
her years and soul with me,
you're still that dark cloud
that haunts me
and won't allow me to see.

Confusing dilemma
between love and hate,
not knowing
if this is a test
or if our luckless romance
was fate.

Although you were
my absolute everything,
now that you vanished,
I feel absolutely empty.
I no longer feel anything.

But even after all of this,
you will always be
that beautiful thought,
that mistake one day to me brought.

Un maldito amor-
A ****** love.
226 · Aug 2015
Autumn and its Leaves
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2015
As Summer is departing
and the leaves
are beginning
to change its color,
the breezes'
is starting to be
Oh, Autumn,
I am glad that you
are coming back.
223 · Apr 2021
Tus Ojos
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2021
Some eyes touch you more
than hands ever could.
217 · Mar 2021
Adiós, mi Luna.
Jaee Derbéssy Mar 2021
La luna llena me preguntó:
“Qué es lo qué quieres más?”
y le contesté:
Qué tu corazón
se enamoré con el mío.

216 · Jun 2015
For You
Jaee Derbéssy Jun 2015
There are tears
that I will never cry.
They are the last
of yours that I hold
and feeling them
run down
my face would only mean
I'm losing
yet another part of you.
215 · Feb 2016
Jaee Derbéssy Feb 2016
All she ever was, was a simple dream.
And as vividly as she felt,
she was nothing more than that.
Or so I believed
until for some divine miracle
she came towards me;
smiling from miles away,
empty roads and bringing
to everything that was
on sight.

There she was—
standing right in front of me.
Not knowing if it were in fact
a dream or real life,
nor did I wanted to find out
because even so,
they both felt amazing.

She was euphoric.
My love.
And although she didn't
she would soon
feel it as I felt it as soon
as I saw her
for the very first time.
214 · Sep 2014
being High in class.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
If in Heaven
all the good souls
and in Hell
all malicious souls
are we all trapped
in the middle?
As if when we're alive,
this is our test
and if we pass,
we go to Heaven,
but if we fail,
we go to Hell.

But what does it mean
being able to
213 · Nov 2014
Seconds in the Making.
Jaee Derbéssy Nov 2014
Family is the embodiment
of love;
which therefore,
fills me with the sufficient
strength and courage
to conquer
everything in life,
life itself.
210 · Dec 2014
Upliftin' Ray.
Jaee Derbéssy Dec 2014
You don't have to be
great to start,
but you have to start
to be great.
And I understand
that there will be days
that all you want to do
is give up,
all you want to do
is give in;
that success is nowhere
to be seen,
but don't give up.
See, when you're
in the verge of giving up,
there's that little
in-between space
that determines
how strong your will is
what kind of person
you are.

Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
Even when I'm walking
next to her,
I am not whole
if I'm not holding her hand.
How beautifully
and perfectly molded
for my hand
to feel at home.
205 · Dec 2014
In Him I trust.
Jaee Derbéssy Dec 2014
Gave my heart and soul to Christ.
Never have I ever realized
that He
was there for me
all the time.
Listened stories about Him
over a million times
and all my life
I believed that
every story and Him
were nothing but lies
until there was this emptiness
in my heart
that couldn't be filled
till in Him
I found a luminous
203 · Aug 2014
Summer Love
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
Dear Diary,

I can't believe it's over..
I really did believe
that she was
"The One".
201 · Sep 2014
End of All.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
I guess that in the end
you start thinking about the beginning.
Of everything
that you took for granted,
of all the people you once hurt
or non-intentionally.
Of how good
you had things,
but were too blind to notice.
In the end,
you reflect every action
you acted upon
that every night
your mind-
your conscious,
tried to make you see
but you refused
to drown it
with chemicals.
I guess that in the end,
you constructed
your own demise.
200 · Sep 2014
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
Don't let
small minds
tell you
your dreams
too big.
199 · Jun 2015
Sky full of Stars
Jaee Derbéssy Jun 2015
I have never been
a creature of the sun.
The moon has always
had its way with me.
For it is only at night,
when we,
heartbroken souls,
come to life.
Finding stars like us,
who've been stripped
from their light.
Giving them what little
we have left.
And in turn,
the entire sky.
196 · May 2015
Un Amor Real
Jaee Derbéssy May 2015
As a tear ran down
her eye, laughing non-stop,
I paused for a moment,
witnessed something
and then realized
what I wanted to do from
that moment and on:
to give her a fulfilling life
filled with
laughter and love.
194 · Apr 2015
Memoirs of a Lover.
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2015
She came out of nowhere
and not until I met her
for the very first time
did I ever realize that
I had this emptiness in me,
and that only she
could fill that void.
193 · Dec 2014
You're all over. All.
Jaee Derbéssy Dec 2014
And as we were sitting
beside each other,
she leaned
a bit
and whispered,
"I love you.
Flaws and all.
But what captivates me
are your
true emotions
your beautiful
with that
eternal love
and had
finally found
193 · Oct 2014
Jaee Derbéssy Oct 2014
Even when I have
absolutely nothing to lose,
I still pretend
that I have a billion things
to lose.
I don't know why,
but I do.

Even when I'm happy,
I get in too deep
in a zone that can trigger
all my bad experiences
and just bad things
that has, or had,
ever happened to me
in the past.
193 · Sep 2014
My Life.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
And with each breath
I think to myself,
"Is this my Heaven or is this my Hell"?
Traveling in a long road:
no directions,
no speed limits.
And though being cautious
isn't in my nature,
I'm traveling at a slow pace.
Although I'm traveling
at a slow pace,
I still fear that I may
into a horrible fate.
A never-ending
drive to nowhere,
or it sure as Hell
feels like it.
Feeling like a brand new ride,
but with 300 thousand miles.
192 · Apr 2015
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2015
I want a woman
can get on her knees,
close her eyes,
with I by her side,
and pray to the Almighty
in the sky.
Not any woman
do that with you.
192 · Sep 2014
One of the Rare ones.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
And even
when I have absolutey
to offer her,
she still stays with me..
191 · Nov 2014
The Gift.
Jaee Derbéssy Nov 2014
As children,
we are told
that the world
is one particular way.
And as we're
we, ourselves,
believe that it is
because we've been
believing it so
our entire life.
But then,
if we're bright enough,
just bright enough,
something stumbles
upon our ways,
and that's where our
comes in play;
if we're bright enough
to see what stumbles
upon us,
we grab it and see
what value can bring to us.
An idea,
a concept-
a vision that will forever
change of how
we view the world
we were taught to view
in another different angle.
And if we're bright enough,
something that not all are,
we will become
and have something
that not many have
and that is vision.
Vision to see something,
and be able to see more
than it really is.
To see ahead of what
it could be.
190 · Oct 2014
Jaee Derbéssy Oct 2014
A true relationship
isn't just about spoiling
each other
with lavishing gifts
or going out
to fancy restaurants,
but helping
one another grow
each and every passing day
as a person
physically, emotionally, spiritually,
and most importantly
A true relationship
consist of two souls
who sees one another
in each other's eyes;
where if one moves,
the other moves as well.
A bond so unbreakable
that it could be bent,
twisted, and twirled
but never break.
A relationship where
the two of you
can see genuine beauty
where others failed to,
and simply loving
one another unconditionally.
187 · Sep 2014
Midnight Confession.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
As the night sky
our continent,
and everyone
slept soundly,
her arms
embracing my naked body
and whispered
onto my ear
and confessed,
"I fell in love with you
because of the little things
you never knew
you were doing".
And from that moment,
I just knew that
I was hers.
Hers, and nobody else's.
And my dear friends,
that was all
I ever wanted in this life..
187 · Sep 2014
the Struggle of Power.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
The power of poetry
is powerful as much
as any gun.
It could fill you with
much rage
or happiness,
but is powerful.
They say that the pen
is more powerful
than the sword,
and I believe
that because words
can really make
an impact in your life
whether you'd
like to admit it or not.
184 · Dec 2014
Jaee Derbéssy Dec 2014
is gone,
is not
today I'm okay.
182 · Sep 2014
Movin' On.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
I think of myself
as a selfish person
at this moment.

I wish I still had
what I had,
but then I know for a fact
that it would not be
what I would want to keep.

You can say that
I'm still stuck
in the past,
but at the same time
I want to be
living in the future.

Living in the present
is something
I just find
so difficult.
Seeing an ex being happy with someone else.
181 · Aug 2014
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
We all take a bite
off the apple,
we're all solid,
yet so fragile.
Finding a true meaning,
but still bleeding.
A pure heart,
but with a dark mind.
with good intentions,
but leaving
bad impressions.
in reality,
someone in a fantasy.
Solitude poisoning
the soul,
turning something
into a dark chunk of coal.
the world–
never being the first,
not even second,
lastly but third.
A bird who never
left the nest,
that he could fly;
his wings
are two featherless mess.

stuck almost,
to nothing but shame.
knowing himself,
he doesn't recognizes
his own name.
You can say
fallen angel
who was caught up
in an
unforgiving betrayal.
180 · Nov 2014
Written in the Stars.
Jaee Derbéssy Nov 2014
As the stars
our love,
she asked,
"What does your soul look like,"
I gently kissed
her lips
and softly
"Your existence, my love".
179 · Oct 2014
Jaee Derbéssy Oct 2014
She embodied
by the way she
still believed in love
after she has been hurt
too many times
in the past by men
who couldn't see the true beauty
that she was blessed
Her soul was a rose:
beautiful, delicate,
and symbolic.
175 · Feb 2015
Felt over Heard.
Jaee Derbéssy Feb 2015
What she loved most about him
was that instead of only
calling her beautiful,
he actually made her feel beautiful,
rather than just calling
her a name to make her feel better.
170 · Sep 2014
Keys to Love.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
She asked,
"Share with me-
Share with me something
so personal
without a single word".

I thought about it.
How could I share
something so personal
of me without
a word
when I'm a poet?

But then,
I saw the most beautiful
piano in the room,
and as I saw it,
my fingers
felt so attracted to the keys.

It played and it played,
not knowing
that with each key
her heart grew warmer
and warmer.

Something so personal
to me became hers,
and from then on
she became what is now
something personal
of I.
168 · Jan 2015
Simple Thoughts.
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2015
She's more myself than I am.
Whatever are souls made of,
hers and mine are the same.
155 · Aug 2014
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
You and I,
deeply in love,
with a bottle of red wine.
148 · Aug 2014
Something Cliché
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
She is love,
she is all I need.

Yes . . .
She is love,
she is all I need.
132 · Mar 2021
Jaee Derbéssy Mar 2021
I admire the moon’s unwillingness
to be photographed on a phone.
130 · Mar 2021
Ixajana, pt. II
Jaee Derbéssy Mar 2021
Just as the moon
had different phases
each and every
single night,
you also
needed to
shed your skin
renew your glow
each and every
single night.
For the full
of who you needed
to become,
change was essential.
Adiós por ahorita. Espero en un día en tener la oportunidad en conocerte a ti y en especialmente en tu corazón.
130 · Mar 2021
Pobre Realidad
Jaee Derbéssy Mar 2021
You deserve more than
what I can give you.
And it breaks
my heart knowing that.

— The End —