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Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
With a simple tender glance
from those
lovely enchanting eyes,
is as if a rose
made of
purely passion
left its
love adorned
my face;

It fascinated me-
a mixture of a
hopeless romance
to bloom as though
it were
a flower in Spring.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
She was a diamond
in the rough,
and yes,
although she's been
hurt too many times
in the past,
she, with all her heart,
still believes in
romance and true love.

She was comfortable
with all her defects,
and just by that
she knew she was
still beautiful.

And because of the way
she saw herself,
as beautifully imperfect
as she was,
her shine was

Her worth was priceless.

*She was a diamond in the rough.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
She spoke of poetry
as though it were her
goodbye letter.

not to the world,
but to her pain.

And what was baffling
about her was
how someone so beautiful,
both inside-out,
be broken and darkened
by her past.

But something
that I was blinded to
in the beginning
was that even in all
that darkness,
a light so majestic,
absolutely luminous,

It was her that was
blinded of the true beauty
she was blessed with.

Her insecurities blinded her
of who she really was,
of what she could be
capable of.

She was her own enemy.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014

Beings so glorious,
so radiant,
spectacular and
They're what God promised men:
A combination of strength,
and sensitivity all in one.
How beauty bestows women
at their grace
for which women are creators
of life.
Creators of men.
The great ability
that women have over
anything and everything,
including men.
How a woman's body is
beautifully crafted
perfectly in its own
unique and genuine way.
How women are life;
the life that we all
are apart of,
making women
a man's entire universe.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
If you want to send her
a sweet gesture such as flowers,
do not send her roses.
Although, roses are quite lovely,
you should send her orchids.
You see,
when orchids are floating
in the water,
they look graceful,
beautiful and very peaceful.
And that's what love should be;
something beautiful
floating to you
so peacefully with such delicate
grace from
the unknown.
Almost like floating on an
lake filled with possibilities
and romance.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
Her spirit was
like that
of a flower:
So beautifully crafted,
so graceful,
so enchanting.
How her kindness
all the chaos
within one-self.
How she became
a reason
to smile,
even when you
had storms
following you.
The sun bathed
her with its rays,
the wind
gently played
with her soul.
She was the light
that gave purpose,
that gave hope.
She was the light
that broke the barrier
and filled
an empty dark shack
with pure
love and joy.

Oh yes..
Her spirit was
like that
of a flower.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
You see,
I could stare at those
beautiful eyes of yours
for an eternity.
Admire the perfect
lining and texture
of your lips
and cherish your soul
with the warmth of my heart.

I want a relationship
between you and I
where sweet love-making
turns into rough ***,
hugs into kisses,
and a ring into forever.

Being your shield throughout
the storms that life brings,
your rock when you most
need support,
but most importantly
be the love that you would
never forget.

Sure, we may have differences,
but those differences
would be meaningless.
Our love would be so much
more stronger
and much more deeper
than our differences.

Every flaw that you would
find in yourself
and would hate,
it would be another reason
why I would love you
even much more.

Those imperfections
that you would hate about yourself
would be the things
that I would love and adore
about you.

Imperfection is beauty.

And now whenever you wished
you could be perfect,
my love, you'd already be
absolutely perfect in my eyes.

Perfectamente, mi amor.
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