Before we start yelling and things start flying off the walls.
I need you to hear this, I need you to listen.
I've changed, Im not the same person I was the day we met and neither are you.
Change is bound to happen, Change is good, Change means we're growing up.
Whether we grow up to be complete idiots or total geniuses, I don't have the answers. But it wont matter because we'll never change to the point where we wont stay friends, partners, or whatever this is.You can change all you want, you can change your hair, the way you dress, how you take your coffee, you can change how you picture your future but I'll always be in it for the long hall. When you look back at the times you've had, I'll always be right by your side.
Before we start yelling, arguing about all these little things, I need you to listen.
I just hope you understand.
Change, you never know if it'll tear you apart or bring you closer.