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 Mar 2013 Jackie
Sara Beckstrom
Sometimes I wonder if
the world is as big as it seems.
Are these people I avoid on the subway
in the hallway
on staircases
in elevators
really strangers?
And I think of how the glass plate
of a perfect window
looks crisp and familiar
to a doomed bird,
And how an unseemly field
turns into a battleground
And how a single glance
changes a life
And how big a marble must
seem to an ant
And how sometimes you can drown
in a drop of water
running down a stranger's check
And maybe the whole world
is just a reflection
in some stranger
in the elevator's
 Mar 2013 Jackie
Wedyan AlMadani
Crash into me
with the fury of the waves
of a wild sea that drowns
the whole town
and the wrath of the flames
of a volcano that lights up
the night skies
 Mar 2013 Jackie
i can't sleep either.
i just wrote two poems
about how much i hate you
for leaving.
i was starting to think god doesn't listen
to people who ***** their entire family over
but maybe i was wrong.
sorry for being blunt,
but that's who i am
at four in the morning."

i can't believe
i just sent that text
it was kind of an accident
but not really
chew on that
 Feb 2013 Jackie
Kayla Harris
Right now i feel like dieing
It's a feeling i can't explain
It's a feeling deep down in my heart
The tears are flowing like rain
My family does not understand
How much they beat me down
With all the fighting and name calling
Whats left but wear a frown
I wish my family would understand
Just what i'm trying to say
When we start to argue
I sometimes go and pray
I say God please stop the fighting
So we can live our lives
Because when we start to argue
The pain is like stabbing knives
 Feb 2013 Jackie
I know that we were meant to be
For a time already past
A blessing God had sent to me
But wasn't meant to last

We walked the winding road of hope
Just destined to get lost
Where love became a slippery *****
On every path we crossed

A love that taught us how to grow
The kind that breaks your heart
But how were we supposed to know
We'd only grow apart?

Buried memories forced to die
They lay beside our dreams
A pain that hurts too much to cry
At least that's how it seems

A lesson learned, we walk away
Like we were never there
It's sad it had to end this way
Goodbye, yesterday's prayer
 Feb 2013 Jackie
You need time
 Feb 2013 Jackie
The pain you feel each day
Keeps building up to a peak
Until everything hurts.
You try to lose yourself
In other people's company.
Sink into a personality
That isn't even your own.
Trying to end the pain
of ten thousand swords.
Words cutting deeper
Than any sharp edged blade.
You said you needed him
To make the pain stop.
You need to draw strength from within
Only you can stop the pain.
 Feb 2013 Jackie
it's the kind of thing
where you can't stop
singing beatles songs
or smoking too many
spliffs to stop yourself
from gushing all day

the kind of thing
when you feel as if you're
sitting over the edge with
your legs dangling and
every once in awhile
you're tempted to

the kind of thing
when you memorize
irises and listen to songs
and you swear every
single one was written
to make you feel this

the kind of thing
that leaves you breathless
and too full all at once,
heavy and weightless,
empty and full,
grounded and

this is my favorite part
 Feb 2013 Jackie
K Balachandran
A gathering storm,
called out to me,
in the voice of clouds:
             " Come out of gloom,
                and meet me, at once"
He too was in love,
buoyant and ready
for this adventure of passion,
breaking, if necessary
everything that stands
between him and his love.

                        There was a storm,
                        brewing in my heart too,
                                                        he knew,
fanning and spreading
  the fire of love
     faster than I can cope.
I ran out and flew
on the wings of the storm.
On the way to the mountains
we reached the rainbow's home,
where my love was waiting
in the wings,
for months of Sundays;
she was at the end of her tether.
                     We didn't have much time left
                        the looming shadow of death
                                 we saw south, at a  distance.
It didn't daunt us,
we dissolved in a flock of white doves-
jubilant white clouds that sailed towards east.
Above blue mountains
what a wonder, our love whispers were louder than thunder!
Then, softly we  fell as sad snow flakes,
on touching earth, we were drops of  sparkling dew.
 Feb 2013 Jackie
I wish I could always feel this rush
this warmth, this ease
this trust
Then, I might be called crazy for the way I act
if its anything like whats happening
within me

So, then I wish my mind took photos
But a picture won't do
what even a few minutes next to you
does to me

Then I wish you could see it
Maybe, that your heart I've played war with
might recognize mine
as it's Guardian
or it's harbor

I know these are all just wishes
and even if wishes were real
you only get three

But if I could have one more
I'd wish you were here, with me, tonight
tangled up in me
and asleep
Then I could feel the rush
and remember the way you fit

And I'd whisper
"I love you."
even though you wouldn't hear me
Because you might hear it in your dream
then wake up in the light and start to believe the truth

That I'm yours
No where to run, no escape plans or exits
Purely, solely, wholly

— The End —