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May 2014 · 1.3k
J May 2014
It was dark
Trembling whirlpools and waves lingered
We climbed for days
We climbed for weeks
We climbed to the highest peaks on the earth
But still, the flood rained down

We built great ships and sailed
Great monsters fought us from below
Just as the water-bearers struck from above
We wandered the waves , whipping
We sailed between the horses
We sailed between the C's

Was this the coming of a new age?
Was this the death of the fish?
What of the light?
What of the sun?
Housed by Aquarian demise,
We fought for each day

How long must we wait?
Can we blame the goat?
Zealaz, where are you?
When will your mountain appear?
Jan 2012 · 1.2k
Safe Haven
J Jan 2012
The doors shut, cold echoes
No more warm bed, and no longer home

To journey through groves and streams and beaches
Now not to be alone

Test, a test, a test
Here to find rest for
all the comers, leavers, stayers, goers
For the ****** and the divine

A warm fire, a sip of wine
This all, it shines so bright
Warm light in a dark world...
Nov 2011 · 572
Night Terrors
J Nov 2011
Only a shadow
A flash of fangs in the dark
Tremors down my spine

Only a shadow
Breath drawn like blood from my lungs
Can’t be real… could it?

Only a shadow
Defenseless in eventide
Paranoid; frozen

Only a shadow
A flick of dark in the night,
Poisoning my mind

Only a shadow
For that is all it can be
This I tell myself
Haiku Series
Nov 2011 · 1.5k
Mourning Midwinter
J Nov 2011
Snow has always had a unique quality to it, in that its arrival expresses a combination of pleasant, yet bleak sensations due to the lightness of its pure appearance and the cold weather which is inevitably a part of the experience; this quality made for an especially interesting happening one winter morning. Having awoken to a fresh coating of the white, fluffy powder at a friend’s house, the first thought to enter our collective minds was donning our coats and gloves, and dashing out to explore the exquisite beauty of the scene. Snowballs zipped over our heads, hills threw us along with vociferous fervor, and a snowman came into being before our eyes. In the midst of all this excitement, we were too preoccupied to notice the snow’s icy fingers as they crept into our down-encased souls. However, only a few short hours after the excitement began, the cold began to achieve its frigid goal and we were forced back indoors, the wonder of a midwinter’s day quickly robbed from our once unsuspecting minds.
A prose poem
Nov 2011 · 850
A Storm on the Swamp
J Nov 2011
The storm, it is not passing by quickly

But the children are asleep in their beds

Should we awaken them all, so brashly,

or leave them at ease, to slumber instead?

The winds, beginning to knock at the door,

getting stronger and stronger each minute

They start to rattle; the boards on the floor

are creaking as wind slowly gets in it.

A loud crash of lightning hits trees outside

Perhaps they should prepare to run away

The calm lake waters now treacherous tides

A funnel takes form, dark menacing grey

Why should we wake them from their calm cool sleep?

It’s already done; the water’s too deep.
A take on the English sonnet form that revolves around a topic different than the typical one of love.
Sep 2011 · 1.9k
J Sep 2011
Ode to the good old days 

When we did things in such simple ways

We could laze and sit around for days

And pass time through and through

Not so quite like modern days

With flashing lights and cloudy haze

No, not at all like modern days

With all the work to do


In a year or two or three or more

A thought comes knocking 'round your door,

A thought that strikes you to your core

And brings you hope anew

For the good old days are in the past

And we all know that it can't last

But soon to join these days, too fast

Will be today, so dull and blue

It never really takes too long

The present joins the past's sweet song

You'll soon forget all that was wrong 

And treasure it all, in time
Jun 2010 · 1.8k
Green Leaves
J Jun 2010
Sunshine Bluebells
sprout from the ground
aiming at the sun

a child picks one,
smells the petals,
and drops it in the grass

the seeds renew
and the cycle begins again
Jun 2010 · 776
J Jun 2010
A bird cries, silence;
The cave swells, enticing the young
freedom is at hand, in the air
freedom to fly
live without worry

Leaving isn't easy,  but a necessary evil
venturing to the unknown,  pen in hand
through the ultimate wasteland
that is life

— The End —