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602 · Jan 2013
This is overwhelming.
Isobel G Jan 2013
I love you.

And I don't mean that like I'm on my way out to work,
leaving a kiss on your cheek, coming home for dinner.

I mean it like I can't see a light at the end of the tunnel
and we're not coming out of this fire alive.

I mean it like a last will and testament. A final confession.

A plead of mercy.

I love you, until the end.
©Nicola-Isobel H.             13.01.2013
601 · Apr 2011
Rain And Brightness
Isobel G Apr 2011
Down grey city streets,
I don't feel the cold anymore,
I don't feel the rain,
There's brightness somewhere,
Beside me,
It's coming to an end,
Faltering along the way,
There is emptiness,
There is hunger,
But for something,
Other than the obvious
©Nicola-Isobel H.     13.04.2011
600 · Apr 2011
If We're Being Honest
Isobel G Apr 2011
It's just another disappointment,
And if we're being honest,
You weren't being honest,
I'm not sure I should even care
©Nicola-Isobel H.      14.04.2011
Isobel G Dec 2010
Never have I remembered,
Real Happiness,
Under your overwhelming authority,
The seeds of Joy,
Have failed me,
Left me cold and hopeless,

You over-power loving memories,
With sharp, hateful remarks,
I doubt your passion,
I doubt your sympathetic words,
Rare as they are,

I look up to you,
As every other child looks up to their parents,
But I do not see pride or love,
In your eyes,
I see bitterness,
Seeping through the kind gaze,

When others look to you,
They may be blind,
But I have seen the ice,
Beyond the friendly charade,

It will never leave my mind,
This heart-wrenching memory
©Nicola-Isobel H.     29.12.2010
600 · Feb 2011
In The Center Of Surreality
Isobel G Feb 2011
I just want,
To see everything,
Fall apart,
In the center,
Of this surreality
©Nicola-Isobel H.      19.02.2011
Isobel G Feb 2011
What does it mean,
When love spills,
The blood of the innocent,
For humour's sake,
To write a tragic story,
And shoot the love song,
To see the tears,
Infusing with blood,
Falling through eternity,
Shattering glass,
As purpose kills,
The incomplete
©Nicola-Isobel H.     20.02.2011
598 · Mar 2011
Isobel G Mar 2011
I lie broken,
In self-condemnation,
I don't want to be,
If you're not right
©Nicola-Isobel H.       18.03.2011
597 · Feb 2011
The Course Of Emptiness
Isobel G Feb 2011
We fall from conciousness,
To emptiness,
Endless circles,
Of confusion,
Trapping and compressing,
Confining us,
We are inconsequential,
To the course,
Of loneliness
©Nicola-Isobel H.      24.02.2011
595 · Feb 2011
With You In My Subconcious
Isobel G Feb 2011
I am slipping,
Beyond the safety,
Of the surface,
Into the weightlessness,
Of transparent blue-green,
That consumes me,
And I drown,
With you,
In my subconcious
©Nicola-Isobel H.      27.02.2011
595 · Jan 2011
Don't Worry
Isobel G Jan 2011
You don't annoy me at all,
In fact, I'd go crazy,
Without our ongoing conversation,
Shouldn't you know by now,
That I'm only lying,
When I tell you,
I'm fine, don't worry,
Because I just can't stand,
The thought of you,
Wasting time,
Worrying if I'll be okay,
Lying awake night after night,
The way I worried,
About him,
I want you to,
All the same,
Just so I'd know,
If you care,
But the guilt,
Would **** me
©Nicola-Isobel H.     24.01.2011
593 · Nov 2011
Soft Like Death
Isobel G Nov 2011
Soft like Death,
Tasting my skin,
Scarce with droplets,
Of bitterness,
And sorrow,

Your lips warm,
Like velvet blood,
Quietly concealing,
And poison,

Hands, winter chill,
Old, naive fingers,
Murderous in theory,
In practice,
Full of stealth,

For lips, and hands,
And fabled tongues,
Soft like Death,
Tasting my skin
©Nicola-Isobel H.         06.11.2011
592 · Jan 2011
So Damn Complicated
Isobel G Jan 2011
Since when has it been,
So hard to say,
I care about you,
Why is it so,
Difficult to admit,
I love you,
When did things get,
So **** complicated,
Why do I find myself,
Incapable of conversation,
Around you,
The three feet between us,
More like 3 miles,
And I just can't do the distance
©Nicola-Isobel H.     17.01.2011
592 · Oct 2011
As I Stand In Your Wake
Isobel G Oct 2011
Being away from you,
Is all I really fear,
When you're gone,
The darkness, the emptiness,
Emerges once again,
Stronger than before,
As I stand in your wake,
With nothing,
But the torment of feeling,
Knowing how easily,
You could forget me
©Nicola-Isobel H.      03.07.2011
592 · Feb 2011
The World Means Nothing
Isobel G Feb 2011
Chain smoking our way,
Through the days,
His hands,
In all the right places,
The world means nothing,
It all means nothing,
Collisions of emptiness,
Just to feel something,
So he puts his hands,
In all the wrong places,
To make it right,
'Til the world means nothing,
We mean nothing
©Nicola-Isobel H.       25.02.2011
591 · Nov 2011
Save Me From Myself
Isobel G Nov 2011
What's to stop me,
From drowning,
In all that bright, blue wonder,
From diving head first,
Into the bloodthirsty sun,

What's to stop me,
From giving over,
To black temptation,
Or spilling into a compilation,
Of ice and blunt glass,

There's nothing holding me back,
You're the last one standing,
In my way,
But you can't save me,
From myself
©Nicola-Isobel H.         05.11.2011
587 · Oct 2011
Isobel G Oct 2011
Spin me into your web,
A step.
Hold me in the lies,
Trigger, shot.

**I'm a believer
©Nicola-Isobel H.        11.10.2011
587 · Jan 2011
All I'm Seeing Is You
Isobel G Jan 2011
I'm letting his lips,
Unfamiliar, collide with mine,
Just so I can feel something,
Just so I'll be out of breath,
Because I'm wishing it was you,

I'm not holding his hand,
In my mind,
It's your arm,
That's slung loosely around my waist,

I'm not looking for someone else,
Just for what I'm missing,
You see me,
Wasting my time,
With guy after guy,
But all I'm seeing is you
©Nicola-Isobel H.     08.01.2011
585 · Apr 2011
He Was Oxygen
Isobel G Apr 2011
Have you ever,
Needed someone,
Like oxygen,
He was oxygen,
To me,
But he left me,
Broken and empty,
He turned,
And let me bleed
©Nicola-Isobel H.     02.04.2011
584 · Jan 2011
Why Be So Vague
Isobel G Jan 2011
Why be so vague,
When you can speak,
An honest truth,
I won't judge,
I just want the words,
To be real
©Nicola-Isobel H.     12.01.2011
584 · Jun 2016
Isobel G Jun 2016
Your velvet kisses melt in my mouth
and the taste of your skin
enthralls my senses.
I'm heady on your fumes,
making my orbit around
the steadiness of your breaths.

I can't hold you tight enough;
grappling your body
as we intertwine.
I want to crush myself against you
so close that our atoms coalesce.
©Nicola-Isobel H.          30.05.2016
581 · Oct 2011
I Am The Night
Isobel G Oct 2011
I am the night,
Moonless, Soulless,
The weight of oblivion
©Nicola-Isobel H.       10.10.2011
581 · Jan 2011
A Desperate Call For Death
Isobel G Jan 2011
She cries,
Into the merciless night,
I long for you,
Yes, she longs for Death,
Her soul yearns,
To shed her scarred skin,
Please, I beg for mercy,
She is pleading,
Drunk with desperation,
Take me away from here,
Holding the gun to her head now,
Ready to end her lonely existence,
This is all I have,
For she has nothing to lose,
This is all I can give,*
She pulls the trigger
©Nicola-Isobel H.     07.01.2011
579 · Nov 2014
Red Eyes
Isobel G Nov 2014
I'm in too deep -
my own emotions
are the rope around my neck.
You make me want to drag
knives through my skin and
drip blood on your white carpet.
©Nicola-Isobel H.      23.11.2014
579 · Oct 2011
Judgment Day
Isobel G Oct 2011
Strike me in my place,
On my Judgment Day,
I'll serve without complaint,
And never have pleaded,
©Nicola-Isobel H.       10.10.2011
576 · Jan 2011
Static Words
Isobel G Jan 2011
Humming to the static,
Of the phone lines,
Words on the tip of our tongues,
That neither can say,
Afraid to let slip,
Words too honest,
For this conversation,

Keeping to the small talk,
The endless string,
Of meaningless words,
I hear you draw breath,
Over the static fuzz,

And those beautiful words,
Escape your lips,
In a blur,
Your nervousness echoing through the distance,
You're too stunned to breathe,

Time is passing,
Too slowly for your impatient heart,
Awaiting my reply,
But don't you know,
You shouldn't worry
©Nicola-Isobel H.     07.01.2011
575 · Jan 2011
He'll Never Understand
Isobel G Jan 2011
When my mind traces,
Back a thousand steps,
And I revisit old scars,
I wish he knew,
About my past,
But how can I,
Allow myself to be,
So vulnerable,
Even if I found the words,
I know he'll never understand,
Because nobody will feel the pain,
Like I do
©Nicola-Isobel H.      28.01.2011
574 · Jan 2011
Another Unanswered Question
Isobel G Jan 2011
Why is it,
That whenever I need someone most,
They seem to disappear,
To evaporate into a substance,
Thinner than this stale air,
Leaving me,
A mess
©Nicola-Isobel H.     14.01.2o11
574 · Dec 2011
Softly Drifting In A Dream
Isobel G Dec 2011
                           softly drifting

                                 ­ la                            la
        la                     ­                  la

Rolling and churning the notes

       and          and                  round
              round      ­            and        and
                                      ­          round

On your tongue;

                           softly drifting

                                 ­ la                            la
        la                     ­                  la

                                                            ­                ...In a dream
©Nicola-Isobel H.       13.12.2011
572 · Jan 2011
Suicidal Thoughts
Isobel G Jan 2011
I've thought about it,
For years now,
Sometimes for weeks on end,
The possibilities,
Nothing concrete,
Just the idea,
Just dreaming about the ways,
I could bring my world,
To a sudden and permanent stop,
Indulging in thoughts,
Of soft, brown earth,
Over my eyes,
As I watch the world,
From some place else,
Where the pain,
Can't eat away at my insides,
And reality is just a dream,
To my dimmly lit eyes,
Then, will they understand,
What they did to me,
That they cut too deep,
And took too much,
Despite all the warning signs,
The fatigue and distance,
My pale cheeks and thinning figure,
The loss of interest,
In all that I once loved,
The pure lifelessness,
So clear, so obvious,
That they were too blind and ignorant to see...

...Maybe I should,
Just so they will realise
©Nicola-Isobel H.     20.01.2011
571 · Jan 2012
December 20
Isobel G Jan 2012
Six feet up and standing,
I'm falling apart in his shadow,
Trying not to get my blood,
Mixed up in her bones,
She's screaming,
And the rest of the world wants an ambulance,
Or maybe we should give her what she wants,
So her shoes fly off,
Mine slow me down,
And I have to stop and turn back,
Because he's grounded,
And he needs me when I'm breaking apart,
But we pretend we have time,
(I want to waste it,)
We're selfish,
(I want to help her,)
We're dying too,
So we put ourselves together,
And he feels like glue,
But it's over and he holds my hand,
Til we're back in the chaos,
And it feels like I've been here,
Cause I always am,
And the screams want to morph in my ears,
And be different colours,
Hers are black,
And I have to run again,
(I can't do this again,)
But they need me,
(It's too much,)
He pulls me back,
And I can't see,
So I just follow the circles,

Over and over and BAM!

I played my part,
And I know it,
It looks like I'm praying,
But there's no idol,
And I want to tear it up,
But I hide it instead,
So I don't wonder if he sees them,
Because her eyes look like mine,
And she's taking the words right out of my head,
And I've lost,
(I deserve this,)
But he doesn't let go,
(I'm not enough,)
And he's still holding me,
Even though she's spilled my secrets,
And I can't force them back down her throat,
And I want to unhinge my insides,
Because I promised they were clean,
And I filled them with dirt,
But I'm sorry now.
©Nicola-Isobel H.         09.01.2012
568 · Dec 2011
Big Old Moon
Isobel G Dec 2011
You're tracing the edges,
Water all around,
Laughing and crying and screaming,
'Til you can't possibly take another breathe,
Can't make a sound,
So full of adrenaline,
Falling on the sand,
Sinking in the sand,
Half drowning in the salt and dirt and muck,
Black blood weaving it's way through the waves,
Weakening as it wanders out to nowhere,
That big old moon,
Wide and wise and obliterating,
Staring you down,
Back in your place,
That big old moon,
You tremble,
Fall apart,
Break apart,
Confess yourself,
To the big old moon
©Nicola-Isobel H.       12.12.2011
566 · Feb 2011
Summer's Emptiness
Isobel G Feb 2011
Summer's emptiness,
Lengthens by the day,
Growing cold and dark,
The beginnings,
Of a desolate winter
©Nicola-Isobel H.       12.02.2011
565 · Jun 2011
Allied With The Emptiness
Isobel G Jun 2011
I lie here,
Allied with the emptiness,
And I wonder,
Where I'm supposed to be
©Nicola-Isobel H.     21.05.2011
565 · Jan 2011
Summer's Gone
Isobel G Jan 2011
It doesn't feel like Summer anymore,
The wind is ice cool,
The clouds grey and threatening,
No glittering leaves,
Nor bird-songs,
Because Summer's gone,
Without you
©Nicola-Isobel H.     07.01.2011
Isobel G Jan 2011
Nothing can explain me,
Not at this moment,
For I am too ecstatic,
Too over-whelmed by joy,
A joy I'd never thought,
I could feel so strong
©Nicola-Isobel H.     12.01.2011

Obviously something amazing happened which is very rare. Almost as rare and amazing as the person who made it happen. So thank you, Charles. You officially put me in the Top 3 on the Favourite New Poets list. So I'll have to revise my answer to your question: THIS is the happiest moment of my very short life.
563 · Jan 2011
Time Will Not Stop
Isobel G Jan 2011
When he dies,
I will miss,
His wrinkled leather hands,
And withdraw,
From trivial conversation,
Despising laughter,
Choking for air,
All the while,
Sitting in silence,
While they move,
Laughing and smiling,
Quarelling over nothing in particular,
For time will not stop,
In their shallow world,
As it will,
In mine
©Nicola-Isobel H.      23.01.2011
562 · Jan 2011
Thinking Of You
Isobel G Jan 2011
Sleep well,*
Well I can try,
But you know,
I'll be lying awake,
All night,
In my empty bed,
Just thinking of you
©Nicola-Isobel H.     15.01.2011
562 · Dec 2011
Isobel G Dec 2011
Don't write to me,
Don't pull me apart,
And bind me in your paper,
Hold me in your ink,
Don't label my subconscious,
I'm not an adjective,
In a sentence,
About a noun,
A pretty little noun that could've been my name,
I'm not your inspiration,
Don't take my eyes,
And make them hazel,
And wide,
And beautiful,
Don't hide me in 'whole's and 'wonder's,
Under all your addict nonsense,
I'm not silver,
I'm not clouds and light,
Don't make me special.
©Nicola-Isobel H.        28.12.2011
562 · Apr 2011
I'd Take It All Back
Isobel G Apr 2011
I never meant,
For things to change,
I'd take it all back,
If only I could,
Just to make you smile,
Just to keep you here,
A moment longer
©Nicola-Isobel H.       17.04.2011
562 · Oct 2011
Until You Opened My Eyes
Isobel G Oct 2011
Like a house of cards,
All that I was,
Came tumbling down,
Fallen to the floor,
Scattered around me,
I sought solace in my vices,
In pain and lies,
I lost myself in arms,
Arms that didn't hold me,
Quite the same,
That slipped away,
Too fast to close the wounds,
I left my emotions on the sand,
Drenched in poison,
My reasons in summers past,
Until you opened my eyes
©Nicola-Isobel H.      25.06.2011
560 · Nov 2011
Isobel G Nov 2011
Forfeit, rather fight,
You have taken,
The essence of my soul,
All of my worth,
And I never hesitated to give
©Nicola-Isobel H.         18.11.2011
559 · Oct 2011
Too Close For Comfort
Isobel G Oct 2011
The world is darkening,
With every step,
The air grows colder,
He's closer,
Too close for comfort
©Nicola-Isobel H.      08.08.2011
558 · Jun 2011
Blood-stained Sand
Isobel G Jun 2011
On the beach,
We sit,
Warm and smiling,
The world,
Soft around the edges,
I leave you,
Sleeping away the final hours,
Of daylight,
I walk,
Along the lonely shore,
It seems like hours passed,
The sky,
Faded and black,
When I return,
All that's left is the cold,
And the blood-stained sand
©Nicola-Isobel H.      10.05.2011
556 · Oct 2011
Isobel G Oct 2011
Amidst the grains,
Of dead yellow-grey,
Soaked in ocean water,
Salt stains on my blue lips,
I shiver,
Calling out,
For that honey-washed sun,
To blind me from the scars
©Nicola-Isobel H.        26.10.2011
555 · Nov 2011
Our First Winter
Isobel G Nov 2011
You stole me high,
Upon the windy bridge,
Steady and firm against my back,
Holding your ground,
Against vain struggle,
Looking below the surface,
We were calm and wondrous,
Reflected on the river tide,
Shadowed by glory,
And likened atonement,
Spun to face you,
"Trust me"
I surrender in my mind,
To fall beneath you

*In some ungodly hour,
©Nicola-Isobel H.          06.11.2011
553 · Jun 2011
Stay A Little Longer
Isobel G Jun 2011
Stay a little longer,
The sun's still in the sky,
Wait another moment,
You don't have to leave just yet,
Close your eyes,
And remain beside me,
It takes everything,
To say goodbye
553 · Feb 2011
Who Am I?
Isobel G Feb 2011
Staring down halls,
Of hollowness,
Alone in my past,
Defiant of the future,
Who am I?
©Nicola-Isobel H.      14.02.2011
552 · May 2012
Isobel G May 2012
If I called you Roman,
Would you be an empire?
©Nicola-Isobel H.         30.05.2012
549 · Feb 2011
That Day
Isobel G Feb 2011
I wake from emptiness,
Another day awaiting,
Pulling me from dreamlessness,
But this is not,
Just another day,
It it the day,
The one where the phone,
Screams from the wall,
And the voice,
Over the humming of static,
Whispers the words,
I've dreaded for so long,
It is that phone call,
It is that day,
That I wake to,
The day when existence,
Is aimless,
And tears accompany,
The morning rain,
Full of sorrow and regret,
All the while,
Hopelessness comsumes me,
As I think of all the words,
I never said,
And pray,
That the cruel sun,
Will have the decency,
To remain hidden,
Behind the clouds
©Nicola-Isobel H.      05.02.2011
549 · Oct 2011
Move On
Isobel G Oct 2011
Your skin,
Your fire,
Burning my pages,
Curling my edges,
I told you to let go,
But I can't,
Move on

You're tearing me down,
You're burning me up,
Clipping my wings,
Whispering to be,
I can't,
Move on
©Nicola-Isobel H.       11.10.2011
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