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745 · Jan 2011
Abandoning The Stars
Isobel G Jan 2011
Undeserving of my halo,
I flee,
Abandoning the stars,
Casting it off,
As I leave you,
A mess,
Such a mess,
©Nicola-Isobel H.     31.12.2010
742 · Jan 2011
In The Maze
Isobel G Jan 2011
I walk through the maze,
That is my life,
Sometimes I run,
But at every turn,
They all catch me out,
Forcing me down,
To where I "belong",

I don't belong down there,

Every so often,
He takes their place,
In the corner,
Between the paths of my maze,
A little light amidst the dark,
Keep going, you must keep going,
I will,

A promise I know I'll keep
©Nicola-Isobel H.     25.01.2011
742 · Jan 2011
He's Changing Daylight
Isobel G Jan 2011
He's changing daylight,
Influencing eating,
Turning off the lights,
Floating in the breeze,
Sleeping on the moon,
I can't keep my eyes,
Away from its shine,
All the while,
I'm wondering why,
At times, so unpredictably,
Yet forseen all the same,
He's silent and vague,
Drifting by,
Too fast yet too slow,
For me to even try,
To figure him out
©Nicola-Isobel H.     14.01.2011
739 · Oct 2011
Into The Starless Night
Isobel G Oct 2011
Into the starless night,
The dim moon fades,
Clouds consume the sky,
Flooding the horizon,
With the impatience of day
©Nicola-Isobel H.      08.07.2011
738 · Jan 2011
The Funeral Dress
Isobel G Jan 2011
The cool, black fabric,
Pooling at my feet,
Such a delicate puddle,
Is this how it will feel,
The next time,
I slide off this dress,
Will it fall to the floor,
As gracefully, as effortlessly,
Along with the crimson tears,
Will it look so beautiful,
Behind the veil of eyeliner,
Slipping beneath my eyes,
Running down my already stained cheeks,
Or will it become,
A dark, unholy thing,
A cruel reminder,
Of his final resting place,
And the hymns echoing from the dim church,
Where we'll say goodbye
©Nicola-Isobel H.      20.01.2011
738 · Feb 2013
Isobel G Feb 2013
You have grown within me,
To take your place and fill my hollowness.
To fill my blood and lungs
With excruciating love.
You have broken my bones and carved my skin
With the bitterness of need;
Coloured my flesh with blooming, helpless desire
To be coveted
To be smothered by your longing;
I give all myself to you.
©Nicola-Isobel H.         10.02.2013
737 · May 2012
Isobel G May 2012
This has all become
A string of missed calls,
Torn envelopes, cast aside
Gossip, mouth to mouth
Stage whispers that never
Meet their ends. This has
All collapsed.
©Nicola-Isobel H.            24.05.2012
737 · Jun 2011
Don't Walk Away
Isobel G Jun 2011
Yesterday feels so far away,
But the pain,
Of saying goodbye,
Is still as raw as ever,
With every step,
Every inch between us,
I feel the world grow colder,
Consumed by the darkness,
Don't walk away
©Nicola-Isobel H.     04.06.2011
736 · Jan 2011
Welcome, Sweet Suffocation
Isobel G Jan 2011
Such a sweet suffocation,
Welcomed with open arms,
Too trusting,
But not wrong in their faith
©Nicola-Isobel H.      12.01.2011
730 · Dec 2010
Your Lies For Pain's Sake
Isobel G Dec 2010
Your grasp,
Like that of Death's own,
So unforgiving and harsh,
Around my fragile wrists,
You pierce my veins,
With your hateful tone,
Spilling my blood,
It drips, drips, drips,
Around us onto the floor,
Where you leave me,
Laughing in echos,
You're not sorry,
You go against sorrow with every move,
With every broken bone,
With every torn heart and shed tear,
You use me as your excuse,
To create this torturous pain,
That you abandon me with
©Nicola-Isobel H.     28.12.2010
728 · May 2011
This Is Emptiness
Isobel G May 2011
A pain you do not know,
Incessant sorrow,
Cut so deep,
Bleeding life,
Consuming reason,
Tainting hope,
Buried so close,
To the surface,
Yet so intagible,
Just beyond reach,
Forever aching,
Like scars on once torn skin,
This is emptiness
©Nicola-Isobel H.      09.05.2011
726 · Dec 2010
4 Months
Isobel G Dec 2010
4 months,
4 months of nothing,
4 months of silence,
4 months of heartache,
4 months of restraint,
4 months of nights spent crying alone,
4 months of waiting for you to come home,
4 months later,
4 months later, we're fighting,
4 months later, we don't speak,
4 months later, you're sorry,
4 months later, I've lost hope,
4 months later, I can't be with you,
4 months later, you call one last time,
4 months later, you say goodbye again,
4 months later, were back to 4 months ago
©Nicola-Isobel H.     29.12.2010
726 · Jan 2011
Spring Birds Cry
Isobel G Jan 2011
Spring birds cry,
Where she sleeps,
A silent scream escapes,
His dripping lips,
Slowly, her tears form,
At the sound,
Too fast the night is gone,
Taking him with the burnt-out stars,
To a lonely place
©Nicola-Isobel H.     06.01.2011
724 · Jan 2011
Beautiful Disease
Isobel G Jan 2011
You're like a beautiful disease,
Poisoning my thoughts,
With longing,
Making my heart beat,
Pleasantly fast,
Morphing clarity,
Into obscurity,
Preventing the inevitable,
That I dream of,
With your impractical logic
©Nicola-Isobel H.     05.01.2011
723 · Jan 2011
Isobel G Jan 2011
I can't breathe,
I don't want to,
The thought of living,
Makes me feel sick,
I can't control,
The flow of tears,
I'm just screaming,
For air,
Or better yet,
Someone to hold,
While I collapse,
Into a mess of tears and blood,
On the cold, hard floor,
Tearing at the walls,
And ripping my heart to shreds
©Nicola-Isobel H.     14.01.2011
721 · Jan 2011
Isobel G Jan 2011
I feel the world,
Crashing down around me,
The buildings collapse,
Everyone's dying,
All around me,
They say their goodbyes,
And leave me,
Lying in their pools of blood,
The others, the living,
They weigh me down,
For reasons I can't comprehend,
They anchor me in my place,
Stop me from running,
Tear me down,
That's when I know,
I'm not going to fight it,

Look where that got me last time
©Nicola-Isobel H.     25.01.2011
714 · Nov 2011
I'm Slowly Dying
Isobel G Nov 2011
I'm slowly dying,
In a mangled heap,
Some bloodshot dilution,
Of my former self,
Dependant on words,
Brittle and uncertain,
That hold all,
I cannot ask of you,
So I resign to this;
I'm slowly dying,
I hope it matters
©Nicola-Isobel H.      12.11.2011
713 · Jan 2011
If You Held My Hand
Isobel G Jan 2011
I wouldn't mind dying,
If you held my hand,
And whispered goodbyes,
In such sweet, hushed tones,
Softly in my ear,
The way you say goodnight,
But then how could I leave you?
©Nicola-Isobel H.     05.01.2011
712 · Dec 2011
Now That I've Lost You
Isobel G Dec 2011
Now that I'm gone,
Will you still sing about always,
Writing my name in the spaces,

Now that you've left,
Will you still draw my letters in tattoos,
Still feel the words on the tip of your tongue,

Now you've stopped loving,
Will you still breathe my perfume,
Still find my shampoo lingering on your sheets,

Now that I've lost you,
Will you still remember,
You loved me
©Nicola-Isobel H.       11.12.2011
707 · Jan 2011
Too Much To Lose
Isobel G Jan 2011
Maybe if I didn't know you,
I'd jump off a bridge or a building,
Crash a car and not survive,
Draw every last drop,
Of blood from my veins,
But everytime I think,
Of pills and over-dosing,
I realise now,
I've too much to lose
©Nicola-Isobel H.     15.01.2011

For Charles who is actually super amazing and really can stop death.
                                  ...or at least mine
705 · Aug 2013
Isobel G Aug 2013
I am desperate for that tender, hungry touch
and the heavy gasp of his saturated lungs,
as he burns me with the fire of his stare
and the hot sting of his palms
cools like tingling fever on my skin.
©Nicola-Isobel H.      05.08.2013

I was reading Firehead by Venero Armanno and this struck me. It's a beautiful book, absolutely hypnotic in it's vivid lyricism and imagery.
704 · Dec 2010
Remeniscence of Abandonment
Isobel G Dec 2010
In the bitter cold night,
I lie awake and alone,
Stumbling through the words,
What to say,
Losing my balance as I come to terms,
With this harsh reality,
With these events,
So blunt and painful,

You throw me into a spiraling emptiness,
A cruel and hollow cycle,
It's purpose only to destroy any hope,
Within it's withering grasp,

Through my open window,
The icy breeze bites at my fragile skin,
A reminder of the slapping sensation,
The heartless infliction of pain,
Of your abandonment of the dim shadow,
Of my mere memory,
As you threw my trust back,
In my tear-stained, fallen face,
And walked into the black, beckoning sky
©Nicola-Isobel H.     27.12.2010
699 · Dec 2011
Isobel G Dec 2011
Burn the roses,
The laughter, the smiles,
Up in flames,
With all my hope,
Our hope,
Light up the memories,
All of the 'we's, the 'us's,
Up in smoke,
Every part of us,
Every kind of sweetness,
All the clocks,
And cogs and smoldering, dying things,
That used to be love,
Licked up with your fire tongue,
©Nicola-Isobel H.      14.12.2011
696 · Nov 2011
Animal Eyes
Isobel G Nov 2011
From the distance,
He finds me,
With those animal eyes,
Blue and orange and white,
Twisted and sharp,
Concluding with his pupils,
Deep and dark and wide,
Dragging me down,
Like the undertow,
I'm paralyzed,
By those animal eyes
©Nicola-Isobel H.          08.11.2011
Isobel G Mar 2011
It feels like dreaming,
When he sheds the lies,
And bleeds the colours,
Of truth,
A dream imprinted,
Permanently etched,
In my subconcious,
That settles on the surface,
Above any and every other moment,
The perfection,
Of honest imperfection,
So sincere and delicate,
Is all I ever needed
©Nicola-Isobel H.       07.03.2011
692 · Jan 2011
The World's Insincerity
Isobel G Jan 2011
Something about the world,
Seems so empty,
So strange and cold,
Reality doesn't feel,
As secure, sincere,
The sunlight too harsh,
Feigned like the ingenuine smiles,
Of so called friends,
Who turn a blind eye,
At anyone calling for help,
Yet throw around words,
That used to mean,
So much
©Nicola-Isobel H.     18.01.2011
692 · Feb 2012
Isobel G Feb 2012
Tell me where I'm going,
I feel like I could fit into this song,
Like we're all adjacent and descending,
And falling without cognition
©Nicola-Isobel H.          11.02.2012
692 · Feb 2011
Isobel G Feb 2011
We are not,
In love,
We are,
In emptiness,
We are,
©Nicola-Isobel H.      25.02.2011
Isobel G May 2016
Your kisses drip like honey
down into my chest cavity.
My heart was missing
so you planted a seed;
showered it with your pure oxygen
to wrap vines around my lungs,
to match your arms around my chest
that hold me when the nights
are cold, but no longer lonely.
© Nicola-Isobel H.          19.05.2016
689 · Jan 2011
Distract Me More, Please
Isobel G Jan 2011
I choke on tears,
Between the smiles you bring,
While he pushes me closer,
Closer to the edge,
Closer to Death,
You beg me not to give in,
I don't know if I want to anymore,
Distract me some more, please?
©Nicola-Isobel H.     02.01.2011
688 · Feb 2011
In The Name Of Irony
Isobel G Feb 2011
The indescribable colour,
Of blood-grey brightness,
Floods the broken room,
With hopeless sincerity,
Tearing at my sanity,
With sweet cruelty,
Painting ivory with blood,
In the name of irony
©Nicola-Isobel H.      24.02.2011
688 · Mar 2011
Isobel G Mar 2011
Red and white,
Depictions of futility,
Make this existance,
©Nicola-Isobel H.       30.03.2011
687 · Mar 2011
Drowning In Euphoria
Isobel G Mar 2011
Drowning in euphoria,
Rather, like floating,
Drenched, ecstatic,
Effortlessly drifting,
In the bright,
Blue sky
©Nicola-Isobel H.       18.03.2011
685 · Oct 2011
Shower Smoke
Isobel G Oct 2011
Beneath fluorescents,
And shower smoke,
In the parting of the steam,
I'm six feet under,
Dripping, soaking,
Bent into my own shadow
©Nicola-Isobel H.        27.10.2011
684 · Oct 2011
Isobel G Oct 2011
I hold the world,
In vain,
Keep me from your mercy,
I'll no longer be,
©Nicola- Isobel H.       03.10.2011
681 · Mar 2011
Without My Disposition
Isobel G Mar 2011
Sometimes I wonder,
Who I would be,
Without the hollowness,
If I were not,
Haunted by despair,
Would you be here,
Would I be so willing,
To give it all up,
For nothing,
Would I fall,
Shatter and remain,
Broken and desperate,
As I've done for years,
Endless years that blur,
Into milleniums,
Could I feel,
So torn,
As I do whenever I inhale,
The stale air,
Breathing without purpose,
Slowly dying,
Perishing in the dark and cold,
That is the world around me,
Would I be anything,
Without my disposition
©Nicola-Isobel H.      08.03.2011
677 · Nov 2011
So Many Things
Isobel G Nov 2011
He was so many things,
Cut-throat and proud,
Transparent yet covered in shadows,
Like a diamond,
12 faces reflecting inwards,
Bouncing from wall to wall,
Catching light,
In the most breathtaking manor,

He was young and soulful,
With leather skin,
Dripping in sunlight,
Receeding slowly,
Into maturity,

He was old wine,
Suited to his age,
Sweeter with time,
But he faded,

He was so many things,
But mostly he was mine
©Nicola-Isobel H.          15.11.2011
677 · Dec 2010
Sweet Distraction
Isobel G Dec 2010
Please, hold my hand,
Distract my weary, hazel eyes,
From the tick tock of the clock,
Excelerate my fleeting heart rate,
With your crooked smile,
Fill my head with lyrics,
To the melody of this moment,
And my stomach with butterflies,
Trapped and longing,
Fluttering their fragile wings,
Whenever you honour me,
With the utterance of a single fragment,
Of a syllable,
Like a lullaby, trangqulizing my busy mind,
With sweet, spoken thoughts
©Nicola-Isobel H.     30.12.2010
672 · Dec 2011
Isobel G Dec 2011
You are not your own,
©Nicola-Isobel H.     8.12.2011
672 · Feb 2011
Fatal Reason
Isobel G Feb 2011
Is this,
An honest intention,
Or is doubting justified,
In the moment,
When the world,
Gives way,
From beneath me,
To reveal,
Reality intertwined,
With the mist,
OF fatal reason,
The poison of the mind
©Nicola-Isobel H.      24.02.2011
671 · Jan 2011
Into The Black Empyrean
Isobel G Jan 2011
When he stops speaking,
The emptiness overtakes me,
Hollowness grows within,
The room spins fast,
My mind fills with questions,
I write them in the starts,
Above me, above us,
Where's and why's and how's,
I throw them, silver,
Into the black empyrean
©Nicola-Isobel H.       28.01.2011
669 · Jan 2011
Fear Of Losing Sight
Isobel G Jan 2011
No matter how hard,
I fall,
I won't speak,
For fear of losing sight,
Of what we have
©Nicola-Isobel H.       23.01.2011
667 · Oct 2012
Isobel G Oct 2012
I have salvaged you from this blood; this waste.
I have salvaged you, you alone. There is nothing
more to me, there is nothing else to lose,
nothing else to give.
I have salvaged you, and when once more
I stand alone in the wreckage,
it is you I will salvage again.
©Nicola-Isobel H.             31.10.2012
664 · Jan 2011
Isobel G Jan 2011
It's 1am,
And sleep just can't stop,
The flow of thought,
28 degrees,
And I'm still cold enough,
To need winter sheets,
6 more weeks,
And I won't feel it,
Not at all,
Because I won't think,
2 more months,
And I won't have the words,
To explain this despair,
Or, like in this fevered moment,
There shall be too many,
That bleed from my mind,
Into new verses,
That make words seem useful,
Though they hold no purpose,
Because words, letters,
They do not suffice,
I need slamming doors,
Blood-stained fingers,
Old clocks that tick tock,
Shredded manuscripts tinted with age,
Broken glass,
Just something other than this
©Nicola-Isobel H.     14.01.2011

My 100th poem...
664 · Mar 2011
Acid Tears
Isobel G Mar 2011
Tears slip down,
Below the rims,
Of my red eyes,
Tears like shards of glass,
The fragments scrape,
Revealing crimson through ivory,
Acid tears,
Burning my cheeks,
The same as ever before,
As I drift into unconciousness
©Nicola-Isobel H.       08.03.2011
663 · Oct 2011
Isobel G Oct 2011
Downcast your eyes,
To watch the broken path,
The footsteps finally stolen,
From beneath you,
Another blood-smear,
On the once white pavement
©Nicola-Isobel H.      17.08.2011
662 · Dec 2010
Peter, Like the Rabbit
Isobel G Dec 2010
To an uncle,
My oldest, most loving,
Who held my tender heart,
Dear in his hands,
With skin like the leather binding,
Of his old, worn books,

His words of wisdom,
Shine through his humour,
Like the broken colour of a painting,

I will remember,
His st-stutter, his stammering,
His clover and fresh grass scent,
And the fire in his old brown eyes,
When he is gone,
I know he will be gone soon,

Dearest Uncle Peter...
Peter like the rabbit,
Like rabbits he hunted,
Peter and his cabbages,

My Old Peter grew the best ones,
With Sam by his side,
Sam who drank his beer,
"Good dog, Sam", Peter said,
He barely gets a word out now,
His voice rusty, unused,
Like the garden tools will be,
When Peter is gone
©Nicola-Isobel H.     29.12.2010

For my dearest Uncle Peter.
660 · Aug 2012
A Feeling
Isobel G Aug 2012
It's like candle wax on a birthday cake;
a big, hard stone in your throat.
Like the amounting frustration
crushed up in a child's fists
when mummy says 'no'.
It's knowing there's an enemy
in a friend; a monster
under your bed.
©Nicola-Isobel H.          01.08.2012
657 · Nov 2011
White Roses
Isobel G Nov 2011
You walked me through the gardens,
Past the ***-heads,
Fuming from their ears,
I see roses,
Remember the roses,
Beside you,
Keeping my hands,
Locked within themselves,
The stone monument cold,
Unforgivably firm,
"Show me"
I refuse,
But with time,
Present my scars,
Stifling tears,
Anchored by your arms,
Watching white roses,
*"I'm sorry"
©Nicola-Isobel H.         06.11.2011
657 · Nov 2020
Isobel G Nov 2020
It's so easy to romanticize,
slipping on that cloak
of self-loathing;
Reminiscing on those failed dalliance days.
You make me think of what might be
If I could have been someone else,
making me lonely for a rewind
back to before my trajectory slid.

I'm just one of those
tortured people
who leaves their mind on
like a light.
©Isobel G.        Written 23.06.2019
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