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657 · Apr 2011
Fading Too Fast
Isobel G Apr 2011
It was murky and dark,
Deep grey-blue,
I could see you on the surface,
I screamed,
The water flooded in,
Taking oxygen's place,
You couldn't see me,
I was fading too fast
©Nicola-Isobel H.      22.04.2011
Isobel G Jan 2011
I wonder how,
I could have trusted in God,
For so long,
Spent so many hours,
No, wasted them,
Praying so fervently,
Idolising thin air,
Believing faith,
Would provide comfort,
But instead, it left me,
Hopeless and broken,
Because miracles are mythical,
Tireless prayer and devotion,
Won't turn back time,
Or heal wounds and ease troubled minds,
So why do I still wear,
This crusifix?
©Nicola-Isobel H.     24.01.2011
Isobel G Jan 2011
Just be still,
And we shall observe,
The tragedy,
Oh, the tragedy,
Of this beautifully cruel world
©Nicola-Isobel H.     07.01.2011
651 · Jan 2011
While I Suffer
Isobel G Jan 2011
Lying awake,
Night after night,
This one particularly painful,
Much worse, too restless,
Forcing me to resort,
To child-like comforts,
To ease the pain,
Of fresh, bleeding wounds,
And substitute the lack,
Of welcomed restraint, of warmth,
That comes from the person,
Who can't offer it,
At this most eminent moment,
While I suffer,
Bleeding, breaking,
In silence
©Nicola-Isobel H.     14.01.2011
651 · Oct 2012
My mind, disclosed.
Isobel G Oct 2012
I am incongruous;
inconstant. I am this
night, this day arising
from the hollows of
death, despair. I am
this broken cry, shattering
the glass silence; disruption
of the subtle calm that
holds you. I disclose myself
in all my intimacy, in my darkest
shade, in my natural state
of blood and skin. I disclose
myself to the cold stare of
a view from some high up
place. Some high up place of
judgement that strikes me down.
Strike me down in my place.
Hold me no more.
©Nicola-Isobel H.             28.10.2012
650 · Jan 2011
Inbox 1
Isobel G Jan 2011
Waking up,
To inbox 1,
Such a joyous sight,
But after seeing,
The anger behind your words,
The smile fades,
Replaced by a solemn frown,
I wonder if it's because of me,
That your so enraged,
If my endless dillemas,
Are the cause of your sudden rage,
A thought comes to mind:
Maybe I should just fade,
Into the background,
I'd rather not,
But I won't test your patience,
To generous have you already been
©Nicola-Isobel H.      21.01.2011
650 · Oct 2011
Isobel G Oct 2011
Standing on the edge,
Bathed in the gold of day,
The ashes beneath me,
Blacken my sole,
His ashes beneath me,
I crumble
©Nicola-Isobel H         17.10.2011
648 · Mar 2011
Isobel G Mar 2011
I should be gone,
By now,
When it all falls,
My signature exit,
But I'm still lingering,
At the edges,
Because maybe this time,
I need someone,
To hold on,
Just a little longer
©Nicola-Isobel H.       18.03.2011
647 · Dec 2010
Torture For The Living Dead
Isobel G Dec 2010
With a broken, beating heart,
That is not living,
It is a state worse than Death,
Merciful Death,
Living while the knife still lies,
Piercing your worn-out heart,
As you beg for Death,
Is punishment,
A punishment for the undeserving,
To walk the streets,
Unable to breathe:
*Torture for the Living Dead
©Nicola-Isobel H.     28.12.2010
647 · Jan 2012
Isobel G Jan 2012
It's all barren and wasted,
Your skull has lost it's fabrication,
Flaking like old paint,
And leaking cancer,
From between the severed skin,
Where you pulled out your stitches,
And I sewed them again,
So maybe you'd stop breathing through water,
But you didn't see me anyway
©Nicola-Isobel H.        09.01.2012
646 · Dec 2010
Tragic Redundance
Isobel G Dec 2010
With porcelain hands,
She holds the stars of heaven,
With which she draws lines so heavy,
So blackened and bold,
Even the strongest fall at sight,
Her tears are heavy rain,
That drown every soul in range,
Flooding hearts and minds,
With the dark oceans of her thoughs,
Washing out the sunshine and smiles,
Bringing only sorrow and despair,
All beauty is overwhelmed by her tragedy,
With her, there is nothing but the hollow sunrise,
Barely shining beyond the infinite horizon
©Nicola-Isobel H.     23.12.2010
645 · Apr 2011
Don't Fall
Isobel G Apr 2011
The rain falls,
So hard,
Thundering above us,
Don't fall
©Nicola-Isobel H.      21.04.2011
Isobel G Feb 2011
Time passes me by,
A little too fast,
A little too slow,
All my efforts,
Because I don't know,
Who I am,
©Nicola-Isobel H.       03.02.2011
643 · Jan 2011
Don't Speak, Love
Isobel G Jan 2011
I don't want to talk,
Not now,
For words cannot define me,
They are useless,
Incapable of capturing this emotion,
Like a desperate child,
Unable to hold the startled butterfly,
In his too eager hands,
So don't speak, Love,
For a tender, prolonged embrace,
Gives far more comfort
©Nicola-Isobel H.     07.01.2011
641 · Aug 2012
Skin and Bones
Isobel G Aug 2012
I am the numbness
Of the rotting earth;
The molten sky of an
All-consuming hell.
©Nicola-Isobel H.        18.08.2012
640 · Jan 2011
Let's Just Float
Isobel G Jan 2011
I can't help the negitivity,
Or suppress the darkness,
In the back of my mind,
I want things to change,
So badly,
But I feel so unsure,
So afraid,
Of the inevitable,
So let's just float,
For another day,
Freeze-frame the friendship,
Before we change,
So this will never end,
And we'll just keep on talking,
And falling,
In silence
©Nicola-Isobel H.      18.01.2011
640 · Apr 2012
Pass the scalpel please?
Isobel G Apr 2012
Would you blame me
for cutting myself open
if you knew? I didn't ask
for the corpses to bear relation
or for the words to fall close
to home. I didn't turn the waves on,
or pull his clothes off, or stick
the ******* under his nose.
So excuse me for a moment,
it's a quarter inch past the radial artery
and I've got stitches to pull.
Don't bother with the lights,
I'm used to working in the dark.
©Nicola-Isobel H.       25.04.2012
639 · Dec 2010
The Nightingale
Isobel G Dec 2010
Out the window,
Sunshine, far away,
The humble branch of the blossom tree,
Peeks in to witness my lonely slumber,

I wake at the sound,
Of the fragile harmonies,
That of the Nightingale,

She sings a home-sick melody,
As the moon falls,
Leaving her in his wake
©Nicola-Isobel H.     29.12.2010
637 · Feb 2011
Isobel G Feb 2011
How can I be,
Anything more,
Than this,
With the weight,
Of so many burdens,
Hindering my sight,
And weighing me down
©Nicola-Isobel H.      28.02.2011
Isobel G Nov 2011
March on,
Like silence,
Like dusk,
Fingers to the blade,
Temples under bullets,
Blood and dirt and bones,

Feet forward,
Like water,
And being,
Hearts in hands,
Surrendering to gravity,
Cold and dim and torn

*Je prie pour la morte à vous.
©Nicola-Isobel H.         06.11.2011
636 · Jan 2011
My Disaster
Isobel G Jan 2011
In my eyes,
You are so broken,
The incomplete melody,
Of Heaven's choir of angles,
So sad and soft,
A disaster,
So irresistable and tragically beautiful
©Nicola-Isobel H.     03.01.2011
Isobel G Jan 2011
I should like,
To abandon gravity,
And float,
Amongst the stars,
Where rushed embraces,
Fleeting, fumbling fingers,
And urgent kisses,
Do not leave me,
So dis-satisfied,
And hungry,
For prolongued collisions,
And tenderly whispered quotations,
Of love and death,
Sung so sweetly,
From your lips,
As to cause blood to rush,
Under your cool fingers,
As our hearts pound,
In syncronisation,
Counting the inconstant time,
With skipped beats,
And delayed breaths,
So easily over-looked,
And in spite of the warning,
They possess,
Forgiven and forgotten
©Nicola-Isobel H.      17.01.2011
632 · May 2013
Thank God For White-Out.
Isobel G May 2013
I do not love you at all.

You're nothing more than a nuisance, a wound
that does not scab for days, stinging
and scarring - the excess ink smudging
my palm, grey scuff on white plaster.

You are no thorn in my side, merely
the splinter snapped at the skin after
several failed attempts of removal.

Loose thread, forgotten lyric, dripping tap,
incessant beeping, flickering fluorescent light
on a dim, graffitied train, spray painted
in "*******"'s, typo on the final draft.

I don't love you, never loved you at all.
©Nicola-Isobel H.          14.05.2013
631 · Jan 2011
The Rain
Isobel G Jan 2011
Such a soft sound,
Is rain,
Disguising tears,
That fall just as heavily,
And to lie,
Carefree under the downpour,
Droplet after droplet,
Soaking your clothes,
Washing away thoughts,
As if the gentle rain,
Could purge the lonely world,
Of darkness
©Nicola-Isobel H.     10.01.2011
630 · Dec 2010
Attic Of Memories
Isobel G Dec 2010
Air swirled by the force of the opening door,
Tousling my chestnut curls,
As I breathe in the stale air,

I am faced with dust coated boxes,
Filled to their brims,
With old memories hidden long ago,

Chills run down my spine,
Coursing through my blood,
I do not want to go back,
I do not want to remember,

But I know it's the only way,
To get over the distant, fading past
©Nicola-Isobel H.     29.12.2010
629 · Jan 2011
His Final Days
Isobel G Jan 2011
Wringing my hands,
As I walk down the hall,
Supressing the nausea,
My nails dig deep,
Through my soft wrists,
As I reach his door,
I hold my breath,
My heart pounds dangerously,
When I see him,
Surrounded by crisp white pillows,
And blue sheets,
He looks dead,
My mind screams,
I long to rip down the walls,
He murmurs,
Indeciferable words,
His voice rusty and unused,
I'm so scared,
Almost too scared to embrace him,
I think he might break,
The adults mummble,
Attempting to conceal,
The devestating topic of conversation,
Plans, decisions,
So many to be made,
I stifle the urge to cry,
We are all so empty,
And he is dying
©Nicola-Isobel H.      29.01.2011

If you didn't get it, this is set in a hospital.
627 · Apr 2011
This Moment
Isobel G Apr 2011
In this moment,
It's as though time,
Has ceased,
I am frozen,
But the world keeps moving
©Nicola-Isobel H.      15.04.2011
627 · Jan 2011
Isobel G Jan 2011
I wish I had longer,
Another week,
A day even,
To say goodbye,
Before this loathed disease,
Takes from him,
His final breath
©Nicola-Isobel H.     14.01.2011
625 · Dec 2013
Hell Fire
Isobel G Dec 2013
It's heavy now;
swirling black air that clogs your lungs.
It's almost narcotic,
the way its smoke vines
creep in through your nostrils
to suffocate your mind.

You can feel its heat
erasing your own fingerprints;
seeping through your tangled veins;
reaching into your heart
to burn a black hole in your very core.

As you inhale,
it ignites your vision.
You open your eyes
and the world is red;
you open your mouth
and release Hell's fire.
©Nicola-Isobel H.            08.12.2013
625 · Mar 2011
An Envisionment Of Goodness
Isobel G Mar 2011
I am lost for words,
What is good?
So I shall write,
An envisionment,
Of goodness:

A smile,
Painted on blue lips,
Cold hands revived,
Holding my own,

Fill the throbbing void,
That remained hollow,
For so long,

Soft and blue,
Dusted amidst stars,
In which we fade,

Then will we be,
©Nicola-Isobel H.        27.03.2011

My "homework".
625 · Dec 2010
Isobel G Dec 2010
Broken hearts,
Black as night,
Red as blood,
The unmistakeable coldness,
© Nicola-Isobel H.    27.06.2010
624 · Jan 2013
Isobel G Jan 2013
What is it to deserve another?
Is it a mere vow,
the price of a coveted soul?
Nothing can be so simple,
so dangerously complex,
so contrary,
as love.
©Nicola-Isobel H.             13.01.2013
620 · Jun 2013
Isobel G Jun 2013
Unholy light, dim with secrets
two angels
grappling in the endless black.
©Nicola-Isobel H.           04.06.2013
619 · Jan 2011
Isobel G Jan 2011
The night,
So black and long,
When sleep decends,
I do not indulge,
In the luxury of dreams,
I merely collapse,
Into unconciousness,
Waking with heavy lids,
No sense of time,
And dreamlessness
©Nicola-Isobel H.      25.01.2011
618 · Jan 2011
Amazingly Beautiful He Says
Isobel G Jan 2011
Amazingly beautiful?*
My heart ceases to beat,
A sigh, I sigh
©Nicola-Isobel H.     03.01.2011
617 · Jan 2011
Snapshot Of 1 Hour Ago
Isobel G Jan 2011
Hostile and aggressive,
You stamp your foot,
The floor trembling beneath us,
You raise your hand,
Oh God, don't hurt me,
My stomach in knots,
I see that look on your face,
Ready to inflict pain,
On my fragile body,
But your hand slams down,
On the dresser, shaking violently,
I'm not relieved,
I can see the violence,
In your black eyes,
*Please don't hurt me
©Nicola-Isobel H.     09.01.2011
616 · Mar 2011
Choking On Reality
Isobel G Mar 2011
A piercingly sweet scream,
Escapes bleeding lips,
Blood and salt water,
Sickly and intertwined
I am choking,
On reality
©Nicola-Isobel H.      08.03.2011
614 · Sep 2012
My Only
Isobel G Sep 2012
You fill my heart with balloons,
and my lungs with sunshine.
©Nicola-Isobel H.             17.09.2012
614 · Jan 2011
Already Tainted
Isobel G Jan 2011
A fresh start,
A blank canvas,
A new year,
Already tainted with pain,
Already heart-ache and sadness,
Have painted the empty pages,
Of the year I hoped would be different,
But you and your selfishness,
Have stolen away from me,
My opportunity for a clean break,
Poisening it with tears,
Gone is my chance,
To turn a new page,
In my unsatisfied book of memoirs
©Nicola-Isobel H.     01.01.2011
613 · Dec 2010
For The Savior Unknown
Isobel G Dec 2010
A fallen star unto you,
Inner conflictions tear me apart,
Fire and Ice,
Heart-ache ripping at my sides,
The pull of obligation,
Drowns me, dragging me down,
Into a pit of despair,
Knowing the weight of your will,
Can release me,
From his arms as he whispers:
"Only Death can tear us apart",
Then tear us apart,
Of you I ask, an escape,
Before the inevitable
©Nicola-Isobel H.     28.12.2010
613 · Dec 2010
Blue (Of A Different Shade)
Isobel G Dec 2010
For a newer blue,
Of a different shade,
Warmer blue,
Like the summer-day's sky,
Gentler blue,
Like the backdrop of the moon,
Calmer blue,
Like the lapping waves of the ocean,
Caressing the lonely shore,
A charming, humourous blue,
A blue I haven't seen,
Brighter than any other, regardless
©Nicola-Isobel H.     30.12.2010

For Charles,
Whose eyes are also blue
613 · Feb 2011
Burning Bridges
Isobel G Feb 2011
Do you think,
The thoughts I hate,
Deadly and blunt,
Within our hearts,
Burning bridges,
Made to last,
As we die,
And tear apart
©Nicola-Isobel H.      19.02.2011

Because love always ends.
612 · Jan 2011
Birds With Wings
Isobel G Jan 2011
Birds with wings,
They all have wings,
Some soar above the clouds,
Through the gloden rays,
Of the burning sun,
But not all are so blessed,
Others are shot down,
By a satisfying bang,
From the barrel of a loaded gun,
Pointed and aimed at feather planes,
Some are born,
Incapable of flight,
Earth-bound and dreaming,
Of days filled with sky,
Yet the saddest,
Of flightless birds,
Are those who flew,
And woke with broken wings
©Nicola-Isobel H.      29.01.2011
612 · Apr 2012
Little Bear
Isobel G Apr 2012
"Mommy, where's my teddy bear?"

             walk slowly
                                  skip 1, 2

Under the covers, tight-
-wrapped and safe. They start
to cling to my breath and lungs.
My baby hands curl
over Teddy's eyes.

*Go to sleep, little bear.
© Nicola-Isobel H.          17.04.2012
611 · Jan 2011
The Ocean's Sleeping Souls
Isobel G Jan 2011
Barren desert sands,
Of white and gold grains,
Graveyards of broken shells,
Abandoned in the moonlight,
Watching the newly destroyed,
Be delivered from the crashing waves,

Beyond dawn,
Ignorant footprints settle,
On the scorching dunes,
Unknowingly disturbing the ocean's sleeping souls
©Nicola-Isobel H.     31.12.2010
606 · Jan 2011
Isobel G Jan 2011
It hits me hard,
Pulling the oxygen,
Straight from my fractured lungs,
I'm so uncertain,
Of myself,
Of the world,
Because when I finally,
Get what I've been waiting for,
The fun's over,
And I realise,
Maybe this isn't what I wanted,
I'm taken aback,
By this sudden change,
It feels like I've lost,
My sense of direction,
Like gravity decided,
To fall to zero,
Without warning,
Throwing my mind,
Into a state of unfamiliar confusion,
Where all I can do,
Is wonder about what could have been,
If things never changed,
And we were still,
Caught up in trivial conversation,
In the midst of laughter,
A place where solemnity,
Can't hold us down
©Nicola-Isobel H.     20.01.2011
Isobel G Apr 2011
Don't tell me you're bad,
When I need you,
You're keeping me alive,
In a world that kills me,
You're the only cure,
For the poison,
And now I'm not ready,
To say my goodbyes,
Don't make me
©Nicola-Isobel H.     22.04.2011
605 · Nov 2011
Dead Harmony
Isobel G Nov 2011
A voice that sounds of rain,
Dead harmony,
Once light and sweet,
Drunk with old sorrow
©Nicola-Isobel H.       13.11.2011
Isobel G Jan 2011
I just want to know,
Am I alone in this?
Are you only messing with my head,
Just like he did,
Only wanting one night,
Casual and feigned intimacy,
Too short for my liking,
And then shall you just disappear,
Showing up every so often,
To toy with my mind,
A sly puppetier manipulating my thoughts,
So carelessly,
Do I even care,
If it will hurt,
Whether or not you feel as I do,
Well, of course,
Or I wouldn't have asked,

Maybe it won't feel so bad
©Nicola-Isobel H.     21.01.2011
604 · Jan 2011
Isobel G Jan 2011
I can't read the words,
Without tears forming,
In the corners of my eyes,
You were there for me,
I should have been there too,
I love you,
I'm sorry,
It's such an understatement,
To say I was merely,
"There" for you,
How can you ask me,
To forgive you,
After you left me,
For so long,
So many nights the paranoia,
Kept me awake,
The ambulance sirens,
Scarring my mind,
With blood and suicide,
I don't want you to love me,
I don't want to be second best,
Not again,
Not after everything you put me through,
There's nothing left to say,
©Nicola-Isobel H.      24.01.2011
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