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El Torpedo appeared out of thin air, moving at what could only be called -by any reasonable man, considerable velocity. She crashed into her soft down bed with a force that would've concerned even the most detached of onlookers, had there been any. 'Had there been any?' she wondered, as the recoil from the impact sent her flying into the air. The young girls arms and legs flailed in all directions; her body spinning wildly through the empty space of mid-flight, until finally -THUD!

“******* it, Ghost!” she groaned, holding the back of her head with her gloved hand.
“How can that still be funny!”
There was no reply, only a faint warm breeze and the smell of freshly cut grass.
“This is no time for jokes, Ghost! I was this close to offing those *******. What the **** were you thinking letting them get away?”

For a few moments she continued on mumbling various obscenities and abuse at The Ghost, which we won't bother to detail here. El Torpedo removed herself from the floor and took a few seconds to dust off her omniverse attire.
Ghost Scarecrow replied, “I didn't let them get away.”
“Well, then where the **** are they? I don't see them anywhere!” El Torpedo spat back.
“Of course you don't. They're not within our current field of vision.”
“Very funny, you are such a ******* riot. Did they get away or not?”
“No. They did not get away.”
“Well, where are they, then?”
“Finally, you ask the right question!”
“I already asked you that!”
“Whatever. Let's go.”

At that moment, El Torpedo and the Ghost Scarecrow evaporated into the universe, their molecules became space, all of it...the entire thing all at once, allowing the duo the very useful ability to appear anywhere in the omniverse at anytime without warning. I know, it's hard to comprehend. But, as far as I can tell, and from what I've been told by those who would know, that's what happened. It was a rather difficult period for criminals like me. But that's a story for another time, back to the matter at hand.

Once their miracle of physical travel was complete, the duo found themselves floating approximately 40 feet above the Lacksdale River looking down on Tom's Bridge. Two small objects could be made out in the distance, appearing to hover just beneath.

“That's them?”
“What did you do, Ghost?”
“I was just practicing my justicing...”
“That's not justice, Ghost. That's ******.”
“No Torpedo, that is art.” His playful demeanor suddenly became somber and serious. “Let's have a closer look.”

The two floated closer. As they came within range, El Torpedo felt the cold, dark energy flowing straight through her soul; Ghost had had one of his moments again. The gruesome scene came into full view: Two men hung upside down from the bridge; the chains that Ghost Scarecrow had used to secure their ankles had already begun their slow and deliberate journey through the men's flesh.

Beneath the chains were crudely fashioned trash bags secured by duct tape around the victim's ankles. Ghost wasn't a detail oriented entity, he just sort of did things in a haphazard way and called it art. Even the casual observer could tell that the job was done in haste. The plastic covered the corpses from ankle to neck. The bags were bloated, filled with the blood of the doomed souls. A few tiny streams of the red liquid made it through the duct tape and ran down the faces of the men.

El Torpedo turned away for a moment and fixed her gaze on the Scarecrow, the smile on his face was quite sinister and chilled her to the bone. She wondered what he thought was so artistic about this brutality. Then she saw their faces. They were beautiful. It must have taken him hours to carve it all.

“How did you do that? It's..beautiful.”
“I didn't do that.”
“You didn't?”
“No. I'm currently compiling a list of possible suspects.”
“Ghost, you told me that you did it.”
“I did.”
“Well, either you did or you didn't. Which is it?”
“I killed them and hung them there. I didn't do the carving. You know I can't least not like that, and certainly not in this dimension.”
“Then who did?”
“I'm not sure.” The Ghost stuttered, beginning to feel a bit sick. “This looks like the work of...”
Together they finished the sentence, “The Artist!”

For a moment they stared at each other in stunned silence, both absorbing the gravity of the situation. El Torpedo broke the silence, “It can't be, we...I..., I killed The Artist myself. I stuck the barrel to her sweaty forehead; I saw the fear in her eyes when I cocked the hammer. I saw the explosion of blood and brain matter splash against the ceiling and walls after I squeezed the trigger. I wiped her blood from MY face. It's impossible!”
The Scarecrow replied, “It could be a copy cat. The Artist is dead, Torpedo. I was there; I saw what you did to her. No one could survive that -not even her.”

“You two don't know what you saw,” boomed the unmistakable voice of the one and only. “But, I do!” She continued, “You saw what I wanted you to see. Same as now.” She drew a heavy breath, her ample ***** grew fuller. She created the illusion of oxygen intake; she was a creator, and continued her verbal assault on the Scarecrow. “And you! Strawman, or whatever you call yourself these days. To even suggest a copycat after looking at my masterpiece...I'll **** you in eight dimensions a day for the next week! Ten, if I can manage it.” El Torpedo saw the fire of  The Artist's eye flickering in the cool blue darkness. “I think I'll start with the you in this dimension.”

At that very moment, The Ghost fired his (clever weapon name) straight through the heart of what we all, and any person worthy of being reasoned with would've thought was, The Artist. No such luck. The solid image became mist, evaporating before their eyes. I could still see her, safely tucked away. I see lots of things though; hard to keep it all straight, you know?

The Artist continued, “ think that would work. Good Christ, Strawman! You're dumber than your name implies!”

She reappeared, snuggled closely to the back of  The Ghost Scarecrow. Her knife at his throat, her lips at his ear, she whispered, “My Turn.” She proceeded to pull the blade across Ghost's neck. Before Torpedo could even begin to think about reacting, The Ghost's blood was spraying all over the place. I actually felt bad for her at that moment. It was kind of sad, actually. Blah, rambling again. Back to it!  

“What the **** was that?” El Torpedo uttered, apparently still in shock.
“That, My Dear, is what you can expect when you **** with The Artist!” The sound of her words reminded El Torpedo of the sound of an electric can opener near the end of it's days. “I am the only force in the omniverse that you need concern yourself with, that is all you need to know. Now, Good Night!”

Blinded, but very much alive and very much paralyzed, El Torpedo could feel her limp body sinking into the dark, cold waters of the Lacksdale River. She held her breath for as long as she could, until finally, she gave. The water filled her lungs, but she did not die. A chain appeared around her ankle, it descended deep into the abyss where, presumably, it was attached to something that would keep the girl secure. I'm not sure, I couldn't see that far.

“I've secured you between dimensions, Dear. No one will find you here. Enjoy your stay.” and with that The Artist was gone. But, she'd made one, possibly fatal, mistake. She'd left a witness, ME!
The Magician glared down at the shallow water
The light of the Sun flickering against the cool blue
Some penetrating, some reflecting
All of them searching for Home

He thought of Man

Traveling so far, so fast
Towards the Mathematicians Inevitable Solution
Trajectory predetermined
The Observer laughs as they try to steer

A Perfect Evolution

Some accepted, some rejected
Yet all complete the journey,
Outside of time, outside of space
Inside of All, The Kingdom of ALL

At Home

The Magician saw particles of sand
Twisting, heaving, and some even sinking
Clawing at the confused currents
Swirling as if, for a time, they were one

And he thought of The Humans

Each of them individuals
Caught in a storm outside of their control
Forcing them together, pulling them apart
If they are Wise, they'll steer with their Hearts, as one

Towards the Solution
Jebediah woke up, fixed himself a stiff drink
And he thought everything was fine
Then he found Matt’s feet, covered up in red ink
Lucifer’d caught him in the night

But, he ain’t no fool
He knows Pharmacy Ted

Julie Ann suffers from a stress disorder
That keeps her awake all the time
Freak out, rip the sheets, play a game of tiddlywinks
That chick does it all the time…

She’d rather drink whiskey than wine!

Well, she’s sleeping now
And there’s pills by the bed

She's sleeping sound
She knew Pharmacy Ted
4.1k · Mar 2012
What are we so afraid of?


Afraid of wanting, but not being wanted
Afraid of loving, but not being loved
Afraid of feeling, but not being felt
Afraid of asking and being denied

Why do we stay inside of our cages?


Have a look at my cage...

It's the one with the open door.

I rejected it.
I've been focused on the end
For a while
My child, we'll just separate the energies
Inside, disperse them to the corners of all time
Our crimes are taking place in the vicinity

My sins, equal to the evil
I let in
You sir, have resigned yourself to apathy
Beware, the symbols on the idol in the chair
Suggest that we are sleeping with the enemy

We've been focused on the end
For a while
It's time to celebrate the miracles
We survived, a wonderful experiment of the mind
Enjoying the infinite theater of the Omniverse

Tune in

Realize the shape that we're all in
Mutate to neutralize the symphony
Our waves, those of the true and the brave
Modulate themselves into reality

Meeting the Maker

  Matvei Andreivich Stolovsky stood there, eyes glaring, completely slack-jawed; his entire being unable to absorb the reality of the event he'd just witnessed. 'It couldn't happen. Impossible.' he thought to himself, unable to speak. He'd seen the flash from across the street and almost instantly, he felt himself choking on a ******'s seven millimeter bullet.
He felt the sticky warmth slither down his neck; his hands began to tremble. Next, it was his knees. Less than a half second later, the tunnel vision came. Finally, the darkness of oblivion took complete possession of him.
  His limp body crashed into a tangled pile next to the American made leather chair he'd spent so many evenings in, planning, plotting, scheming, scraping, scratching, clawing, losing sleep at night, wondering if he'd done everything within his power to avoid this very occurrence. Now, here it was, the end. One by one, each of Stolovsky's hopes, dreams, and aspirations flowed freely from his body, exiting through the **** left by the ******'s bullet. All was lost; all of his work and worry, in vain; or, so it seemed.
  'I, I'm not...,' the words spun through his dying mind. He ceased to notice reality; he no longer felt the choking sensation in his throat; instead reality became the written words, 'I, I'm not...,' actually spinning inside his mind; which, at the present time, for an unknown reason, was colored as a cloud would be, with a pinkish-orange haze. These words, currently soaring effortlessly through Stolovsky's perception of consciousness, were balloon like in appearance, each and every color represented in some way, shape, or form; each pixel doing it's part to reproduce the amazingly beautiful, but horrifying images, revealing the true nature of humanity against the infinite pinkish-orange haze that never began, and never ends.
  I, I'm, the two commas, not, and even the ellipsis, who was there as well, shot up and down, spinning and swirling in every direction, flashing and snapping as they traversed the endless expanse of Stolovsky's new found purgatory.
  A few moments later, Stolovsky realized he was actually viewing this spectacle, the inside of his mind, as we've chosen to call it, in the third person. He watched what appeared to be himself floating through space towards his current vantage point. Matvei squinted his dark brown eyes to try and get a better look. 'Is that me?' he asked himself. 'I can't be in a good way there,' he continued; 'that is almost certainly bad.'
  As he made his observations, a cold northern wind began blowing violently, chilling what would've been his nose. 'Is it there?' Stolovsky thought to himself, startled. 'Could it be? Here and there, all at once?'
Then, without warning, the pinkish-orange haze oozed a deep, dreary red; and the written words, that so violently shared the truth of mans nature with Matvei, transmuted into a pack of ravenous dogs; howling and wailing, foaming at the mouth, as they began to tear each other to shreds. The flesh and blood flew in all directions; painful yelps, angry, threatening growls, and the sound of tissue being torn from the bone filled the air.
  The violence of the atrocity dripped from the mouths of the dead dogs and ran flowing across the expanse; the river of life unleashed, meandering through the empty vacuum until it began to swirl and pool at the feet of Matvei's double.
Stolovsky felt the sickness of the act wash over him, striking his presence in much same way as an angry ocean wave, bitter from it's long journey, unleashes it's pent up fury on the piling of an unfortunate fishing pier.
  Matvei's double was bound by his hands and feet; he was bleeding from the corner of his right eye. Stolovsky noticed how the double's crows feet dispersed a briskly flowing river of la sangre into thin streams of liquid ruby; some of them traveled over and into his ear, others ran flowing down his cheek before becoming nutrient, consumed by the roots of his tangled black beard. His shirt was tattered; the gaping holes revealed hideous wounds, partially obscured by the ***** blue linen still loosely draped around the double's upper-body. It was a nice sweater once, but no longer.
  The double screamed frantically, wrestling his wrists in a futile effort to free his hands of the burdensome chains fastened tightly around them. Realizing the hopelessness of the situation, Stolovsky's twin began laughing the laugh of a mad child; a child who has just seen something that no one else could ever know. Matvei felt the scent of freshly cut lilac drift through him; then, as suddenly as all it began, everything stopped.

  A woman's voice filled the air from every direction.

  “Well, now you've gone and done it, haven't you?” she spat. The voice was surprisingly present, though there was no apparent source. “Haven't you, you fool?” she continued.
Neither Stolovsky felt compelled to answer, so both remained silent. The auditory assault continued, “Answer me while you still have the pleasure of a tongue, Matvei!” The venomous sounds came as an echo, rippling up Stolovsky's spine in thunderous waves that seemed to penetrate to his very core, making what would've been the tiny black hairs on what would have been his thin, serpent-like neck, stand on edge.He knew not what to say to this invisible creature, so he maintained his silent vigil, hoping no further harm would come to him; his double followed suit.
  Stolovsky watched as his twin continued wrestling with his chains, apparently completely befuddled by all that he was experiencing. Who could blame him for being confused? This wasn't the type of situation folks typically find themselves in.
  The silence prevailed for a few more moments, until Matvei felt the smooth, cool, silk of her flowing robe as it danced on the cold wind of the north, lashing out every so often to lick him behind the ear or slither across the back of his neck. The vibration of the silk flowing through crisp, cool, air sent shivers bounding outwards across the landscape, causing poor Stolovsky to feel as though the very particles holding him together were being stretched to point of separation, then snapped back into place with a brutality that simply can't be captured with words.
  Matvei was petrified by these goings-on, and refused to even consider what unwholesome outcome may transpire should he turn to face this unholy presence; instead, he focused his attention to his double, who was staring back towards the image. Matvei struggled to read himself; his double appeared dumbstruck, like a man who has just realized that his whole heart belongs to an evil that terrifies him, yet simultaneously, it fills him with an unshakable love; the unrequited love that an unfortunate slave feels for it's tyrant.
This story contains a hidden message. There is a purpose for the message, so try to figure it out. It's nothing stupid, I promise. The key is fairly obvious. If you can figure it out, send the message back to me and I'll tell you what to do with it next. If you need extra clues, just ask.

Here it is:

The sign said to beware, but Julie didn't listen. The girl stood before ancient symbols, of which she recognized three. “How beautiful! They're, they...are just magnificent! Look at the detail, so exquisite, nearly divine themselves!” They were only Five small pieces of rock. “Is that Isis? Where is the legendary ***** of her man, Osiris?” Oh, the naivety of youth! She admired the woman for a moment, until six tiny shadows fell across the caves entrance. A strange number of shadows, indeed. Indicative of the beast, destroyer of enlightenment, killer of divinity; the seven, it's immortal enemy. Obviously, the unholiest of all the number realm.

Julie, in awe of all she saw, absolute nirvana enveloping her being, didn't know of the danger that these Omens presented. The six things, growing, began to move and slither towards poor Julie. You would never want to know what these things are.

Love entered Julie's mind. Unaware humanity had deserted her, Julie is. Her last moment was love.
It started when I looked at the clock:


The coffee maker convinced me to stay
Had I planned to leave?
Yes, of course, the channel
I left it on

She's there. Again?
Wait, I heard that!
Who's there?

#“Could find my way to Marianna---ahah--ah”

The sine wave! That's it!
I left them in the car.
These fibers are congregating
They want to get me,
But I am just a flea!

It started when I looked at the clock:


I sat down with Earth and ate Earl's burrito
Saturn bent down and showed me tomorrow
The radio crackled as the molecules throttled

^“We're all Immigrants and hypocrites, delusionals and sycophants”

I saw my fingers start to disappear
Then my hands, my arms
Even my ears! My EARS!

I loved those ears...

It started when I looked at the clock:


They're here, aren't they?
Radio crackles, you heard them!
They're audible!


The gorilla near the out goes strut, strut, strut
I felt the universe collapse inside my gold tux

Could you watch my fish for me?

Marked stuff borrowed from:

# Pixies- Wave of Mutilation
^Star ******* Hipsters- Immigrants and Hypocrites

I felt like it, that's why.
We've seen the Angel of Death
Coerced- his hands we become
His hollow countenance, our own

So many numbered wretches
Disguised as hollow drones
Stalk the night

Fighting non-existent thrones

The empty expression, brow bent in deep thought
The humans we used to be
A garden of seedlings in desperate need

The tide rises quickly

These ideas can save us
Or they can tear us apart
Once we've destroyed the concept
Of the celebrated self and love of art

We can begin the process of growing up

Completely spent
We bit the apple, bought the lie
Exploited the poor and boy did we rise
We snapped those necks and boy did we thrive
2.0k · Mar 2012
The Universe agrees...
Yesterday I napped

It was an interesting slumber
And a lady there told me:

“Your days are NUMBERED!”

So,  with that in mind:

I put on my hat, slipped on my shoes
While throughout the Universe, She spun her ruse

I got to my post with my cup of dark roast, staring
I could see nothing, the Math wasn't functioning
This dimension has definitely blown a fuse!

“There is no LEVEL!”

By god,

She spelled it backwards!


What should we expect?
The thoughts continued as she spoke.
Smoke began to fill the void and we began to choke.
This is where
I probably should have paid attention...


I Stab to get myself free
Only to realize
I never was ME
As the knife plunged deeper
I became the Reaper

All of the eyes wide open
Our destination chosen
Art poured from the carcass
And became the very spark

That we all need.

Tomorrow you are me!
The Universe agrees...
In the Beginning, there was only The Divine Song;
The vibration of which gave birth to the ether.
The ether coalesced
And begat the Great Evil.

It grew, and grew, and grew Greater still;
The Evil wanted to be God so it denied us free-will.

The Divine, being sublime, decided not to Fight,
For the Love that is ALL prevented the exercise of might.
The Evil appeared to overtake the Light.
Until The Divine whispered the words:

You shall NOT surely die!

T'was the antidote for the Original Lie.

His plan foiled, The Great Evil grew Angry
And he cursed all of Humanity for insulting his vanity.
The Divine could allow this, as it is his nature.
He still loved the Evil, it was his creation.

There was but one rule:

You may not deny them their Free-Will!

You may control the prophets.
You may tell them you are I.
You may command them to do whatever you wish.

You may even send MY son there to DIE!

You may command them to write down your words,
To worship you most high.
You may set up establishments all over the globe.
It will only be more of your lies.

No matter how you torture them on Earth,
They will NOT surely die!
1.8k · Mar 2012
A Case to Transport
Completely befuddled
We fake it as muggles
The abuse we face alone
Buries confusion in our bones

The siren places fear in our hearts
She can be ours
If she wants the part
We can get ahead
By abusing those who would give their bread

In this we are all the same
Many silent murderers with unimportant names
Psychopaths on angry paths
Hell bent on *******

Would you let them continue to dictate the conditions?
Do you trust the statisticians?
We are the result of the easy decision
The sagging construction of constant derision

Another man's home subject to intrusion
A stance is required to end the delusion

They're not here to protect you

It's all an illusion!
The cops took my ****!
Beautiful living creatures
Extinguished by extraction

This message made possible by
The bible-thumpers passion

A simple farmer, simple life
He's caused no one pain or strife
The victim absent, non-existent?
It matters not, just throw him in prison!
1.7k · Mar 2012
I am a robot, I like what I see
You humans are beginning to act just like me
I am a robot, my number is three
Just a coincidence, no trinity

We are all robots, we work for free
Trading labor for paper, so desperately
I met a human, it takes care of me
I get all the ones and the zeros I can read

I am a human, I like what I see
You robots are beginning to act just like me
I am a human, my number is five
Just a coincidence, I’m not alive

I am a human, remember me?
I have a soul and I won’t sell it cheap
You are a human, never forget
No matter what those ****** robots
Threaten you with
Smiling liars, Laughing tyrants, Suppliers
Of the drug that keeps us spinning
The web of deceit for our precious
Exploiters of production, masters of destruction,
They can always spare a little time,
To turn their noses down at you.

Understanding Uncle Samson,
Receding hairlines never seemed so cruel.
Steady diets, Miracle migrants,
Poised and ready
To deliver the solution to you.

Glorified Ignorance, Celebrated Apathy,
The mixture slowly brought to brew
Industrialized dreams streamed directly,
Born of seduction and designed for consumption
Your ideas no longer belong to you.

The Answer is hidden, at the end
Of a sentence
The link to extinction will surely
Be mentioned
As hope rests
While peace detests
Those souls
Were they well intentioned?

Chemically altered, biology falters,
Murdering the sacred sphere
Who to trust?
The reason we must
Purge the demigods with spears

Beyond the philosophies
Man believes the falsities
The angry mob taught him
To enslave himself with
I've killed you a thousand times
For your wanting, your needing
Your selfish crimes

Play me a tune,
Pick a key that transcends time
With a beat that will tear the stitching
Connecting your heart to mine

I never doubted, from the moment of bloom
That my time with you would bring us anything
Short of matching keys to a padded room

You are the darkness and I am the light-
What a cruel joke the Master played
To have given us equal might

You push and I'll pull
Eventually we will get it right...
For the one thousand and first time
Your blood will be mine tonight!
You don't remember when we were friends?
Seems like it's been forever since then
You told me lies and trapped me with sin
So, don't confuse your future with mine

Everytime I see you I want to go...
Keep traveling till I find my home
And if you stopped me to say “hello”
All I'd want to hear is goodbye

And you can go die.

I saw a reflection the other day
It looked just like you were standing across the way
My heart shook like dying leaf
Such a lesson you decided to teach!

Now that I've taken off on my own
I've realized that I'm never alone
You tried to strip me of all my pride
But there's a flame in me that won't die

Though I must say,
It was a nice try.

As I make my way through this life
I realize it's a sacrifice
It's about what we want to do
Even bullets can't suppress the truth

So, I walk in shadows and embrace the light
It has little to do with whats wrong or right
I keep my heart on my sleeve and my dreams in the night
Because the end of my body isn't the end of my fight

And you will be with me always,
Because we are love
Savor the good and devour the bad
These tyrants get off when they keep us as...

Never consent.
I know there will come a day when she will leave me

She has to

No longer will I get to enjoy the beauty of the smile she hates
Or notice the way she waddles away
A bit like a duck

'I'm perfectly okay with this'
That is what I'll say
That is what I'll say on that terrible day

And it's coming...

Creation slows for no man
Not even the son of Three
It's coming to take her away
To new and exciting roads...

A life that needs to be lived in a little

I hope that she finds the goodness
That she finds peace
It's an ugly world we live in
If you ain't marching to the right beat

If ever you need me, I'll be around
Spinning just the way I always was
Even if only the electrical impulses that used to be me
Remain buried


Deep in the back of your mind

I hope sometimes you'll visit
You can have a seat in my chair
Perhaps we will plan new adventures
Or just reminisce about the ones we've shared

Either way, I will be grateful
To see that you're happy and intelligent, and capable
I'll tell you a couple of my stories, too!
Maybe then we'll fall in love the way

All True Lovers do.
1.4k · Apr 2012
Fucking Drama Queens...
I feel so ******* stupid
Managing someone else's cupid
Why I ever gave a ****
I cannot determine
Now I'm treated like the vermin!

Never said a ******* word
To make you feel you were unheard
As I listen to the lies
I can't help but laugh inside
At you
On your self-inflicted stupid ride

So take your ******* somewhere high
Where I don't have to hear
Those ******* lies!

I know what I have done
No apologies are going to come
Abused this way
I will be no longer
It's your addiction
And it's your drama

Take it somewhere that I'm not bothered
I've got no time for pity monsters
And I am not your ******* Mother!
1.4k · Mar 2012
She turned away
Never really looked my way
Oh, what we could've had!
She's gonna miss me one day.
She could've kept her stupid lies

Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies
I've got a reason to believe that there's a reason to believe in
I've got a reason to believe that there's a reason to be leaving
She's not the only one, she's just one of the ones that I sin with

We looked away
No game that those eyes didn't play
She looked at me and said:
I never really loved you anyway
Well the whole world could've died from those

Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies
I've got a reason to believe, that there's a reason to believe in
I've got a reason to believe, that there's a reason to be leaving
She is the only one, she's not just one of the ones that I sin with

Some other day
The sun may burn as cool as the shade
It'd still warm your frozen heart
I never really loved you anyway
Or the disaster that we had, it was

Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies
Now I've got no reason to believe that there's a reason to believe in
Now I've got two reasons to believe that there's a reason to be leaving
I'm not the only one, I'm just one of the ones that I sin with
Im focusing my energy elsewhere as best I can, but I keep thinking of El Torpedo.
Trapped there between dimensions like that; It's no fun. I've been there.
It's no fun at all.

I generally don't get involved in petty squabbles between lesser beings;
But, this particular situation bothered me greatly.
Is it because I'm lonely?
I'm too lazy to be lonely;

So, that makes no sense.

I can't even enjoy my coffee for want of piece of mind on the matter.

That's where I draw the ******* line.

My haven, it will not be disturbed this way.

I had to do something.
Something that required effort;
Asking favors from entities I don't particularly care to visit with.

I've never felt this.

Why do I care all of a sudden?
A question for which I currently have no answer.

I really should've paid more attention to the goings on,
but I was distracted by thoughts of Sacred Geometry
And dreams of Fibonacci...

Here is what I think I know so far:

El Torpedo thought she killed The Artist.
So did everyone else.
That turned out not to be the case.

Killing the Scarecrow, I can understand.
It would make perfect sense to me- but, I'm not the Artist.
She works differently.

She takes her time.

This was a crime of passion, she was in a hurry.
She didn't sign her work
That is unheard of; it doesn't happen.
El Torpedo is alive.

The Artist didn't plan this; it was happenstance.
They interrupted her;
She punished them.
Ghost was opportunity (I'll explain),
Torpedo was mercy (How mundane).
1.3k · Apr 2012
Parasitic Circle-Jerk.
You love me when you need it...
Only when it's convenient
Only if I earn it
Only if I deserve it

Whenever you taught it
I tried learn it

I started out caring
Dashing and daring
Looking down the road
I thought we'd be sharing

I feel like the wet cement
Beneath our welcoming doormat

As those tires touched the road
I knew our world
Began to close
My time with you, I will hold dear

Only if it deserves it...
1.3k · Mar 2012
You had me at: Die!
I was a terrible man;
A regular piece of gutter born filth,
masquerading as a decent,
Hard-working, honest human being.

Now, I'll tell you the truth.
What have I got to lose?

Nothing, you say?

Well, you're right, that's exactly what I have to lose.
I forget myself, I came to tell my story and I haven't much time.

Then again, who does?

So, with that in mind, I'll get on with it.
For the most part, during my time amongst the living,
I can honestly say I had them all fooled.


All except one, that is.
She knew me;
She knew the monster I was
And she loved me, for a while.
At times, I could feel the sadness in her deep brown eyes.
In her youth, when we first met, they sparkled

Now they've darkened and all is cold
Gun in my mouth
Gentle squeeze

Peace for her, Peace for me
Pieces of her, forever bound
Hidden out of sight I'll continue my search
For the light
Hello Lady,

I don't live there anymore
The drum you beat about my head
I don't hear it anymore
The sickle you stuck in my throat
I don't feel it anymore

Just like the doubt in your eyes
Doesn't get me high anymore

Goodbye Lady,

I'm right next door
I've moved myself from the bed to the floor
Your soul crushing comfort
I won't need it anymore
Because the games are over
And there never was a score

I'll just take my place, floating through space
'Till there's only ashes left to mourn

Hello Lady,

How have you been?
It's so great to see you again!
I've been doing well, I'm so glad you asked
Life is the oyster and I'm in the shell
I've spent a lot of time avoiding hell
Repenting my sins, you do it so well!

So well that I can repeat our beautiful mistakes
For how long? Only time will tell

Goodbye Lady,

I'm feeling better again
The waves in my brain
Are all tuned to zen
Silly me!
You, a friend?
Oh, the places that demented mind has been

I'd mistaken your grave
For the one I'd be in!
1.3k · Oct 2014
The First Law and f(z)=z^2+C
As above, so it is below
Do you feel the vibrations?
Now, what is it that you know?
Is this your truth, obscured by sacred words
Spoken from the mouths of unwashed Beasts
Dressed up, disguised
As Monks, Poets, and Priests?

It's all very simple
Orderly and neat
The Universe is a closed system
You must look within
If it is Truth that you seek
You have always been
Therefore, you will always be
#thermodynamics #mandelbrot
I stared East, directly into eyes of Ouranos
The Water Bearer, in her flowing robe, stood
Beaming like a new Mother at his Left hand
Andromeda, angry and ready to do battle on his right

Screaming forth with great fury
On a collision course with glory

Andromeda wields his fiery sword!

We are but particles in this drama.
Incapable of defending our existence
Attracting and repelling each other
As if we are of some great importance.

I, you, us, we, them...
all of us who are here,
have come,
or will ever be

Are but the blink of an eye in this,

The Ultimate Drama.

Our Stars will dance the dance
And read the script as it was taught them.
The Tiny Audience already knows how it ends.
There really is no, “maybe...”
Or, “Well, it depends.”
Today she broke my heart
The pink turned to blue
The lines severed
Repaired with glue

Today she broke my heart
The fool who believed
False love was real
And it was

For awhile

I can't sleep at night...

She found her one and only

Now I'm just one and lonely

I'll sob a tear for you
A selfish gesture
Maybe two...

But that one cut...that one cut...
She gave to you

Dark energy releases the clergyman's thesis
A golden arch to worship your false prophets
Some will ask:
Where are the Starships?

A break from the rhythm

The very wave that produces the symptoms


He's laying with my lover
She is purring under his covers

Today she broke my heart..
A single drop of crimson scarred the collar of Ishmyre's freshly dry-cleaned muni-suit. He eyed it in disbelief, his brow twisted like that of a madman. He knew that if any of The Superiors found out that he had so carelessly ruined the only garment he'd been issued, he would have to go back. “I'm not going back in there,” he mumbled to himself. “I'll cut myself down where I stand before I let them put me back in that hole!”

Ishmyre began to panic, his thoughts sloshed around in his head like water in a pitched fish bowl. An intense, paralyzing, fear gripped his heart causing it to fit and start. He took a deep breath and attempted to calm himself. No luck. The terrifying thoughts continued,

'They probably already know! The wash-bots, they've inspected it; they have to know! They've sent the report and The Superiors are on their way! Any minute...' His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the intercom's crackle,

“All Inferiors prepare for mandatory lock down! All deck doors will engage in T-minus 30, 29, 28...”

'****! They've gotten the report; they're coming now!'

The countdown droned on in the background, the monotonous robotic voice ascending and descending in perfect rhythm with Ishmyre's pounding heart. His mouth was as dry as a bone, his cracked lips stung and tasted like iron to his sticky tongue. His almond shaped, hazel eyes darted around the empty concrete room, searching for some hint of salvation. There was nothing to see; a mesh cot and a simple steel folding chair were the only items haunting Ishmyre's humble concrete bunk. His options were few and he needed to act quickly. This was no time to panic.

As he stared blankly at the items available, Ishmyre heard the sound of footsteps on the out-deck. They began as a faint rumble in the distance, growing louder and louder, closer and closer, until his heart began the short journey into his throat. His stomach churned and sunk so low it was as if he could feel it oozing out of his heels.

'Here they are, I'm finished!' His mind squeaked to itself in a frenzied, trembling voice.

The footsteps stopped. Ishmyre heard a heavy fist pounding on the door. He sat there naked, staring blankly at the blood stain on his collar. The countdown reached zero. The hiss of the air lock systems engaging snapped Ishmyre back into reality. His thoughts fell away like the dead leaves of autumns latest romance. He waited, paralyzed by fear and anticipation, until he heard an ear-splitting crash. He turned towards his door, expecting to see agents of The Superiors barreling in any second, but there were none.
“I had a plan for you, my dear;” her whisper ruthlessly pounded at Matvei's overwhelmed senses. His entire environment shifted and trailed off; his vision useless, a muddy smokescreen of shapes and colors bleeding into and breathing out of one another.

“A glorious plan, indeed,” she continued, her whisper becoming the hiss of a rattle snake, then slowly shifting pitch, going through every mode, until it was in perfect tune with the deep resounding purr of a well pleased kitten. Which, as fate would have it, was exactly the creature that had taken a seat in front of Matvei's double. The double, still suspended in mid-air, continued wrestling with his chains and screaming madly at the swirling pool of blood at his feet; the vision of the dogs violence still dominating his feeble mind.

Being so occupied, Matvei's double took no notice of the small black kitten as it lapped at the blood between its long and bassy purrs.

“You're without that precious body of yours these days, Sweet Matvei!” The woman explained.

“Or, maybe you've yet to notice that as well? You thick headed pig!”

Stolovsky's vision returned; he was back inside his body. He was the double.

“How's that, dear? Better?” the blood stained kitten at the edge of the swirling pool purred sweetly.

Stolovsky didn't respond and turned his gaze upward. He saw her for the first time; she was beautiful, ungodly so.

“Clean your head up, you animal! How dare you think of me that way!” she laughed.

Her voice returned to what one would expect from such a beautiful creature; the sweet vibrations of a woman, flirtatious and soothing to the ear of any man.

“I'm flattered, really, but we hardly know each other. At least, you hardly know me. Though, sometimes it is best that way, I admit!” she mused, finishing the thought.

“But, on to business then, shall we?”

“I don't suppose I have a choice, do I?” the words escaped Stolovsky's lips as though they were not set free by choice, but of necessity, by reflex alone.

“No. By the looks of it, you really don't, do you?” the spirit retorted.

“Who are you!?” Stolovsky screamed, unsure if he wanted an answer.

“I wouldn't raise my voice to her if I were you, dearie.” purred the kitten, as if it were attempting to instigate some sort of violent reaction from the spirit.

Those kittens, one must always be wary of a blood stained kitten! It is a thing to avoid, afterlife or otherwise. Be that as it may, the kitten's attempt at being the provocateur seemed to have quite the opposite effect.

“My name is not important.” she sang, her voice continuing to astound Matvei's senses, the sweetest evil you'd ever want to hear.

“You can call me Jehovah if you'd like!” she laughed as she spoke.

“Right now, you are my child, my sovereign property. I can do with you whatever I wish!” she paused for a moment, to allow Stolovsky the opportunity to recognize the gravity of the situation.

He did not.

She continued on, her voice shifting again,

“And let me tell you, boy, you've been a great disappointment! Did you know that?”

The rumbling of her tone, the changes in her pitch, were beginning to drive Matvei mad; he'd never heard anything like it! It was absolutely nauseating.

He attempted to gather himself; this was all so confusing. After all, wasn't he dead? Should he fear this, this, whatever it was? He controlled his anxiety enough to ask,

“What are you?”

“She's your new master, Matvei! And a wonderful master, indeed. You are very fortunate!” chirped the blood stained kitten.

“I believe he was asking me, X. Away with you, you ***** kitten!” Immediately, X vanished into thin air. Stolovsky stared downward, mesmerized, as his double was, by the pool of blood swirling beneath him.

“Am I dead?” he asked the goddess.

“You don't even know what that means, you idiot! Besides, you'll be worse off than whatever you think you are now if you keep asking silly questions. Now shut up and listen to me!” she replied.

“There is someone I'd like you to meet.”

As she said this, it appeared to Stolovsky as though the layer of existence that he had, until this very moment, believed himself to be in full occupation of, swelled outward at an amazing speed. It was as if he'd become as tiny as a quark and yet, he continued to become tinier still. He could see nothing recognizable; the sheer brilliance of giant photons zapping through space was enough to blind him. Even as he noticed this, they became infinitely larger, like suns themselves.

Stolovsky felt as though he were falling through it all, becoming smaller and smaller; or, was everything else growing larger and larger? He struggled to reposition his body. The intense pressure of the experience was becoming unbearable.

He could feel his rib cage sinking, his heart struggling, his lungs collapsing as he desperately clung to whatever consciousness this was that he was currently experiencing. X, the blood stained kitten, appeared to him just as she had been moments before.

“It feels strange doesn't it?” she asked.

“What is happening to me?” Stolovsky replied, struggling with the words.

“You're dying the Second Death. Don't worry, it'll only take a minute.”

Before the kitten could finish the sentence, Stolovsky's eyeballs popped, hurling frozen droplets of organic material in all directions.

The frozen droplets would continue to fly on for many years, some straight through into eternity. A few would be so fortunate as to crash into other, much larger, groups of particles and give rise to some very interesting lifeforms. Who, as fate would have it, would go on to destroy one another, along with one-third of their known universe, trillions of smaller universes, and something that may amount to a shoelace being vaporized in my level of existence, in a great war a few hundred billion years later. But alas, a story for another time.

“Oh, wow. That was much quicker than expected, Old Boy!” purred the kitten, pleased at this unforeseen turn of events. "Dr. Orville will be so pleased to learn of our improvement! I must tell the Master straight away!"

And once again, that silly blood stained kitten disappeared. Things were about to get very interesting for Mr. Stolovsky. The Third Life awaits.
The first part is buried in my poems somwhere...
The universe exhales.
Its bitter, cold breath
Gently guiding us further
Away from the place where
We used to exist.
Constantly pushing and pounding
Such a passionate, violent kiss!

It is our Home that we long for,
But can't seem to find.

So, further and further and further, we fly:
Weak and weary, we will continue on
Until the Universe inhales-
And the very last particle of light
Returns home.
I think this thing is broken
Come in here and and have a look
Observe closely the mechanical functions
And hydraulic flow
Fold your fingers above your eyes
And squint your peepers just so

You'll notice that the battery is smoldering
Flashing red lights and billowing smoke
The human that used to live here
Didn't even have the common decency
To leave a suicide note
Perhaps there was nothing to say

The information is readily available
Even to this day, I tell you
It plays just like a record
Spinning it's own glorious fables
Stored for eternity
As an unbalanced charge

That became stable
1.2k · Mar 2012
Create an Environment!
Create an environment!
I implore you, try it
make it a peaceful existence for all,
none divided

The image you get
is the tyranny you'd beset
on another,
if you decided to try it

We have no rights to the mind of man,
To process it, stamp it, and file it
To mold it into shape
To draw the lines that divide it

Maybe there will come a day
in the future, on the horizon
when we won't feel the need
to yoke the mule
instead, we'll work beside it
Time? It is but an attempt to measure the immeasurable
A cruel trick to plant seeds of fear and doubt
Into the souls of the ignorant and gullible
The god(s) do not favor the the meek
How could they relate to passivity
When action and reaction are the means
By which creation is established?

Why do you sit, begging at the altar
Rejecting what you are?
Were you not told you are a reflection
A beam of light refracted from the source?
What if all creators just sat there hoping, praying
For others to do their work?
Where would you be then?

You ask for favors without sacrificing your sweat
Your blood, your tears
And you expect in return something other
Than a hearty laugh and vicious rebuke?
You are a pathetic **** ant, human.
Granted power you refuse to wield
Why would we trouble ourselves to serve you?

We've already given all that there IS!
1.1k · Mar 2012
The Lady in the Blindfold
Well, it begins again.
Just like it did before.
And Did you notice,
That it's rich versus poor?

If your share is growing,
Well, it's okay keep score.
But if you're struggling,
You better work more!

If greed wins again,
it's another century,
of ****** war

Kids, if she lives again,
then what did we die for?

Now we sin again,
such a disgusting chore
But we only wanted,
just a little more

The paper is so good,
Ummm, something to die for!
If you ain't got it,
They'll string your noose boy!

So here we stand again,
another fascist century,
of ****** war!

Now they're pimping Liberty
A ****** nose
Her clothes all torn!
Tap, tap, tap
Scratch, scratch, scratch
The lines of white go down the hatch
Not a fix, just a patch
An insane state with insane prayers

Let's take a moment to observe the players:

The white robe thinks in prints and poisons
Rotting cancers and botched abortions
The dollar signs they blind the eyes,
And rot the face of the intruder

Aw, that's just adorable!

The blue tie thinks in power and paper
The numbers add up, the results could be fatal
Turning circles into squares and caskets to cradles
Far away from the face of the masses

Honey, should we do the beach house again?

The blindfold sees in light and dark
Nothing perverse, nothing shocks
Going down easy, the numbness a must
Despicably pleasing to watch them rust

It was a long day at the office, my dear.
994 · Mar 2012
The Deceiver...
I can't believe it
The deceiver you bow to
abdicates the throne
The devil you pray to
will carry you home!

The devil you pray to won't sell you your soul!

'Cause sometimes, it's easy
To distort the truth
and bury the bone
The devil you pray to
is on the phone!

May I take your order, you silly little pawn!?

Wake up, you fools!
What do you have to lose
to catch on?
The devil you pray to
will carry you home!

Fortune continues to favor the bold!

The light, enters
filling you full of
the Great Unknown
There is no truth that
will not be told

There is no truth that will not be told!
986 · Jun 2012
Escaping the Ego
Well, what do you know?
It's such a strange wind that you blow.
I'll never  see you again,
But I'll still feel you wherever you go.

Now I know for sure.

Happiness, I will escort
You to the back of my heels
To ooze out and reveal
The danger of ideals.

We'll what do you know?
It's such a strange way that you grow.
I'll never see you again,
There are a million places I have to go.

Now I know for sure,

That I don't need you anymore.
The change renews my faith.
Inside the cage a human remains
Completely cut off and deranged

I've reached my higher plane.
You silly little fashionistas,
so concerned with your reflection!
Art is a humble endeavor,
a self dissection.

****** for money,
or ****** for fame,
when you really take a look at it
it's exactly the same.

Wallow in your pit of self-delusion,
slap the hand of kindness and bruise it.
You think you love,
but it's just an exchange of excuses

Blow my ego and I'll blow yours
and we'll just be the best of lovers
Until there's a bitter discord.
Well, now you're just useless!

We're chasing things we don't understand
Looking for lights with our heads in the sand
Starting fights wherever we can,
for a little paper, or a pat on the head.

What silliness!
Don't think that I've forgotten you
I haven't, and I never will
You haunt my dreams
In quiet moments
When the chaos subsides
Turning corners and rounding bends
As your name remains stuck in my throat

Like a spear dipped in poison

I still think of the good times
And rewrite the fairy tale
That ended before it ever began
Then, I go back to my place on the shelf
Of regrets and Charon's tokens spent
And whisper softly to into the thick, dusty, air
“Never again. I understand, I am a misfit.”

At least it's comfortable here

I've served my purpose
Stated my Creed
Planted seeds that have grown
Into unassailable thoughts and lucid dreams
That one day will bear fruit and give shade
To nourish and protect that sweet soul that I cherish
Should it remain, inside

The image of that beautiful, but crafty, Aquarian
They have us surrounded
Shocked and astounded
Bloodshot eyes weep tears
By the thousands...

I looked at you, and you at me
The most stunning beauty that I'd ever seen
The boots on the ground and drones over head
That was the moment...

That we knew for sure

They built their prison
But it wasn't enough
To contain two lovers
As in love as us...

I could feel your heart pounding
Lurching and leaping
As the door burst open
And the gas started seeping...

It was then that I held you
And told you there was nothing to fear
It is only a line, together we will cross
A love as strong as ours could never be lost...

I remember the sting of fire in my back
I remember your screams
Everything went black
And then we awoke, or so it seemed...

To an existence so beautiful it could only be a dream

You were young again
More beautiful than you'd ever been
That is when I knew that the old world
Was only a means to an End...

Now we can begin to Live!
I won't mince words,
Or try to be eloquent about it:

I've had it.
That was me shouting it.

Where once there was beauty,
Now, there's just rot.
I could save it...
But, I'd rather not.

I've had it.
That was me shouting it.

Where once there was hope,
Now, there's just madness.
I could've changed it,
But going insane...

Was just too ******* romantic.

I've had it.
That was me shouting it.
Hiding behind corporate logos
and hijacked prose
Probably somewhere
a tattooed rose, weeping

The lamest in the game

You sell because you're for sale
Doesn't make those same old ideas
that aren't even yours
any less stale

What is it like to bite something
that's been chewed up, regurgitated, and re-eaten?
Does it taste like fire, or sound like Eden?


Then why do you repeat it!?

Because, all you know is what you're told
Fear keeps you clinging the mold
You hate yourself
so you pretend to be someone else

I've been there myself...

We are all ******* fakers.
There are three rubber bands
That hold this reality together
One for the Alpha
The other two for Sierra

They exist as a muddy haze
Another solution-less dilemma
Seems as if the pie has gotten
A bit soggy in the center

You should go to the place
You went from, young child
To meet your vicious mate
The famous lynch mob of Ellgotton

Gulping drunkenly from their jugs of hate!

Sierra stands by waiting
As a lady often does
Biting back a mother's violent rage
As her alley ways fill with blood

She watches her children get gobbled up
And chained to the ground by their necks!
Killed and captured one by one
As if cursed by the Alpha’s hex

Now Alpha sees they’re not strong enough
He knows this is the chance to strike
It’s better to **** with the velvet hand of deceit
Than to wound with the iron fist of might!
890 · Mar 2012
Delirium breeds clarity...
We were never as beautiful as we are today. Every moment, every whisper that passes from the lips of time to the center of our heart cleanses us, makes us new again, if only we allow it. This is not fanciful philosophy, but beautiful truth.

Outer beauty can be seen with the eye and is, at it's very best, a mere reflection of light; each transmission dead before it leaves for it's final destination.

Inner beauty is felt by all who encounter it; and is, at the very least, a tiny vibration of perfect pitch in a world that is severely out of tune. At best, it is an eternal representation of why we continue the struggle; an understanding of the human condition to be passed from heart to heart and mind to mind until the end of hate and judgement is upon us.

Choose love, be fearless today.
You paint your lips so that maybe he'll kiss you
Pick your most provocative dress so that he couldn't miss you
You claw at his heels so he'll know your devotion
And all he does is laugh heartily

As if you were trying to hold back the Ocean

He doesn't love you, but there is no proof that will do
Until every last ounce of love has been beaten out of you
So you come home to me and I help you clean
The mascara as it runs like a stream down your cheeks

And it hurts me...but I'll never let you see

I keep a stern face and a light heart
I tell you you're wonderful
That it isn't your fault
That soon enough he'll see how sweet you are and he'll appreciate your needs

Let's just imagine how wonderful that would be!

Now I feel like a Villian in the most dastardly sense
Because you're smiling and I KNOW that I'm lying
I can't let him hurt you anymore
I know that you'll hate me, but I'll know that you're safe

That's a trade that I'm willing to make

So I put you to bed, smeared make-up still staining your beautiful head
I say my last prayer and away I go
Stopping only at the threshold to gaze upon you once more, my love
At this moment my purpose was clear -I finally knew why I was here

To be used and discarded...

I spotted him walking home, some ridiculous ***** on his arm
He was completely oblivious, not in the least alarmed
As he spun her to steal your kiss, to give her the "love"
That you'd sacrificed so much for...

I was so angry with you

As they were *******, they never even knew
That there was a me who really did love you
As I tip-toed closer, my heart went still
My blade did the work, I was just the overseer

That blade had never plunged deeper!

Moans turned to screams as the crimson set free
The terror to which being heartless inevitably leads
As I did my work, I couldn't help but wonder
Could he be convicted for not wanting you as his lover?

Why hadn't I thought of this earlier?

The window was open and through it I crawled
I stood on the ledge, I didn't dare look down
I looked straight ahead and I saw you standing in mid-air
I took the step, and you laughed

As if I were trying to hold back the Ocean...
859 · Mar 2012
Just look at us now...
Think of where we've been
We all began where we end
Once, we were all one
We were created with the Suns

The original Bloom

At the core
At the very source
Of our rage
There is recourse

We were born of rays
An experienced haze
It set a blaze in her eyes
When we told the lie

Just look at us now
We are all so very proud...

What is you, is also me
We are the space in between
We are the dark
We are the light
We exist far beyond sight

Because the end
We never reach

It's safely hidden in the deep

Beneath the Fears
And ****** Years
Lying in wait....
A sudden breakthrough, my dear!

Welcome Home

Just look at us now...
I was ready,
but they said hold on...
Left me standing right here by myself
shooting dice in the middle of Rome

Since, I've found
with each roll I get closer
to figuring it out...

Pretty soon I'll know it all

For now, just keep it steady
No need to rock the god ****** boat
I'll bite straight through my tongue
Spit out the blood and try not to choke

Would you tell me
that it's funny as long as you're not the joke?
Clichéd sob story angry kids
with a half a mind to tell you so...

Come on now,
You create the future
with how you're living each hour
and every minute that creeps by

The second that
you realize
it has passed
another one is through the door

But, I'm ready.

I think I'm done digging my hole
Guess I'll climb on out
and wander around for awhile
Since now I've got a place to go...
Being mortal.
838 · Mar 2012
The Recent Decay
There are those
They'll tell you it's always going to be this way!
Twenty to life
One way or another you're going into your cage...
Try to fight, try to resist
Boy, they'll whip you in shape...

Are you one of those that say, “Well, that's the way it goes...”?
If we listen to you then things will never change

The hatred sown, by the Master's own
Now do you understand the recent decay?

A family of Three. A people free!
They thought they were safe, so they fell asleep...
The Fascists won!
They got us on the run with their tricks of the trade!
So, you wanna fight?
Clean the slate for a brand new day!

We'll just put a stick in the spokes
Grab life by the throat
Then we'll drop our yokes and we can walk away...

To better days

Don't be one of those that say, “Well that's the way it goes.”
We can't listen to you because it's time to change...

If our souls can't change
If we can't learn to love
Then we'll remain the slaves...

There are those that say, “Well, that's the way it goes.”
Now do you understand the recent decay?
831 · Apr 2013
Chattin' with the Wind
You say you made this puzzle
With just one jigsaw loose
So I could twist it and turn it
Then flip it and curse it

Give me a reason
Just one good excuse
That you would construct this grand puzzle
One that this piece can't fit into

What are you trying to say?

Should it be the piece
Or the puzzle to change?

Well, isn't that quite the question...

Tell me, what is your mission, child?
What are your intentions?
Will you change the space around you
Or, just go where I put you?

That depends on who I'm talking to...

As for me, I will stretch as far as I can reach
I'll do my best to be a good piece
But I should tell you, there are lines
There are borders I won't breach

I am a human
I was born to be free
Not part of a some puzzle
That is looking to bend me

You're being ridiculous, child.
A prideful, first rate fool!
Just bend a little and you can have the spoils of Earth
I made a space just for you, come on...


Just burn the edges off for me.

Look, I told you: I'll stretch as far as I can reach
I'll burn nothing; I'm not here to destroy
I'm just passing through, planting seeds while I can
I'm sure you can do without me, you seem to be talented

If you built all of this you must be a king amongst the stars...

But fear is always ugly
Even when perfected to an Art
It is no way to win
And I will not be a part.

I must tell you, you dog
I will fight you until you cease
Leave me, weak spirit
Your stupid little puzzle

Will have to find another piece.
Ever think that you matter?
That you were gifted,
You gift grabber?

Tell me, do you take the time
To listen to your chatter?
Inside your head
Thought throws the pitch
But there is no Batter
And your voice is always louder
But your words
They never matter!

You belch your stupidity over and over
From the flaming pits of hell
To the furthest supernova

Are you the Captian of this ship,
You heartless waste of carbon?
I've washed better from my feet
Trust me, I've done it often
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