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 Mar 2014 Ink
Harry J Baxter
The coffee is brewing in the kitchen
God that line is played
but it is true
black drop after black drop
you are in bed still
I have not been much of a sleeper as of late
up by 830 down by 330
so I am brewing us a whole *** of coffee
which the *** says is twelve cups
but it is really six
even numbers are good like that
and now you dream in unmade bed
of things I wish I could drag kicking and screaming
into this reality
twelve(six) cups takes a little bit of time
so I’m writing you bleary eyed poetry
by the open window as winter’s last breath chills so nice
what are we going to do today?
get breakfast? go for a drive? I’ve got no work today
are we going to fight
cat and dogs and all that other crap?
oh we are?
then It’s a good job the coffee’s ready
 Mar 2014 Ink
Harry J Baxter
You said that satire is not your favorite flavor ice cream
well sweetheart that is too **** bad
the broken clock on my wall
is right more than you’d think
and this broken record may make you seasick
but I wouldn’t trade it for all the pretty girl smiles in the world
you said I dress like a poor man when really I’m a smiling white faced teen
well you dress like one of my wet dreams
so who’s really winning?
so my lines are played out? Washed up? Dried up? Flat?
So my howl is more of a yawn? My leaves of grass more like turf?
well crucify me to your canvas little miss art
I look good in red and blue
you said I take things too personally
or not at all
you said that apathy isn’t really that attractive
well neither is *******, but somehow you pull it off
you said you think we’ve still got a few weeks of winter left
so how come I can feel the clouds beginning to break over head?
you’re right. I am wrong. You are wrong. I am wrong. You are right.
would you pass me the ashtray please
I think I may have gotten ahead of myself
this headache is too large for advil to tame
and my throat is itching again
so, just for a while, I think I’m going to put you on hold
 Mar 2014 Ink
Ivy Rose
 Mar 2014 Ink
Ivy Rose
Just so you know,

You pressed your scent into my sheets,

You left your saliva on my skin,

You have my CDs in your car,

You left your change beside my bed,

You have my heart inside your pocket,

I found your hair tucked in my bed,

I found your fingertips indented,

I found a scar across my chest,

My heart is beating in the distance, tucked away and bound and chained.

My heart is beating in the distance, and while I'm empty

i remain

(i. r.)
 Mar 2014 Ink
 Mar 2014 Ink
It just takes a second
And you've popped back into my head
As if you never even left
It just takes one glimpse
One look at your photograph
And I'm awestruck with how beautiful you are
The image of you takes over
It's always been difficult to understand
The painful longing I have for you  
No, you're not mine
But when I lay my head down at night
That's when you enter my mind
That's when the fantasies begin to take form
When I am no longer in the present
But I'm transported to where
The back of my mind often lingers
A place where you surrender yourself to me
Mind, body, and soul
And my one purpose
Is to make you feel happiness and pleasure
With every breath you take
And every move you make
It's a misfortune
It's a tragedy
How you'll probably never be the one for me
And how I'll most likely never in my life
Get to relish in the fact that I hold the key to your happiness
I believe that I'll forever feel this dissatisfaction
This sickness
There is no cure
If I can't have you
© Willa 2014
 Mar 2014 Ink

My first love, so soft and steady
When did you become so frail
Since the veil I lifted from your morning face?

When did that constant heart of yours
Wane and flicker in the dale
Your cheek pale as a brush of garter lace

That pocket watch I forged with love
To last a lifetime give it here
Though I fear to play at God, I need more time

Marilyn, drink your tea and sleep
Worry not what I do with fire, with brass
This will pass pumping cogs in motion all a-chime


Let me rest my head upon your chest
Listen intent to the rhythm
Of you still here with me

I cannot hold fate off forever but

Hold me dear, at least a little longer
Before you go.

tick. tock.
.••♪ღ♪••.¸¸¸.•¨(¯'’•.¸(♥)¸.• ’´¯)¨•.¸¸¸.••♪ღ♪••.
Robert Koffler Jarvik, M.D. (born May 11, 1946) is an American scientist, researcher and entrepreneur known for his role in developing the Jarvik-7, the first successfully implemented artificial heart. This artificial heart sustained the first patient 112 days, the second, 620. He is not a watchmaker, but his wife's name is Marilyn.
 Mar 2014 Ink
Sub Rosa
 Mar 2014 Ink
Sub Rosa
Your voice touched me more
than your lips ever could.
 Mar 2014 Ink
BB Tyler
 Mar 2014 Ink
BB Tyler
The best poems never make it to paper,
they burn up before they reach the page.
 Mar 2014 Ink
Harry J Baxter
You were trying to cover your footprints in the sand
and only ended up leaving more
a spiral of your perfectionism
look over there -
over the beach houses on stilts
and the fauna - scrap metal bushes and dry, lonely trees -
see how the sun’s kiss sets the sky on fire?
the water is licking our heels with an icy, arctic tongue
we could walk westwards until our silhouettes are vaporized
but the sand is relaxed and this beach is empty
the acoustic guitar is talking in its sleep
ADD children are doing backflips in the backyard

Night crashes and crashes and recedes into the horizon
we climbed atop one another with visions of lunar satisfaction
time slows down and each drop of condensation on the window
contains the secrets of this muggy southeastern air
the strangers are encroaching too thick to think
warped monstrous faces ripe with desire
we couldn’t answer the questions so we burned the test
tinder to our fire so we could ward off the predators for another night
but the ground is growing smaller day by day

Mr. Demon do not deviate from this round of double dutch
my shoelaces are tied together
and I am hopelessly drunk off of your ideas on romance
that mix of sunscreen, sweat, perfume, and your breath
as my fingers prune
we mistook the blinking jet engine for morse code from the stars
once the clouds part we will have an escape route
taking flight with the startled panic of street birds
the earth will shake, the seas boil over, and the clouds will applaud
with wings made of coat hangers, brown paper bags, and masking tape
we will arr through the sky
like fireworks
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