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160 · Nov 2018
Mother Nature's Wound
marc rios Nov 2018
Ice Age, Cold Days, Winter Time
there's this thing that dont change
we devour naure as we live for our benefits
we keep living and believing as if there's no consequences
where did love go?
when it is needed the most
where did inspiration go?
to our natures thomb?
many battles are celebrated and mourned
many pecies are filling the earths grave
many glasses are opened and made
but why cant we all take time to heal
our mother nature's wound
158 · Apr 2019
Are we really alone?
marc rios Apr 2019
With all the hundreds
of celestial objects in our galaxy
  billions of other galaxies in the universe,
do you still think
were alone in space?
147 · Aug 2022
Early Phase
marc rios Aug 2022
When our eyes meet
The world spoke in silence
145 · Sep 2022
marc rios Sep 2022
Some things never change
But you certainly did
143 · Aug 2022
Love Potion
marc rios Aug 2022
If my hand were to hold a love potion
I'd drink it myself
134 · Mar 2020
Paint me
marc rios Mar 2020
Paint me
Paint my pain
Paint it all away

Brush them all
And let this sorrow go away

Use them colors
Any kinds and brands you desire

Just paint me
Paint my pain
Paint and cover it all the way
126 · Dec 2021
Detaching strings
marc rios Dec 2021
What price did you have to pay
For your happiness?
121 · Oct 2021
marc rios Oct 2021
My silence comes with a thousand words
120 · Apr 2019
marc rios Apr 2019
An infant, you flew
Around years it bloomed
It dont seek to you
But with shred of water it falls

The sand who bloomed
Was turn into pieces
When its thoughts explore
The forbidden door it adventures

And now it understands
You flew to a nest
So little did it know
Some other crew exists
I made it deep because its very personal
120 · Jun 2021
Butterfly Effect
marc rios Jun 2021
like the butterfly effect
It's so easy to regret
I will never change
The way we left

Though I wish you never broke my heart
I don’t want a brand new start
I'm not me without my scars

- A band called "Before You Exit"
Please take time to visit this band, you will never regret it. Their kinds of music are high quality yet so underrated.......
marc rios Mar 2022
I can feel it
This pain
This sorrow
This color of grey
Is tainting my innocence

This feeling is new
Perhaps it's what they all call
Heart Break?
114 · Apr 2019
A womens heart
marc rios Apr 2019
Is like a pearl
Precious yet can be dark and beauty
Filled with depth and mystery
111 · Jun 2019
marc rios Jun 2019
Some Are Born To Break
Some Are Born To Build
Some Are Born To Challenge
And Some Are Born To Support
But I Am Different
Because I Was
Born For
109 · Oct 2018
Tired of Holding
marc rios Oct 2018
Today I am bold
I'm not wearing PRIDE, EGO, and SELFISHNESS, but I am wearing and holding LIES
Lies that keeps a certain batch to stay together with love and friendship . Lies that makes me guilty of knowing it can hurt somebody's feeling. Lies that may soon rapture and burst that could explode someone's temper
I don't want to hold these lies which is why I try to fix things with my knowledge and observations. I need to keep and hold them until I can persuade both to realize what they're doing destroys something.

Days have passed with all the same aura and sides. But still I was, believing and staying positive about what I'm doing, until something hit me. The truth hit me hard! I just realized that i already knew the truth I was just denying and regreting it. Suddenly I felt tired, maybe I was tired of linking them but not getting any connections, or maybe I'm not just good enough in attaching.Maybe it's time to LET GO?
108 · Jul 2022
marc rios Jul 2022
Hurting is what makes me human
Loving is what makes it worth it
105 · Apr 2019
Where am i you said?
marc rios Apr 2019
Where am i you said?
I am only here standing in front of you
I am only here waiting for you

But why are you asking?
Are you broke?
Are you drunk?

Cause it would be a miracle
A miracle that is impossible to happen
But why would i believe didnt i say its impossible?

You only need me
When you want something from me
You only see me
When you are down and ignored
You only talk to me
When no one does to you

And most importantly
You only loved me
When you knew that
I am desperately willing to give you everything even if it destroys me

Im just a toy
A toy with specs of dust
For i am blurry to your sight
A toy that you play
When your bored and down
Just like a puppet
That you stringed
To use and control me
101 · Jun 2021
Bag of Emotion
marc rios Jun 2021
I like how my cheek still smiles
How my eyes stop rains
And how i act like i have the bravest heart

Just like the lil riding hood
Smiling stupidly
Failing faithfuly
Unkowingly walking to the slowest death
Caused by a poisoned mentality

Searching for
What i can be
Who i can become
And where i can fit
Is easier said than done

But until then
Ill just keep filling
Myself like a bag
Dumped with unresolved resolutions
100 · Oct 2021
Undying Pain?
marc rios Oct 2021
My heart has been dead
For quite some time
Im surprised, really
Because you still manage
To break and hurt me
My heart once wasn't beating
Now in pieces, scattering
1.3 "catastrophe"
100 · Jun 2020
One True King
marc rios Jun 2020
A true king in any world
Leads not by forcing others to bow before him
But by inspiring others to stand with him
99 · Nov 2018
What It Truly Destroys
marc rios Nov 2018
Destruction and Chaos
souls and constructions
but what it truly destroys
are the
of our
dying earth
our mother earth
from our doings
we need to save it
its our home and obligation
99 · Nov 2018
marc rios Nov 2018
Wake up
Eat again
I seriously need a life
This whole series of my whole existence
Is just a repetion of common daily stuff
(Am I alone?)
98 · Jul 2020
marc rios Jul 2020
When the oceans rise
And thunders roar

I will soar with you
Above the storm

Father you are king
Over the flood

I will be still
Know you are God
98 · Jun 2022
Loosing Battles
marc rios Jun 2022
Kept my pride at bay
To win your trust.
Im loosing dignity for you

Withdrawn my right
And questioning my worth.
Im loosing sanity for you

Attempted to reach for the stars
And thought outside of hundreds of boxes.
Im loosing quality time for my self because of you

I tried to gave you everything
And i recieved nothing but misery
Im loosing a lot of battles for you
But i am not further allowing myself to lose me

I am finally choosing to lose you.
97 · Nov 2021
Fiery Fade
marc rios Nov 2021
Sometimes you just can't help but feel
Like you've lost the will to live
96 · May 2020
Enchanted Love #4
marc rios May 2020
And so i searched
Through jungles and cave

I've traveled with creatures
Found treasure i dont need

Im scorching these lands
With madness im filled

Be threats or be dreadful
Im sure to do it all

With all these clues
Im close to you

I've heard all stories about that brute
A witch like him
Will face beheading
-Julio Garret
93 · Jun 2021
Pending Hope
marc rios Jun 2021
For a moment, I thought I could be happy

For a moment, I thought I could be free

But the pain of my past lingers

So i sat in the dark
Alone and hopeful

That tommorow is the day
A beggining of something beautiful
93 · Jun 2020
marc rios Jun 2020
There are things that i really want
That is out of reach
I've felt it too many times
Times where i got desperate
Many times that i learned
To be excited to those people who got what i wanted
Cause watching them experiencing it, just somewhat feels good
93 · Jun 2021
Living Legends
marc rios Jun 2021
If only trees can speak

It will gossip the untold

And unfold mysteries

For it sees the passing storm
And feels the calmest wind
It will become the greatest storyteller
That makes one wonder into the unlikely
Thoughts of the world
Folktales directly from the source
92 · Apr 2020
marc rios Apr 2020
i saw it and i watched it
the stars did it, the stars wrote it

the stars above wrote out destiny
the destiny of not having each other
90 · Sep 2020
marc rios Sep 2020
A true artist
Uses experience as it's greatest ink

Alongside with it's color of emotions
89 · May 2022
marc rios May 2022
I was your rose and you were mine
But we have grown thorns
Left with no other choice
But to free one another
From endless pain
And sorrow
87 · Oct 2021
Death's Fingertips
marc rios Oct 2021
The Only Time
Someone Will Truly Hold Me
Is When Im On The Edge Of Death
But Then Again, My Expectation
1.2 "Catastrophe"
87 · May 2020
Enchanted Love #1
marc rios May 2020
What is this enchantment
An enchanted Love

Try to break free
Of that undying Love

Horses and ruins
Im with my whole life

What is the potion
To stop those felt lies

Im no one
But still
Im the one who you loved

Ill try to save you
Even it'll cost my whole life

Princess Consuela
Just wait i will come

Here is Julio Garret,
Will free you
From that odd, brute man
86 · Jun 2020
Nursery love
marc rios Jun 2020
Twinkle twinkle little star
You're my wonder, yes you are
In our world you are afar
But in my heart is where you are

Im Jack, you're Jill went up the hill
Where i confessed my secret
Jack was down and he was sad
Cause jack, he got rejected

Humpty dumpty sat on a wall
Feeling all lonely, like jack in his fall
All of his trustees and all of his friends
Tried to help him but failed in the end

As Incy Wincy Spider
Climbed up the water spout
Down came the rain
And washed his effort out
Out came the sun
That dried out all his tears
The one who's heart is broken
Went down and cried again
86 · May 2020
Enchanted Love #2
marc rios May 2020
Free! Free! Free!
Free me from this sorcery!

A voice inside me
Is now all i can be

I was once free
Like a bird in a tree

Now i am caged
I can never go flee

Oh my Julio love
Someone got me

A beast in heart
Twice a beast from outside

I know in my heart we bind
Find me cause
I am trap in my own mind
85 · Apr 2019
marc rios Apr 2019
A little piece of advice
Dont pull the trigger
Before you shot someone
and its too late
85 · May 2020
85 · Jun 2022
Choosing Battles
marc rios Jun 2022
Fall if you are bound to fell
You cant always win
That's just life has always been
85 · May 2020
Enchanted Love #3
marc rios May 2020
I mix, i brew all potions there is
All kinds of death, and misery not bliss

I solve all complex
With drops, i flex

But all for you
A love potion can fix

The consuelas will pay
All of them will pay!

My vengeance will come
The time is nigh
-Thorax Lints
marc rios May 2020
....I could hold your hands
Hug you
Have conversations with you

....I could go out with you
Kiss you
Have amazing moments with you

....Those are the things we can do and
....I can thank the stars for it
82 · Jan 2022
Silhouetted world
marc rios Jan 2022
They said my blood is tainted
With the color of disgrace
They said my blood is magenta painted
I should never show my face

They say it with their mouth
Im poisoned
They show it with their faces
Im not accepted

They frown upon me
And i doubt myself everyday
What is this misery?
A question i hope answered someday
81 · May 2020
Blue Flames
marc rios May 2020
All red
All vengeance

All hatred
All misery

It keeps the flame
In color and character

But you stared
With your ocean eyes

Calming the beast inside me
Now's a new chapter

A red from blue
An anger from love
A blue flame, born from with-in
81 · May 2020
Black Water
marc rios May 2020
Drip drip drip
Falling into the glass's space
Filling up bodies with it's very strong taste
Washing everyone's physical state

Perhaps not only it

Could drain one's mental state
Forgetting problems all of a sudden
Is it's very fine effect

Feeling like all of things float
Numbing all the aches we loath
What a water like this exist

A kind that I'm forbidden to drink
80 · Apr 2020
marc rios Apr 2020
Have i ever written a message
With much doubts and erases?
Yes i have.
The feeling of thinking in advance
To what impacts it might give
Thoughts unwinded
In a midst of expressing something
Like writing one step forward with 2 steps backward
Fearing every verses
Clearing every noise
Just to concentrate
In making the right note
And right tone
To impress
To express
To channel
Every thoughts that you thought reached perfection
In the end
You composed
The imperfectly message
After a hundred and 3 scratches
80 · Mar 2019
Uncomfortable Things
marc rios Mar 2019
We're friends back then
Up to now
But now, its different
We raise our cheeks
With uncomfortable smiles

We're so happy back then
Not so now
For now its different
We are separately happy
And uncomfortably ******

We're amazing together
Thats back then
You change a little bit
Oh wait its not a bit
Because you are now uncomfortably ****

Even this poem
Its affected to you
Very uncomfortable
To write and to read
79 · Apr 2020
marc rios Apr 2020
I had a dream
It could have been a nightmare
To anyone who might care
78 · Apr 2020
a decision of a lifetime
marc rios Apr 2020
a dark deadly poison
created by desperation
fooled by the minds illusions
caused by the greatest delusions
anger once peace
filled with blood
and catastrophic events
a brute, once a man
paid the debt of a life time
the heart once whole
now buried together with it's pieces
those pieces were seeds
of a man's becoming
watered by every teardrops
caused by his one and only sadness
a decision who he thought could repair
an action out of despair
in the end it was a mistake of an unforgiving consequences
once a blind, now wide awake
and all he can see are regrets of tommorow
78 · Apr 2020
marc rios Apr 2020
Im out of ink
Im out of battery
And i cannot write one poetry
Atleast after this

Twas my last color of hope
Twas my last energy of will
One can say recharge
One can say reprint

But what is passion
Without the captain's certainty
What is passion
When one gives up about its own

marc rios Jun 2020
I lost you
And finding you
Is like getting back to all i suffered
But in the end
I found something

And Somehow that was all i ever wanted.
It was everything
76 · Apr 2020
marc rios Apr 2020
Passed through creeks
Journeyed the mountains
Conguered the heights
Found me a star
Where ever the destination
Will always be homeward bound
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