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Her eyes were red,
They showed her pain
It was obvious,
That she was crying again.

Her voice, just a whisper
Insignificant as dust
She's searching for someone
Someone to trust

She smiled and laughed
While her eyes remained empty
Strange that a smile
Can hide things so deadly

Her wrists show no scars
But her soul, tampered and broken
Their words were like weapons
Invisible when spoken

Her eyes were red,
They showed her pain
It was obvious,
That she was crying again...
 Apr 2013 india
 Apr 2013 india
And I guess we've all just hit a new low.
Rock bottom ain't as deep as it goes.
 Apr 2013 india
Alice Kay
You're the only one

preventing this fantasy

to becoming a reality.
You know those people that always ruin everything?
 Apr 2013 india
Nick Moore
You seek to depress us,
I know no reason why?
Most of what you say is a lie

Looking through your windows
So many there to choose
I get the feeling, everyone we loose

You can be so seductive
I've had a fling or two
Now I think, I'm finally over you.
 Apr 2013 india
Katlyn Orthman
Inside of this dark place
There's no room, no space
I live alone awaiting tomorrow
Alone with my sorrow

Beside these walls I am caged
There's spilt ink on my life's blank page
The tears burn as they sear my cheeks
Why does pain only feed on the weak?

The ashes of my burnt heart lay on the floor
My heart will beat nevermore
The empty inside I feel
A pain that becomes so real

Overtaking my bones they stage my smile
I remain its puppet for a while
I am trapped inside crying
I am alone inside dying

The words on the page help ease the sting
Though the words won't change a thing
There's a hole where it's missing
So deep I feel nothing can fill

I rest captive between these walls
Break them down make them fall
Save your breath you won't breath long
As your thoughts are turned wrong

Madness in your eyes
And pain in your lies
You're so trapped
 Apr 2013 india
Katlyn Orthman
I think I'm addicted to you
I think I'm in love with you
So deep I'm drowning in it
But I don't mind...
 Apr 2013 india
 Apr 2013 india
We like to take care of skinny people
as if they were just passing through.

Like if we don't hold them tight, they'll disappear.

We put sweaters on them
bundle them up with words of concern.
We take them in.
We tuck them in.
It becomes an addiction
that runs both ways.

I fell in love with worried eyes
and pursed lips, the feeling
of ribs knocking into the yielding flesh
of a whole universe of mothers.

They do not leave.
They stay and take care of you
fortify you, nourish you,
bring the colour back.

Skinny, I can't let you go
because I don't know how
to just ask
for love.

Not from them,
and not from me.
I don't wanna grow up
I don't wanna die
keep me at age five
before the flood came
bring her back
take nothing away
ever, ever again.

Not strong enough to feed myself the inherent right for affection
and not brave enough to be strong.

And so that's why I chose you, Skinny.
My collar bones are my contingency plan.
If they disappear too, God help me-
because I got nothing.
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