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SwanMansWoMan Feb 2020
I don't know you, but you are special
Things you say, things you do
They are what make you, you
SwanMansWoMan Feb 2020
I house demons deep inside

They curse my every move
And haunt my dreams
They claim my happiness
And run me down
They tell me I am no good
And exude my confidence

These demons run my life
There is no cure
SwanMansWoMan Feb 2020
Sometimes I think all I do is word *****
Thoughts, feelings spread across a page
Occasional regret following them
It all makes me question my mental state

Sometimes I think I should stop writing
Communication, questions come to an end
Quieting my mind
But it still keeps coming, words falling out
SwanMansWoMan Feb 2020
I thought love would be different
I imagined it to be exciting and joyful
But it only brought me pain and sorrow
SwanMansWoMan Feb 2020
A part of me I'll never get back
The lack of ability to love again

Feelings are there
But nothing more

My heart ignores
The ability is gone

A part of me I'll never forget
The piece of my heart he didn't give back
SwanMansWoMan Feb 2020
Why does it always start out so strong?
I always wonder where I go wrong
The lack of words as days go on
Makes me think that I am done
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