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raised in georgia
so i like to talk to my neighbor
but out here no one wants to talk

so neither should i or so i thought

i forget where i come from
in fact i tend to minimalize it
like maybe i can walk it off

like something about it is weird or wrong

but i've been in the city for 7 years
and i still wanna talk
but i have more hands than friends

and wishes too quixotic to grant

so beg my pardon
i release the burden
of wanting to share this life or be loved for who i am

it was asking too much for you to understand
i don't cry anymore
missing you feels like being kicked in the stomach
every single part of this hurts
even though i guess its what i wanted

i dont regret protecting myself
or trying for as long as i did
i'm looking back now so unsure
and it distorts as i try to re-remember it

i'd like to say it's not the separation
but more about how you just packed up and left me
with not even a conversation or true warning
i still don't believe you'd just forget me

but as each new day passes
and you ignore my existence
i grow more accustomed to loneliness
coming to terms with it
it doesn't mean i don't miss you
even if i wish i didn't

to be just like you
surrounded and indignant
when you finally spoke up
you said you'd never need my forgiveness
i didn't want an apology
i just needed someone to listen

and from what i knew
i thought that could and would be you
but you won't see me anymore
i wasn't ready to leave yet
never met somebody like me
the rawness that you feel
it's not what you're used to
genuity seems so surreal
when you spend your life
inside of a simulation
of intimacy and understanding
to the point of derealization
you dont have conversations like this
actually you never have
validation and comprehension
not walking away feeling bad
like you just laid out all your guts
for absolutely no reason
but this time you put yourself on the block
and aren't walking away weakened
and that's all good for you
i can reach that deep anytime you need
but i'm realizing that while i can take you there
but you can't do that for me

(it's not your fault,
i've been trapped
here for a very long time)
I know you're out there
Waiting for me
I just don't know where
But I'll find you one day
I guarantee
I've wrote so many poems for you to read
Described the art I'm waiting to see
Hoping you wont make my heart bleed
I know you're out there.............

Waiting for me
i wonder
if i threw away my phone
and locked all my doors
would i finally be at peace

if i held it all in
and never spoke again
unless it was necessary
would there be solace for me

hard to know if it's a fantasy
or all that it would take
to escape from my realities
i'll keep it on the back burner and see

i'll try and do it the "recommended way"
and if it doesn't work
i'm doing it my way
it's not so wrong to want to be free

its easy to be so good at judging
when it's harder to understand
haven't been much inspired but yeah. i'm really considering all my options, and all i want to do is protect my peace.
if you ever wanted to reflect
i'm not the kind of mirror
you want to stare into for too long

your distortions dont work here
and that's why you're nowhere to be found
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