stuck on my mind
opening the box for the hundredth time
touching all the pretty
you left to me
when i told you you were perfect i meant it
even now i can't say
that you're not
do you believe in soul mates
cause that night when we were talking
bout the places we wanted to go
describing beautiful places
none as beautiful as you though
you were but a silhouette in the dark
and i knew i didn't need a place
just take me like a souvenir
tucked away in your suitcase
took off without warning
but i knew you were for me
if you could be anywhere right now
would you be with me
if money weren't an issue
what would stop you then
see the northern lights like you've wanted
or somewhere we've already been
anywhere with you
is the destination
i wish that we could love
somewhere other than my imagination
because even if you came back now
there still some healing needed
hate to lean on wishful thinking
but it's an easy way to not feel so ceded