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8.1k · Jun 2015
The heartbreaker
voyager Jun 2015
My ink flows
as tears roll down my cheek
When I write of that chick
dressed in as snow
the heartbreaker

I write of her tales
the  worst of whom she is
a pretender worst than a murderer
to me an angel she was in my point of view
hoping to have found my perfect match
Only to judge a book by its cover

In my nolstagic memory ,I recall
her beauty and hardwork she was
As time went by ,beauty and hardwork fades away.
Only to learn she's a fox amongst sheep

All that glitters is not gold
2.8k · Jun 2015
dot com
voyager Jun 2015
The rise of a new empire begins.

Worst of the known 'unrefined generation
full of pride and extortion
as the profecy comes to pass
worst of a generation beyond repair

the foundation is weak,
that it can't  peak
where are our seniors?
to civilize the juniors

one of a generation
moved by the masses of the electronic gadgets
poor at reasoning but perfect at the gadgets

long hours glued at them
principles and ethics vanished into the thin air,
games,social media,******* are the topic of the day

Give me a break,who's  the saviour of this rotten generation?
1.2k · Jul 2015
my mission
voyager Jul 2015
I want to embark on a quest
Thats is long to conquest
Just like a voyager on a mission
To fulfil his vision

I just want to go
Where no other chap has gone
Go miles and miles
And seek devine intervetion
From oldies for protection
To fight the cancer of CORRUPTION

I want to embark on a journey
To end lovers of money
Establish new regime

And the war begins
The common light skinned citizens versus the "big fish"
Living in extreme poverty
Hungry and thirsty

Uncompleted projects
Lie everywhere in the country
With promises to be kept
Yet the saying broken
Its a matter of tyranny of numbers

To put an end to this era
Unending decades of lies
Yet you abide to the ties?
Feels like drowned in mollasses
1.1k · Jul 2015
The Impersonator
voyager Jul 2015
I can see it in your eyes
they speak of you
They glisten bright in the dark
and you shadow speak the loudest
to eyes of many you are a heroine
in my view you are a loser

But what happens when we fall in love
caress and make love
Yet you extort yourself
you seem gentle like a dove
but a cheap stripper you are

Words spread like wild fire
all you claim am a liar
but truth always tear heart into pieces
1.0k · Aug 2017
voyager Aug 2017
I find solitude by the shores
The cool summer has just arrived
By the watch of seagulls swaying side to side
Diving like the scuba
Is the rhythm by the show and the rising tides

Deeply in thoughts in my dreamland
Nolstagic memories with captain hook
In a world of captivating ideologies,neverland
Life in a matter of numbers and dominance, says hook

Size isn't the limitation but the solomonic wisdom
Based on the agenda stratification
Peter pan thrills my dreamland  
Giving hope and purpose to the affiliates

Leaving my dreamland with an option
790 · Aug 2015
*Echoes of doom*
voyager Aug 2015
I can smell the rains
dark skys can tell too
to cease and ease the pain
and count on the coming gains

the swaying of the trees could be seen
cool tones of droplets settled on my skin
seated under my usual tree

I hear the chirping of birds next to their nest
I noticed the dancing of the calves and lambs
my mind on the coming treasure
to end these echos of doom

echos of doom

worst of a season
dry streams dusty field and clear skys
will be a thing of the past
should I judge a book by its cover?/

I countlessly count on the rewards of rain
the seasons will be as usual as my conscience tell me
sooner than later the echos of doom appear again
no rains,no gain but more pain
I shouldn't  have counted my chicks before being hatched

echos of doom are at it again
704 · Aug 2015
it's sad
voyager Aug 2015
It is sad
a heart of a lad
dug into trenches and furrows
a heart on the tilt
to drain all the silt in the pacific ocean
to end the future mensch
to be long forgotten of their existence
rich in hidden treasures

It is sad
among the best lad
bestowed arrow and bow not
the young of a generation cut off
weak and feeble to their feet
no tutor to guide the "flock"
a promising zealous

Who's  the saviour
Of the weak and feeble generation?*
nobody knows,only time will tell
630 · Jun 2015
Here I am
voyager Jun 2015
Here I am

held like a feather by arm
Wrapped warmly like a fragile treasure
from the raging storm of winds,I take refuge
Here I tell my tales

Here I am

warmth to understand what future holds
tied  in several folds
in this unpredictable future
full of war and hostility,I take refuge in solace

Here I am

a "boss" on his or her sofa
crying for my providence
that is evident

Here I am

watching at the fellow being"my mum"
playing with me as if we are equals,just to make me entertained

Here I am

after years of  "crossing  mountains and valleys"
a mature man now
on his two providing for himself
after decades of hardship and mothers love,
moral in me instilled for the "betterment" of the next generation

Thanks Mother....
Notes (optional)
570 · Jun 2015
voyager Jun 2015
Alas! where did humanity go
justice ,is what we call for
perhaps the government should hear this
intervene and act upon this
But my cry falls on deaf year

Fathers have turned to their daughters
Mothers like their partners to their sons
**** day in day out.

is this humanity or *******???

the globe is changing as it were said,
the end is coming,the rise of evil will o'ercome
the good

men to men
women to women
slaughtering fellow humans  like goats
surely is this humanity???//
548 · Jun 2015
voyager Jun 2015
Alas! where did humanity go
justice ,is what we call for
perhaps the government should hear this
intervene and act upon this
But my cry falls on deaf year

Fathers have turned to their daughters
Mothers like their partners to their sons
**** day in day out.

is this humanity or *******???

the globe is changing as it were said,
the end is coming,the rise of evil will o'ercome
the good

men to men
women to women
slaughtering fellow humans  like goats
surely is this humanity???//
512 · Sep 2015
Letter to son
voyager Sep 2015
Dear son

you are so eager to come to planet earth
but this is too dangerous for you to survive
lots of war ,deaths ,hatred and blood shedding
all because of few pounds

dear son

I know you will fight to come to the planet
but I wish I could stop you young one
from coming to the cruelity of nature
but you have to cope with it for sure

dear son

I know you are too young to understand
bur the cruelity of life you have to withstand
fight like a worrior and be  honoured like a soldier
I have seen many but courage is the only key to success

dear son

my clothes are in pieces
they talk for themselves
the tales I have been through
the road has been coarse and tough
but be strong like a soldier

dear son

the seasons have changed      
without anything we managed
seasons comouflaged

dear son
my body is less immune
I lost my body parts as a result  of local brew
I know you are a toddler its hard to understand
you will learn by your own mistakes
and understand of what am talking about son
455 · Jul 2017
voyager Jul 2017
Part of persons character
that has a genetic origin

Engulfed in the chromosomes
What defines us
What classifies
What makes us differs

Hey son,did you see back there
Six ,you dribbled past these opponents and the stadium was in uproar
Like an antelope running from predator
And 2 goals by half time
Your thrilling moves and moonwalking dance
In celebration
Your DNA match your grandfather, he was a legend in his time

"Hic hic"poor daughter of mine
Hiccups of cheap liquor ,lazy waek body
Puffing,stripping and cracking
You are a shame
You have become a shareholder of rehabs
The DNA of your mother still thrive
She went to another life
just because she couldn't survive

Mike  " Mic"
The drum beats for the rhythm
The violin takes over to rhyme
Mike for the mic sings a popular local song
That the audience sing along
"Even his daddy was like him,I liked his "DNA don"song!" Paul his father's friend exclaims
403 · Jul 2017
wild thoughts
voyager Jul 2017
I shouldn't face the wrath
Should I apologise,
For null offence
Whom am I
Should I beg for pardon
Am not a human by ***?

Captives of our own identity
By the rules of land  we abide
And cling to the terms
We slither in servitude
Yet we hail our master

By the book we're hooked
We try to stampede for a coup for deliverance
But still I need an assurance
To revive our significance
By hook or crook
Its a wild mammoth thought

Moaning,thatching,fetching, ranching,soothing is our role
Still we'll still like steel on steel
387 · Jul 2017
The high road
voyager Jul 2017
Penitentiary filled with blacks
Crooks on cracks
Pills,needles taped with ducts
Life on smack
Blood shot eyes running nose and popping eyes
Cracking lips with oozing blood and saliva
The levitation is concise
But my terms long to cease

A fallacious adrenaline running through my veins
Dragging my pale heart to fuse
Forever taunting my sanity
Enticing into sober of things

The fade of my chastity
Caged my conscience from creativity
Confined in a penitentiary ****** ward
Under guard blabbering alien words
Drugged from hostility for my feeble mobility

Beyond the walls laid hope
Only if my term cease or hop
And my savager enveloped and mailed away
Degenerating the ethical morals
A stitch in time could have saved nine
386 · Jul 2017
voyager Jul 2017
A list of my problems
Sung like an anthem
Your the least to my miseries
Like the fine black berries or red cherries
Succulent and mouth watering
The tales to my secret survivor
Your kind and good behavior
Outnumbered your hypocrisy
By all my strengths still would stretch
All you wanted was to fetch, and leave me for clutches
Those crocodile tears are the least, least to my problems
It’s too late for the reconciliation
Just like you left a ‘fool ‘for humiliation
I was the least to your excuses and my downfalls,
Overshadowing the good deeds, take heed
You're the least to my rise and anxieties, the least to my problems
356 · Jul 2017
I'll try
voyager Jul 2017
Sometimes I feel like I can run
Run miles away from reality by my shadow still follows
But my heart beats fast like a drum
Wishing the memories of you would burn down to ashes
Only to creep back minute after minute, hour after hour
Of those crazy days we had sleepless nights chatting
Trying to sleep but all was in vain
Highlighting the feelings we had for each other

But all is a chronicle
I guess I lost everything for nothing
It feels awful by this feeling
A feeling that silences the beauty of the past and revives the present
Tattering the hopes and only crushing me to the ground
Weak and feeble, left for the vultures to devour
But still the resonant words of you still whisper to my ears like a passing wind

I try to come into existence with reality,you're gone
But it's as hard as cracking a nut
Trying to flee my convicted mind
Trying to create a new world deemed feet for me
The sky's blue,I can't hold on ,but I'll try
332 · Jun 2016
lifes an Ocean
voyager Jun 2016
A man seated on a chair sees the furthest than a boy on a tree
284 · Oct 2017
A poet thoughts
voyager Oct 2017
I drift off but can't fall of
Broken heart and an empty soul
As I digest the wise old profound poetry
Feed to the hopeless and cold  at heart
That we dwell in an absurd global village

Coined thoughts to lure the weak
******* them to the last pint

Literature and poetry are my algorithms
Trying to yield a difficult sum for the slums
Everyone for himself but a poet for everyone
Trying to create a conducive ecosystem
The hiatus is narrowed  between the rich and the peasants

The poetry trumpet is slowly dying away
But still giving the essence of necessity
Poetry is life,poetry is love
Long live poetry
266 · Jul 2017
I'll try
voyager Jul 2017
Sometimes I feel like I can run
Run miles away from reality by my shadow still follows
But my heart beats fast like a drum
Wishing the memories of you would burn down to ashes
Only to creep back minute after minute, hour after hour
Of those crazy days we had sleepless nights chatting
Trying to sleep but all was in vain
Highlighting the feelings we had for each other

But all is a chronicle
I guess I lost everything for nothing
It feels awful by this feeling
A feeling that silences the beauty of the past and revives the present
Tattering the hopes and only crushing me to the ground
Weak and feeble, left for the vultures to devour
But still the resonant words of you still whisper to my ears like a passing wind

I try to come into existence with reality,you're gone
But it's as hard as cracking a nut
Trying to flee my convicted mind
Trying to create a new world deemed feet for me
The sky's blue,I can't hold on ,but I'll try
249 · Oct 2017
just a dream
voyager Oct 2017
I was thinking  'bout her
Thinking bout me,thinking bout us
What we would have been
When I hit down,that road
Knowing she ain't coming back
I opened my eyes just a dream

Nobody knows,if she's coming back
Cause my love wasn't enough for her
Didn't give her all my love
I guess I got my payback
I open my eyes was a real dream

I wish I could have put a ring on it
Cause she meant much in my life
My shawty and been my wife
I was at the pinnacle now at the basement
I should have thought twice
Never gone against my baibe

Am knowing that ,by now
she got a replacement
Whenever I take a turn
When I hit the road,I think about her
Wishing she you have been next  by me

Collapsing life is all am left with,
Trying to fix my debris

#to whom it may concern
215 · Jul 2017
voyager Jul 2017
I wondered
What if the blame fell on me
stretched on my hammock
Feeling the despair of the fading dawn
and the striking of the sun rays on thy sagging skin
a sky encaged by darkness

Wheeling the blame as I mourn
the loss of my heart was a blow
reminiscing on the nights you moaned
the feeling of love and ecstasy reborn

A potent heart
Confined to her social being
Glittering it's tales
Which laid her oddity
Blue iced eyes

As Days screamed into years
a once exuberant face dimmed into darkness
Nostalgia of those withering days
ailing into a feeble poet

— The End —