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im burning out on our fire sails
hard-bordered waves and pencil wasted oceans
how funny it would be to be a star
millions apart but still in sight

ill grow and peak and die
caught in your eye
shot and seemingly existing forever
ill tell you its been 43 minutes
and not much has changed

keep your boat at bay in the middle of the lake
i hoped youd build that
literal on-the-water home
just to look me in the eyes
every night
Where evil lives, goodness thrives
If there’s no dead, there’s none alive
Angels come because demons ****
Peace exists because blood was spilled
If there’s no hate, then there’s no love
If there’s no hell, there’s no heaven above
The same pattern seen repeated here
Do you get it yet? It’s all so clear
That if there’s no you, then there’s no me
So stay, don’t go, for this I plea
Take one step, and I’ll be no more –
Don’t come back, you were so sure
And don’t regret, cause you chose this
You’re not someone I’m going to miss
Oh, that’s a lie, but I don’t care
It was just a silly love affair
But if there’s no pain, then there’s no gain
I’ve walked all year through the pouring rain
Finally now, I see the sun
Back then I lost, but now I’ve won
does it make you uncomfortable that i want to be in love with you?

im dying to read everything inside you
not highlighting the standouts
or ripping even-numbered pages
im living to know everything about you

youre the only prescription not in an orange bottle
over a sterile counter for me
no, youre white, not lab coat
white lily, lily-eyed, eye-height
hand fumbling hard in hand
sweet tea, sweet you, bitter me

ill take trains to see you
week after week
with coffee grind hair
and empty stomach fever
just for a small smile
and short arm brush

does it make you want to be in love with me that im uncomfortable?
Yeah you.


Run fast.
As fast as you can.

Don't look behind you.

Things are chasing you.

Your darkest shadows,
Your scariest nightmares,
Your red-est fears and gray-est wishes

And those are the worst, aren't they, brother?

Those terrible, preying fears that chew like Violet Beauregard, those so-close fantasies and dreams that you know deep in your toes will never happen, are the worst, am I right, sister?

Can I get an amen?

Wrong answer.

Those aren't the worst.
Oh no.

There's something else after you.
Something so purple it's black-
But not quite- it hovers on the edge of twilight and THAT is the worst of all.

You see, my friends.

I am chasing you.

I've got a soul even demons avoid.
The boogeyman hides in his closet when
I'm in bed.
If I bite a vampire, they don't turn into me,
they just die.
I eat werewolves for breakfast,
dragons for lunch,
and the devil for dinner.

So run.
Run fast.
As fast as you can.
Because I will eat you alive.

I am strong.
I am mighty.
I am cunning.
I am fearless.

At least, that's what I tell myself.
 Jan 2014 Holly O'Brien
 Jan 2014 Holly O'Brien
The queen
never lets the walls of her castle
keep her away from His beauty.
She catches the sunrise,
letting the rays
bring warmth about her skin.
She takes off her slippers,
she takes off her jewels.
Barefoot, she approaches the shore.
to the sound of roaring waves,
letting the water meet her feet.
Laying in cool, green grass.
Inhaling positivity,
exhaling negativity.
She whispers,
"I am free."
Follow me on Twitter: @the_monAlicia
(There is no audio for this poem.)
You've heard me, scornful, harsh, and discontented,
Mocking and loathing War: you've asked me why
Of my old, silly sweetness I've repented--
My ecstasies changed to an ugly cry.

You are aware that once I sought the Grail,
Riding in armour bright, serene and strong;
And it was told that through my infant wail
There rose immortal semblances of song.

But now I've said good-bye to Galahad,
And am no more the knight of dreams and show:
For lust and senseless hatred make me glad,
And my killed friends are with me where I go.
Wound for red wound I burn to smite their wrongs;
And there is absolution in my song
I don't feel like myself
I can't decide whether I have changed
Or everything around me has
I don't believe that it could be both

I feel my heart beating against my chest
My body trembles, terrified from the demons running wild in my head
My eyes are crying but i feel nothing at all
No breath enters my lungs
And I cling to the wall

I don't feel like myself
And to be honest
I haven't for awhile
Savannah Charlish ©
He just wants to be friends.
I'm okay.
       I'm okay.
             I'm okay.
You're never enough.*
I'm okay.
       I'm okay.
            I'm okay.
Look at how broken you are.
I'm okay.
      I'm okay.
           I'm okay.
Stupid girl. Your dreams are too big.
I'm okay.
      I'm okay.
           I'm okay.
Silly girl, you can't hold your tears in forever.
I'm okay.
       I'm okay.
            I'm okay.
No one loves you.
I'm okay.
       Ill pull myself together.
                              I'm always okay.
Savannah Charlish ©

— The End —