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Life isn’t fair they say
When you’re unable to go to a party
Or to a dance
Or on a spring break vacation

Life isn’t fair they say
When you can’t take the car
Or visit your friend
Or see a band live

Life isn’t fair they say
When a girl asks why she only got one present
And her friend got two

Life isn’t fair
Is not what they say
When a boy buys drugs one day
And is found unmoving the next

They do not say
Life isn’t fair
When his mother stains your shirt with tears
And breathes uneven breaths
In your ear
And whispers tearfully that
He loved you all so much

They do not say
Life isn’t fair
To a mother
Desperately clinging to her daughter’s coffin
With hot, angry tears rolling down her face
Screaming for her baby to come back

Because although life may not be fair
Life is living
And death is not a materialistic item
In which fairness is associated

Death comes to all
But when it comes to one too soon
They simply do not say
Life isn’t fair
for my friend mike

— The End —