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The Unspoken
Nairobi- Kenya    ...till My Happily Ever After Arrives.
F    lost.
Connecticut    Imagination; where stories are born and bred.
Joshua Haines
26/M/Father, Husband, Writer    Wear a mask.
Riley Ayres
21    "I am as they say, an answer without a question" - Erebus Victor
Alvira Perdita
20/F/South Africa    i am nobody. i aspire to be somebody.
Millie Conway
The Wanderer has found a home.
Nanna Harrow Haley Y
NoplacewhereIbelong    What's it like inside your mind? What's your story? :) Sorry I haven't written for a while. ^-^
CJ Hattingh
South Africa    The world's tragedy is server at my feast...
Taya Nata
Daydreams    "The sadness will last forever."

— The End —