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6.9k · Nov 2013
Himal Nov 2013
Hand in hand, we will stand together now,
They thought that we wouldn’t make it this far,
They were right; we should’ve stood down, but how?
Fought for our brotherhood, it’s what we are,
We go down; we go down with each other,
Down to battle on the field to the war
Work hard and play ******* the earth mother
Other team look at us and gaze in awe
My true brothers, my friends will stand by me,
Betrayal is the path of a loser
I’ll take the last stand and you’ll never see,
Smooth on this land we are, battle cruiser
As we just fight over nothing but pride,
In the Earth is where we will soon reside.
2.3k · Mar 2014
Himal Mar 2014
Serving through stillness,
the water drips a thick red.
                  outlined with    c
Success with lack of reason,
loss of all hope.
Dueces & goodbye.

Plainly living without purpose.                               h         to contentment.
Desert dry with dripping sweat,                     a
finding yourself will lead you on the        p
2.2k · Nov 2013
Himal Nov 2013
Shiny shoes, black suit, red tie, red waist coat,
Wasn't ever enough for you? I try
Looking my best every day, take note,
Yet you still will choose him over me why?
You know, you two should not be together,
My disloyal brother, doesn't have a say,
They say young love never lasts forever,
Should’ve steered away, gone the other way,
My true brothers, my friends will stand by me,
Betrayal is the path of a rebel,
I’ll take the last stand and you’ll never see,
This face will skip away like a pebble,
I know that this conflict will end in war,
You’re like the others, just without a core.
1.7k · Dec 2013
Himal Dec 2013
How is that we take everything for granted
And we don't realize what we have until
We see others suffering or barely managing.
We believe that they have some sort of good-will.

Took a plain, train and automobile,
Aside the monuments, we walk the streets.
These people are destitute; hungry and lonely.
Sleeping on the concrete floor and ***** seats.

When we see the difference in our lives to their's
We how much we have in comparison to them.
They savor every piece of food and fresh water,
Why wait? It's our turn to be the supporting stem.

We walk, we cry, we sleep, we pry.
We wait, we see, we hear, we touch.
We sense, we pray, we love, we hate.
We teach, we learn, we strive, we watch.

What is the difference between them and me?
We are human. Our blood is red.

Where love exists, there's only positivity.
Just to see them smile when you give - is enough for now.
1.5k · Nov 2013
Himal Nov 2013
We delusional from the burn of heat,
Fields crowded with not-so different men,
Along comes the watchman, just takes a seat,
Whites uninviting make us sleep in dens,
We are unwelcome; go on with no fuss,
Dreaming of bright days, hope this is a phase,
Watchman watching, say bad people is us,
Wrong! Look for a bright future, much haze,
Before you know, we shall leave this rich place,
Poorly treated, frowned upon, discarded,
Won’t find us because we left with no trace,
Here we settle, you thought we’re not guarded,
We paid your fee, tried hard to work your way,
We left along with town, what can you say?
The Chinese on the Australian gold fields.
1.5k · Jan 2014
Kaun Ho Tum...
Himal Jan 2014
In the blink of an eye I wake up 7 years ago,
New York Times whisper by.
Where is my Sleeping Beauty?
She seems to have lost me now.

How long have we been together?
Why does it feel like I am now...
With you after so long?
In your arms....
After so long?

Miss...Kaun ** Tum?
Kaun ** Tum? is Who Are You? in Hindi :)
1.3k · Mar 2014
Frozen Lake
Himal Mar 2014
The thing wanted most,
Stands 20ft away in the middle of the frozen lake.
Yet I'll still run for it in hope the ice won't crack.
Am I inclined on this path?
The dime within the rugged exterior
Is too intriguing to resist.
The ice is thinning, every second is too late.
Unless I proceed slowly and stop at regular intervals.
It will stand stationary.
We have a decision. In the end we will make the right choice.
1.1k · Dec 2013
Himal Dec 2013
How can it be that whatever wrong we do,
You always forgive and find the silver-lining.
The things you do, we cannot repay,
So we spend our days just trying.

Possessor of unconditional love,
The world will bow down to you,
Out of respect and loyalty.
In a way, we're saying...we love you too

That smile of yours is infectious,
Somehow we can never stay mad.
I'll do what I can to make sure
No one will ever make you sad.

Keep smiling because the world will smile back at you,
You know that I only speak what is true.
Madame, you come from God in heaven,
Everything will start and end with you.
1.1k · Mar 2014
Himal Mar 2014
Endless and light,
Petite and bright.
Her eyes stun a gaze,
Thoughtless clouded haze.

Red-streaked brown hair,
Tripped and stumbled gasping for air.

Them eyes...oh them eyes...
Every time we are close,
I need to get closer.
Closer to your lips,
Closing the gap we need filled.
1.0k · Nov 2013
Torn Culture
Himal Nov 2013
We exist as a small colony but,
Were once thriving some time when we were lone,
Can’t take back what they've done, the door is shut,
I sit reminiscing about our home
Neither of us knew what we used to be,
Ancestor’s lives taken ‘long with our land,
Spirit there used to be we could once see,
My boomerang, spear out of our hand,
They replaced our life, stayed and took over,
Drowning our past life with wine and beer,
Too much spirit gone hard to stay sober,
Living life every day in cold dark fear,
In the cold of night we used to light fire,
The man apologized, is a liar.
995 · Feb 2014
Himal Feb 2014
When I grow, I stand tall.
When I jump, I feel small.
When I breathe I feel alone.
When I die, I'll feel home.

17 reasons to mark the date of your birth,
I'll find and find and be defined by your terms.
Take me with you when you go,
Commerce and Science.
Opposites attract.
I'll see her at university. :) #2moreyears
949 · Nov 2013
Himal Nov 2013
Is it known to anyone the weight I carry on my shoulders?
My success in achievements, hidden away in folders.

The people that surround me, missed the spark.
Can't handle the voices screaming in deepest dark.

I'll choose my own path towards the light.
Until that day I'll forever fight.

Time is precious it's gone so fast,
One day it'll come together at last.

Friends & Family happy I've succeeded in life,
But I feel the failure inside me, like a knife.

I'll send all my guilt and doubts on their way,
I'll leave this world with nothing left to say.
931 · Mar 2014
Himal Mar 2014
The love will flow like a river.
Unquestioned  halted by obstacles.
Let tears carry your joy and your pain.
Let the sweat expell it's jealousy.

One way or another,
It will flow either way.
889 · Feb 2014
Himal Feb 2014
No comforting hug can beat yours.
No branch of emotions can beat your stability.
No problem can subdue your determination.
No drum will beat louder than your success.
No one will beat you in the fight.
No heart beat can match with yours
Other than mine.
854 · Nov 2013
Himal Nov 2013
How is it you know nothing,
though you radiate suave.
An absolute perfectionist.
The Suit & Tie life is the aim.
Teach me your ways, Chief.
800 · Feb 2014
Himal Feb 2014
Some things happen
But I can't seem to figure.

                               When they left themselves,
                                        They disappeared like affection.

It's been 1 year, 4 months, 3 days since our regret.

                                                                 I'm alive but slowly dying.
                         What's the difference?
Do I yield in the pool which draws me in.

                                                                    Come back and stay.

Is it the same for you?
143. Did you see that?
766 · Nov 2013
Where do we go from here?
Himal Nov 2013
Like we swore, we'd never leave each other.

We hated when we fought but neither of us can be accepting of each other's apologies.

You're not the person I knew,

You've changed and therefore I have to adapt.

But how can I when I fell in love with the old you?

We both chose a path that would keep as just friends and nothing more.

As time went - the feelings drained the life out of our friendship.

Our values are now distinctly, different.

Where do we go from here?
759 · Jun 2014
Himal Jun 2014
When she looks it's all wow,
She makes it all good, don't know how.
Always want to be around her,
she cuddles like a winter-coat, soft white fur...
if there was one thing I'd say
it's that you shine and light up everyone's day
the greatest of the best
you'll imprint on people's chest.
you're already changing the world
cause you are changing us
cause you are one out of the many...
beautiful people...
I hope you read this you ;)
756 · Nov 2013
Purple Haze
Himal Nov 2013
What will it take for my words to be ever so true

Indeed it's hard, but that's your cue,

I couldn't be any more sincere,

For my words were ever so dear,

Will you accept my compliments and praise?

Or are your eyes clouded? Purple haze.
679 · Mar 2014
Himal Mar 2014
When I start,

                      It takes over
And I won't stop.
               Distractions arise but fading like my youth.
An ancient and unceasing system of connotations and intertwined liquid gold
                                     Wrapped in its endless possibilities,
                                        Willingly trapped in your mind.
     I find it relaxing and somewhat perfect.
Sometimes how I feel when I've got Single-pointed focus.

Is it the same for you?
676 · Mar 2014
Himal Mar 2014
Sunrise sets its rays on your golden face.

Lost in these covers grinning hysterically.

You're my Special Someone.

I wanna sleep and wake up I.Y.A.

Our eyes interlock an endless connection.

Every breath you breathe is my life.
For those that don't know, I.Y.A = In Your Arms :)

Have a splendid and meaningful day!

Take care
638 · Mar 2014
Young Scholar
Himal Mar 2014
Take care eldest sibling,
Intangible forces distant spaces within you,

young scholar
Don't work too hard,
Don't be put to shame.

May your mind be calm.
Stay and wait,
your time shall come.
Just something I whipped at my friend last night over Whatsapp!


Hope you find it somewhat interesting.
603 · Jan 2014
Ice on Fire
Himal Jan 2014
What is the deal,
Sore eyes you broke our seal.
Fallen chance fix it first.
Wanting me now, fiery thirst.

Heart eternally stone cold,
Forged in the depths of gold.
Ice on ice drip on rusty plate.
Fire on fire cleaned slate.

Fault the worst
Cry the best.
Ice on fire.
585 · Nov 2013
A tribute to my friends
Himal Nov 2013
The trees whistled in the wind
The birds sang, and I grinned
I was happy....I finally had a friend
A friend who liked me, a friend who loved me

I've never felt like this before
What it felt like, I wasn't sure
I always played alone at recess
Talking to people was much of a stress
During graduation I sat alone,
Shivering with loneliness down to my bone

Even though my parents paid them
The kids were grossed by my flem
Dripping and dropping,
It hardly looked like bling
Ching a Ching Ching

I wasn't weird, I wasn't cool
I was just a ****** fool
With a drool
Who went to a school
With a pool

So thank you all
For this new ball
I'll never forget the summer I had friends
Please accept my friend request on Facebook
My friend ads on craigslist get no looks
578 · Dec 2013
Himal Dec 2013
You find the one that will stay with you forever

But just like anyone else - they can be gone tomorrow

The fear of the unknowing silently sneaks its dagger.
Live. Love. Breathe.
491 · Nov 2013
Himal Nov 2013
Broke up through the depths of earth anxious to,
See the illumination that gave me
wings that stirred whirlwinds in my heart for you.
You opened my heart and threw 'way the key.

Many know, that you mean a lot to me
Look in to your eyes, can't leave you alone,
me without you, was never meant to be.
Miss you, just thought you would like to have known.

How close we came, you are the only love
compared to Aphrodite. One last kiss,
I never stop for nothing, but above
all else, you're someone I'll forever miss.

So kind and clever, you hold me in line,
I'll give forever and not just all mine.
471 · Sep 2014
Himal Sep 2014
I hear them, soft and quiet
First is first, second is second.
Yet it calls, they call, them call
Whatever they are,
I know, they are what I want most.
It's the waves of your tide that drag me in.
And so they'll sing,
First is first, second is second.
460 · Jan 2014
Himal Jan 2014
Fail at first.
Learn and try again.
Succeed and thrive.
Love what you do,
You will never work another day.
Heard similar words from inspirational speakers :D
358 · Jan 2014
Himal Jan 2014
Woke in a start in the middle of the night.
There's something in the cold dark room.
A hidden creature.
I reach for my lamp and all I see is a face.
A face with endless black sockets where eyes are meant to be.
It lunges forward I throw my sheet over it and run.
Diving through the front door and into the night.
I run for the road not looking back.
Then it appears in front of me.
Next thing I knew...
I died that night.

— The End —