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  Sep 2014 Hiba Samad
Mirror Mirror on the wall
Who's the fairest of them all?
You're too fat
You're too tall
You're not the fairest of them all
Mirror Mirror on the wall
Who's the fairest of them all?
You're a geek
You're too dark
You're not the fairest of them all
Mirror Mirror on the wall
Why can't I be pretty like them all?
You're worthless
Not good enough
You can't be pretty like them all
Mirror Mirror on the wall
Why can't I be clean like them all?
You're a cutter
A stupid b*tch
You can't be clean like them all
Mirror Mirror on the wall
Is there a reason to stay at all?
You're family hates you
You have no friends
There is no reason to stay at all
Mirror Mirror on the wall
I'm a gonner watch me fall
You deserve it
You're life is gone
You're a gonner hope you fall
Mirror Mirror on the wall
Have you seen my girl at all?
I watched her crumble
I watched her fall
Your girl is gone
All because of the mirror on the wall
Sorry it's been awhile. Want me to see your work? Reposted something of mine? Use #magicath I can't believe I had to poems trending. Thankyou all for liking and commenting. Time and Speak are just the beginning. Like and comment!
Hiba Samad Aug 2014
They call it war of peace,
Yet the pebbles on the road shudder with violence,

They call it war of solutions,
Yet people are running out of options,

Less a neighbourhood everyday,
Less a family every hour,

The call it the war for second chances,
Yet the brushes of bruises never dissapear,

They call it a war of retribution,
Yet this is nothing but false accusation,

They call it a war of victory,
Yet time is drowning in misery,

They call it war of overcoming fears,
Yet dread thickens our atmosphere;
nightmare, now inevitable future,

They call it a war for another sunrise,
Yet the blood on lillies  seems to thicken,

They call it a war of success,
Oh please; tell that to the oppressed
Its been around a month. Whats happening in Gaza needs to stop. Innocent kid's throats being ripped out by Israeli soldiers? **** considered as war tactic?
Hiba Samad Aug 2014
I was never yours,
Or so you said,

You always held me,
But at an arms length,

You took me to my favourite place,
But let me be nothing more than a stranger,

You were always there for me,
Physically yes, deaf ear and all,

You laughed at my jokes,
But counted down minutes for it to end,

A threat of abdoning,here and there
After all i was never yours right?

I understand, it was my fault,
Ofcourse it was,

I existed,
the perfect explaination of all.
This one is'nt personal. A sad movie got to my head ;)
Hiba Samad Aug 2014
Im sorry I ask of so much,
This heart of mine needs too much,
Hungry that i am,
My desire burns with every swallow,
I need more, more than you can ever give,
More than u will ever know.
My need for irrelevent things highlight the minutes of my day,
Every second without them a pain,
What to do?,
You are incapable of satisfying thirst of my indigent heart.
Yet, still, you try, you angelic creature , Yet you still try
Why, oh, why do you attempt of completing my requests,
When you know I can make this your lifes quest?,
Why do you try when you know of the end,
When you know a thankyou would not be said?,
I love you, yet still I burn you,
I scorch you with my tongue,
Yet still  your heart's melodic love is sung.
Thankyou Lord for blessing me with wonderful beings,
Who forgive the poisonous snake in my mouth,
Which lashes out again and again,
until a wish of mine is fullfilled.
Hiba Samad Aug 2014
She still lay hunched over,
It had all happened in a blur,
She tried not to recall,
But it was all she could do about,
What happened was;
A nightmare, devastation.
Her innocence corrupted, like the gum on the road
Under her nose.
It was happening
She had just become another victim,
A possibilty she had never phantomed,
She listened to her heart's rythum,
She wished for it to stop,
She tried and tried,
To wipe her tears,
To muffle her sobs,
To get up and run,
But all she could do was,
To think what he had done.
Hiba Samad Aug 2014
All the flowers whose petals I have plucked,
If I only knew He never really truly loved,
To all the tyres I burned,
If I only knew they wouldn't change their minds ,
To all the trees I had cut down,
If I only knew my book wasn't to be published.

To all the mothers that cried because of me,
If I only held patience rather; when their Child bullied me,
To all my loved ones I say sorry,
If you only knew I could never change truly,
I'm sincerely sorry.

To all the teachers I spoke behind,
No, You were never that; of an ingenious mind,
To all those friends I lost, because of my losing temper,
If I only knew, you weren't as forgiving as my mother.

If only,
All the loss my body had to bear,
And the Childish trinkets my body had to fear,
How heedlessly and needlessly wasted, were my tears,
I knew,
I'm deeply sorry.

To all my guides who thought I aimed at nothing but the best,
If they only knew how afraid I was of my everyday life test,
I'm but sorry.

— The End —