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Henry Akeru Dec 2023
If there is ever a time  I can be free
Then that time should be now.
I wanna be a tree in the wild
Sorrounded solely by my redolence.
i wanna be like the night bat
Free to roam the ethreal essence.
I wanna drink like a sailor
And read every line like a geek.
Like a breathtaken borned butterfly,
I'll dance samba in  the zithering zephyr
I wanna be  free; free to be me!
Jumb of a cliff and bounce on the cotton clouds

But these are just wishes
For every time i am awake
I'm trapped within these stuccoed walls.
I really wanna be free .
They say get better dont get bitter.
I'm working on switching them letters
They say pain hurts and fear hates..
I say pain strenghtens and fear draws faith
When am free i will wash away every doubt
I will take my time..Maybe this time.
A note to myself.
Henry Akeru Dec 2023
Will i go into my Casket
with a stranded beam of light?
Will there be laid a Basket
Of fruits and assorted to ease my flight?

I wonder which expression to wear
A grin, a smile, a frown, or a Smirk
Maybe tight lips to aid the fear,
Of being abandoned in a world so dark.

Perhaps I should acquire a shovel
To burrow into the earth a grave?
Buy a tipper load of gravel;
Decorate the epitaph on which my name's engraved

I wish my remains be burned.
I dread being trapped in a box.
Dust we are so to the air we belong ...
Let my ashes be free to scatter eastward.

The true and pretended weeping
Of loved ones and those indifferent
Did nothing to ease my Passing
Smile and cheer let your energy not be Spent.

Check my Vault and you will find
Nothing but memories previously stored.
The sun shines on vanity; all the time be Kind
Love is Key. My floating ash smiles at you all.
Tribute to death. A compulsory phase for all mankind.
Henry Akeru Dec 2023
A mystery woven in threads unseen,
Stars above hint at a pattern keen.
Time dances, a chance so fine,
Yet fools attempt its intricate line.

Paradox veiled in a shroud of mist,
Secrets exist by nature's twist.
The fool, unafraid of the unknown,
Tries to grasp what can't be shown.

Through time's corridors they stray,
Chasing echoes of an elusive display.
Destiny, a riddle, a story untold,
Only fools seek its secrets bold.

In folly, a grace still finds its place,
Daring spirits in the fool's embrace.
For in the quest, though plans may shift,
Wisdom blooms in the sands adrift.

So let fools dream till the dawn,
On Destiny's nature, pondering on.
In the pursuit of the divine,
Only fools find treasures in Destiny's sign.
Henry Akeru Dec 2023
In the heart of the savannah, 'neath the African sky,
A tale unfolds of a life, a journey, oh, so high.
Beneath the baobab's shade, where stories are spun,
How will I depart when my time is done?

Will it be in the rhythm of the tribal drum,
Amidst the whispers of ancestors, hum by hum?
Beneath the acacia's branches, where lions roam free,
In nature's embrace, will my spirit find glee?

Shall I rest with the sunset, a fiery display,
As the horizon ignites, marking the end of the day?
In the dance of the rain, on the red-earthed ground,
Will my essence, like droplets, be joyously found?

Ancestors' whispers linger in the rustling leaves,
Tales of life and death, where the soul believes.
In the cradle of Africa, where spirits soar high,
I'll find my farewell in the African sky.
On a gloomy Night, A thought crossed my Mind; How will Die?
This is a fun Poem. I have decided to Live a life fraught with LOVE and ADVENTURE.
Henry Akeru Sep 2021
I don't know how it was
Or how it came to be.
All I know is now I'm drunk with life
And very full of rhymes.
Poetry is my Lunch and dinner.
The sunrise is light breakfast.
I remember being muted
By the loudness of thy charm.
maybe that was when I tripped
Due to the solid strength of feminine firmness.
Evident in the way you weighed your step.
I wish I could tell the exact time and place
Or maybe narrate a story on a slate...
A proper narrative with perfect imagery
To paint the spark you've brought herein.
But in all honesty, I can't.
I Just don't know-how.
Henry Akeru Sep 2021
The elegant breeze whistled like a blue flute.
Your floral gown; blue
Danced expertly to its broken blue tune.
Your smile was another color and blue.
From your hands grew a rose
A rose whose color i won't disclose.
This is a poem for Blue
So any color mentioned will be taboo.
Underneath the open covers of blue skies.
A serenade of blue butterflies scattered forth
when blue hearts joined in a bluish kiss.
Electric like the blue taste of mint mouthwash
A blue is like the shine of Sapphire and Topaz
The blue of Absence
When mean rain splash mercilessly on blue panes
And i lay helplessly ensconced in blue covers.
The provocative blue in Pinocchio Lies
Within the blue solace of gingers depths.
Henry Akeru Jun 2020
Sometimes I wonder;
Am i really awake sleeping
or just living this life in Dreams?
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