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 Oct 2013 heavy bored
LJ Chaplin
Tossing and turning beneath the covers,
My head filled with empty words,
Deafening silence,
An engine at full speed,
I watch the night pass,
Each second dragging its chains
Through the dark,
Not even the stars can shine their light
And I lay here,
Tears rolling down my face
Because I want them to be free,
To transform the darkness
Into the sunlight,
Watch as the sky bleeds orange sunlight,
A lilac haze,
And although the heavy weight of fatigue
Is pressing down on me,
I feel proud to say that I saw something beautiful,
**I saw the birth of another tomorrow.
My lips may not say

what your heart already heard
How often
have I wished
late night plane
Just a thought as another falling star touches down at the near by airport lol
She lives a quiet life,
she tiptoes around,
she whispers when she speaks,
she hardly ever makes a sound.

Although her words are quiet,
her mind is very loud.
She has so much to say,
but no one listens for soft sounds.

She's an invisible girl,
who doesn't want to stand out,
she just wants to be heard,
without having to shout.

Sometimes the loudest people,
aren't saying much at all.
Empty words and promises,
just leave their mouths and fall.

But whispered words fly high,
and catch peoples attention,
they're intriguing, so amazing,
but only when they listen.

So look outside the spotlight,
because often the real star,
isn't anyone on stage,
but the mind behind it all.
I’m afraid
I am
I’m afraid I’ll never stop feeling like this
Like I’m a bottomless hole
Filled with want and longing
 Mar 2013 heavy bored
One for strength
Two for smiles
Three, my heart
My Holy Trinity
worship, adore, flourish
For my three kids. They mean everything to me!
 Mar 2013 heavy bored
Warm water softly rinsed away all fragility

  a future, open, a fresh scent
       You were there when I awoke
             and I always remember

               the shades of light this world allows
                   only when we're together
(I'm sure you need to like someone a lot to write this about them.)
This is not goodbye
Dry your lovely brown eyes
That I find mine
So often locked in a stare
Though I'm aware
Of the dangers that lie ahead
Rest peacefully in your bed
Knowing somewhere out there in an ocean vast and blue
I'm riding out the storms, coming home to you
A love that's true
Know that even as the world around me burns
This is not goodbye, I will brave the fires and to you I will return...
I'm going away for awhile and I wanted to write one last time, this is all that came to mind. I wish you all the best thank you for your love.
 Mar 2013 heavy bored
 Mar 2013 heavy bored
Your lips
Were the first thing I noticed
Gently parted
Breathing in and out

Oh to be your words
Conceived within your mind
Born upon your lips


Your lips are ******* poetry.
"you should really try to get clean"
That's what they would say,
if they knew,
but they don't
I can't let them
something about being a "man"
infected me with stubborn pride
and one hell of a fall

I just can't be open
nobody ever tells you
how hard honesty can be
and the truth of it is
I should probably see somebody
because the days spent sober
are filled up with
inescapable, palpable, crushing boredom
and the nights are spent
hiding from my own thoughts
afraid to sleep because of what it may entail
so the days kinda bleed together
like kool aid and water
and for good measure
a lot of *****
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