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 Feb 2014 Calvero
Brought me
In blood and tears
You yourself but a child-
Into this world.
From a distance
You watched
As I grew.
First a whelp,
Now a wolf.
**** yourself
With every inhale
Of that odorless
And here I am
Watching you die....
Just as
You watched me grow
Not long ago....
I don't want to watch you die. But it is either this or die before you.
 Feb 2014 Calvero
Love is God,
Love is Cute,
Love is ****,
Love is Great,
Love is Divine,
Love is Superb,
Love is Selfless,
Love is Youthful,
Love is Beautiful,
Love is Complete.
Love is Everything Good.

Poem A/Z in series of alphabetically composed 26 poems. Do have a look.
My HP Poem #557
©Atul Kaushal
 Feb 2014 Calvero
 Feb 2014 Calvero
Without a lover who'd slash your heart
Or an impudent cut across your cheek by your step mother
Without the pain, without things to bother
Without the mosquito and the rat,
Without Malaria and plague to smother
You will be living in paradise
Dear friend, you just realized
This is Earth, the devil's prada.
 Feb 2014 Calvero
Daniel Vanatta
To whoever finds this letter,

Hollow bodies
Corpses filled with emptiness
Staring straight ahead, unblinking
Tattered clothes with bloodstains and other such pieces of... well, let's just call it Lunch... on them.
Unable to function beyond simple tasks such as:
Walking; Eating

This describes my family.
How on earth I am able to write this is beyond me!
I found this typewriter on a trip home from scavenging for any humans, (dead or alive), and, immediately excited for the memories it brought back, I picked it up, carried it home, set it down, and some part of my mind just.. clicked.
It felt right to place my bluish-green, rotting hands upon the smooth brass of the keys,
And what came next was a miracle.
Since I am unable to speak or learn any new information,
I have to type, and remember how it felt to live...
To assess, to process the things that I saw.

I had no clue that my death was so imminent!
I was asleep one night, curled up next to my older sister in our makeshift bunker, dreaming hopefully about salvation, when my jugular was ripped out of my neck.
It was so sudden that I barely felt it, and saw my (once love-filled, now cannibalistic) neighbor chewing away at the newly acquired piece of food.
Next thing I knew, I had this undying (literally) desire for human flesh.
Don't ask me why... I get sensitive about these things.

Annndd.. shortly after, I couldn't resist the urge to do the once thought of as disgusting deed of eating people... to the rest of my family.
Tragic, really.. If only I felt some remorse about it... but I can't feel at all!
Apparently my sense of humor is still intact.
I don't know what makes me so different than the others!
I wish things were normal again though, I miss the warmth of the summer sun on my skin, the crisp, cold mountain air, the birds singing their sweet songs of communication in the golden brown Acacia trees where I used to live, and the welcome sound of roosters crowing at dawn.

But you know what they say, "when in Rome..."
So I settle for waking up to the sound of crunching bones and cartilage as my family dines on their catch (which I can't help but indulge myself in also).
Dear friend, if I happen to eat various parts of your body, do forgive me...
It's only my nature!

              Edmund Reirston (formerly known as a living, breathing human being)
Warm Bodies <3
 Feb 2014 Calvero
 Feb 2014 Calvero
we are seven billion people
on this great big rock
and we are all alive
a more optimistic view on life i guess. life is amazing, i just forget sometimes
 Feb 2014 Calvero
I think I'm almost done with the game
comedowns are getting old
the high's not the same.

I need a break from
Benzoylmethylecgonine & Methylenedioxymethylamphetamine
******* & MDMA.

I've grown listless of balancing
Serotonin & Dopamine.

Maybe I'm growing up,
realizing it's time to get clean.

Peace, love, acceptance
& remember friends,
stay green.

written like a true stoner
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