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Healy Fallon Jul 2016
I'd rather get drunk from the poison ink water running down your cheeks,
          than push you down, feet first, into the ground beneath me, into that parallel eternity
about not being able to let go of the wrong person
Healy Fallon Jun 2016
Your pupils buzz like declining carnival lights, & your hands move like reluctance in high heels

Your phrases stumble out, knocking into that syntactical lamp post the keen call "tongue-tied".

Your shoe laces would make great ribbon pasta, with a touch of blood red sauce and olive oil tears.

Your cloudy curls hum with the activity of that misguided swarm the doctors call "agitated overthinking" .

Your arms hang long, draped with the golden moss of pubescence, weighed by the leaves & twigs that scrape the surface of logical revelation like harsh chalk.

Your voice, the uneven droplets from the faucet, wets the crevices of one's invisible compassion.

Your are the Princess of the Absurd, the red-coat orphan on a suburban, spray-painted Saturn.
Healy Fallon Jun 2016
Hippie #73,
she walks like the leopard in the savana of San Francisco, the blonde peacock on the jungle throne

Hippie #73,
a product but a voice, with wings and some uncut claws

Hippie #73,
A nymph and a marcher, with a paintbrush and a posterboard

Hippie #73,
originality is wavy like the rainbow sky, but the lights are bright in the raindrop's shadow
in the wide opens,
desolate indoors of my room,
so many curled books alone,
far away, unarmed from me,
suffering, still, as i do apart,
in the shut in air, i can barely
breathe, with hollowed lips,
in my room, wide opens.

pretty pictures i shot,
shrivel on the plastered wall,
simple gifts I took of you
and the sun penetrates
only in muddied drops,
like desert rains tear
from the mercy skies
on to wastelands of dust.

in throws i bury myself,
with pillows of clean suture,
for the pierced heart wounds
bleeding, patched like warring tartans
indoors, i die in a meadow, bedded,
my faint breath scented with yours,
blankets blink a wild printed field,
specks all, unopened flowers.
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