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 Apr 2014 Harriet Lucy
They say that a person's heart
is the same size as their fist
but when you said I love you it hit
harder than your hand ever did
and I may have two black eyes
but yours are the color of fresh cut grass
and your heart must beat faster
than a hummingbird's wings
because your fist moved like
the needle of a sewing machine on my skin
but I was the one stitching myself back up
and I am covered in bruises
shaped like the hand I used to hold
but they will never hurt as much as
the last time I felt your pulse
Wrote a similar poem a while ago, decided to come at it from a different angle.
Do you remember me?
I am fed up, strung on night
And closed in by time.
When I dine with dearest
Friends there is always a place
Set for you, there is always
A story, untold to them,
But not for strangers
Who know even without saying
What you never said to me.
My eyes are cracked dams
Above the flood plains,
My heart is dented brass,
Bent, out of gear and turns,
Mournful, dried, pocked
As rust, tarnished red,
If I look at the diamond moon
I am hooked.
When the flower brushes my calves
The lifting scent caresses, teases,
Rising with my memory of fire and stone.
If I travel to the balm Paris
Of the southern hemisphere
La Belle Époque is wearing your
Dress, the pampas fires and undulates
Like your hair, the Polaris star
Points at me, dreaming
Of you, dreaming,
My jewel, my,
Little moon.
 Jul 2012 Harriet Lucy
in a blanket of darkness
i feel your invisible movements
and wonder what it could be
the precise feeling that cannot
beget words to be spoken.

is it an ancient stir?
a millennium instinct
to keep and be kept?
Is it a mirror, or a staying
or becoming. I want to
describe to us both the moving
of the spheres and what you
what you had to do with it.

incomprehensive your proximity
and blindsided by a sacred instant
I hum psalm-like into your sleepy hair.

I turn to you half-conscious
I rest my ear on your chest
and listen to your entire life.

— The End —